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Ludwig Stuetzer | the Program FileBackUp saves whole directories with Files on a others drive in the same Verzeichnisstruktur How on the Quelllaufwerk. it watts but Specifically to that secure of Bilddateien written.
the secure of others Dateietypen is naturally too possible. The desired File Types in "Einstellungen" prompt or through manual Change/add in the "FileBackup.ini" >[Ext]>AllExtensions.
with the first Start is the "FileBackup.ini" not yet present, becomes but to the input in the Menu "Enstellungen" prepares.
it go in this Version the program only Files ensured The on the Quell-drive / Ordner with new Filenames prepares get and therefore on the Ziellaufwerk not yet present are. Geänderte Files with equal Filenames go on the Ziellaufwerk not überschrieben or. ensured. the was so beabsichtigt, can but in the Prog.-Source changed/zugefügt go, that too Files with equal names but older Datums, überschrieben go.
The Program-View source, The "addfiles.dll" and the "FileBackup.ini" (gepackt as ZIP ca 17KB) can, if desired, too so in others Forums übernommen go. important: The "addfiles.dll" must itself in the equal Programmordner How "FileBackup_V01.xprf" . or. the finished EXE, find.
the Program is sure not yet reif. therefore are konstruktive review, Improvements, Notes on Error/Bugs particularly erwünscht. prepares with XProfan10 and tested under Win98 , WinXP
my Thanks counts particularly David (iF) for DLL and Stefan quick for Farbauswahldialog and all others, The in the Forum me supported having. |
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