
File Splitter

the Program Although already some years old and in the age the CD-ROM- and DVD-Brenner not any more so integrally up-to-Date, I use But private still ongoing and entwickele it moreover:
the Program zerteilt discretionary large Files and distributed these (if to the would like) on disks. on the first floppy disk becomes additional one UPX-gepacktes windows Instalationsprogramm created, the The Files again zusammenfügt. The zusammengefügte File - if it itself for a Program deals - thereafter launched.
further Features:
-Drag and Drop capable
-Files on floppy disk with want delete
-floppy disk with want format
-LOG-File Erzeugung



Tolles part AH!

myself be of course sooner arj-User, but on Win-Base hats already what!

an thing is me noticed, your Installer position solid the Files already existieren,- well a previous installation one your Products. now, I empfand the as verwirrend,- ought to still your Installer teh folks Temps delete. to that trouble watts it eigendlich first, as i on no to all clicking, and itself the Install the before-installierten-Program opened.

On well german: Click on Install Splitter -> hardship to all -> altes-install-prog-started.
I had means with the 1. installation what other installs as expects.

To denne, iF

completely correctly....
whom Installer have I written, before I at all Internet things published have. then were my programs on CDs and disks. since about two years pack I The programs with the Freewareprogramm PowerArchivar in a selstentpackende EXE. Since I whom Installer not properly updated have (whom use I really for all my programs), stay Files in the temporären Ordner stand. i'll time consider, I there do can.

OK, the Installerproblem is eliminating. Vielen Thanks for Info, IF...
it'll now with the installation one zusätzlicher Ordner in the temporären directory the Rechners prepares. After the installation becomes the Hauptprogramm with designed Parameters launched. the Hauptprogramm deletes thereupon The Installationsdateien into wastebasket.

Yes very, so mach I it too.

Well, or so similar, To denne, iF

Zur Anwendung

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Frank Reibold11/25/22


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