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 Julian Schmidt | Hello Comunnity, I wished in Hinblick on the Ferienbeginn my schedule proposition again aufgreifen. moreover have I a couple ideas to the I gladly a couple opinions heard had.
to that a have I me consider a manner "Termin-Planer", "digitales Hausaufgabenbuch" to create. in this should Hausaufgaben, Appointments To Schulveranstaltungen, Klausuren, releases prepares and manages go can. everything what currently ansteht should one to importance sortiert, clear displayed get. furthermore should it possible his each entry as Done, Outstanding To Mark, where itself these after a designed terms self as Done Mark. so should then too one course come into being. with all Einträgen should moreover one Verweis on a File (about one Text-document) or a URL , and the leave behind one Kommentars possible his. Perhaps create so did i a Erinnerer the a about on Hausaufgaben reminds (Sound and\or Message). The Results the Klausuren should one ditto present can, where these for a mapped Notenschnittrechner, for sowohl the case as well as for the entire Zeugnis, uses go. One Search is probably then too yet drin.
then wished I yet einprogrammieren, that one To eachone individual Schulstunde Information How about space or teacher abspeichern can, which then by Tooltip or Ballontipp in the schedule called go can.
furthermore coming me the thought a Assistenten to create, which a with the facility the new, actually Schuljahr helps.
To guter Letzt another venture idea. an display How long The school yet lasts and How long one already in the school was.
i think that are enough ideas circa 3 weeks holiday To fill.  what hold your from the ideas. have your yet konkrete ideas, Proposals to the Program?
Julian57 |
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- Page 5 - |
 Julian Schmidt | that you whom Organizer not any more terminate konntest can I not understand. probably has the program in the Hauptschleife aufgehangen. what haste whom Klicked?
iF (23.02.12)
Hm one can somehow nothing correctly. by keyboard valet
what want You whom everything with the keyboard valet can? Delete functions by ENTF. add by STRG+n. Search by STRG+F. change into next tab by STRG+TAB. for what wish you another Tastenkombination? |
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 | one must still with the TAB-Button any Controls anwählen or.
the Progrmam too without mouse valet can. |
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 Julian Schmidt | gives it here example moreover or can you me quick an example together proggen? |
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 | I machs so: [...] 
How Windows-Dialogen To expect go these with Enter confirm -
and TAB can I between whom Controls dial and the SpaceBar whom Button activate -
but too with ALT+O can I whom Button activate and the dialog confirm.
Virtually one classic:

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 Julian Schmidt | the verify by Hotkey is Yes no trouble. though the change between whom individual Controls is because of the Vielzahl of different Controls (Buttons, Edits, Auswahlboxen, Check boxes, radio-Buttons....) right bulkily. I habs first uploaded with Default-Buttons, verify by Enter, old+O... |
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 Thomas Freier | with great Erwartung Downloaded, entpackt and launched. One Minifenster opens itself. sense the display erschließt itself well only Insidern. Vergrößert, but no Logo To see. Time the TAB-Button using and the Button are veschwunden. Datensatz new chosen: by me Anzeigenteile Black random The Button old erwischt and a new Datensatz becomes laid out. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 02/24/12 ▲ |
 Julian Schmidt | I Have time my middle-aged computer with WinXP aufgebaut and launched. the Program sees by me just as from How with you. i'll try it largely for WinXP To optimize.
Thomas suitor (24.02.12)
sense the display erschließt itself well only Insidern.
The sense the "News-Ansicht" lying therein, whom User largely To informieren what it yet To do has, and what in next Time ansteht. The Hausaufgaben and releases the next 5. Schultage go aufgelistet and displayed. Weitergehend go any Appointments and Klausuren to date sortiert aufgelistet. so to the User on a look any Information obtain can, around the Schulalltag To meistern. |
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 Thomas Freier |
i'll try it largely for WinXP To optimize.
The problem entschärfe I through Trennung
var c1%=CreateCheckBox(%hwnd,"New",10,40,100,22)
var c2%=CreateCheckBox(%hwnd,"",10,80,13,13)
while 1
with the mins. view find I The Solution at schedule rather. releases and Klausuren through one aussagekräftiges Icon kennzeichenen and then tageweise moreover flaking. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 02/24/12 ▲ |
 Julian Schmidt | Thomas suitor (24.02.12)
with the mins. view find I The Solution at schedule rather. releases and Klausuren through one aussagekräftiges Icon kennzeichenen and then tageweise moreover flaking.
but power one Hausaufgaben always on the last Drücker? I to that example try The Hausaufgaben always on whom day To manage, on whom I these on get. And if me the program always only The releases for tomorrow's day verrät, what about me otherwise weiterschalten should, would find I the too thick. one get finally daily not only Hausaufgaben for tomorrow's day, separate on The whole week zerstreut on. then power The display Tagweise still none sense!?
Program with Optimierungen for WinXP uploaded! [...] 
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 Thomas Freier | Wallpapers becomes displayed and with NEW good statement. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 02/24/12 ▲ |
 Julian Schmidt | Jup, thought me the it functions. yet any Bugs o.ä.? |
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- Page 6 - |
 Julian Schmidt | Kleineres Update with new copyright, Upatecheck-function and further Bugfixes.
i'll in the next Time well little Time for XProfan & and particularly this proposition find, there in Kürze my oral final ansteht, then come some works, Referate o.ä. and beginning May come already The schriftlichen Abschlussprüfungen. not wonder the, that proposition first on ice-cream lying. once I again More Time have, I will it again continue.  |
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