
KickOff - my Wetbewerbsbeitrag


Hello together,

here's now my Wettbewerbsbeitrag - The actually Version of my KickOff (previously Desktop-Starter called)

in the comparison to the first versions have I some done.


- 7 salvers with up to apiece 30 Startplätzen
- for each salver can a Backgroundcolor or one Wallpapers set go
- The cover the salvers can individually association go
- The Zeichensatz can individually tuned go
- against the first Version watts everything on tab-Controls umgestellt
- Original-Icons the programs go übernommen
- each Program/Startplatz can one Parameter zugeordnet go
- each Program/Startplatz can one Start List zugeordnet go
- the cover for each Startplatz can independent of Program chosen go.
- for each Program-Startplatz becomes a Statistik led.
- in the Statuszeile sees one actually values to Arbeitsspeicherauslastung
- optional can The Aufrufzahlen next to whom Icons showing
- there's only a INI-File in the any properties stored go
- for the vergesslichen there a deadline-Alarmfunktion
- KickOff recognize Mehrfachstarts and reports these.

- in the last momentum Have ichs yet geschafft a allererste Version the Helpfile fertigzustellen

OK - this is it first.

arbitrary directory create, zipper there unpack, ready!
KickOff.exe started


there are already some further functions in the background on the walk, but the go well first in a later Version activate/documents go.
planned are:
- Übernahme of left by drag&drop (is already drin but because of Problemen deaktiviert)
- communication by Speicherdatei between possible several Instanzen the program (is already drin but because of Problemen deaktiviert)
- completely free Gestaltbarkeit the salvers - like the Desktop - there exitiert yet only The idea and a schemenhafter outlining How the verwirklicht go could

512 kB
WIN XP home/Pro / XPROFAN 11 / P2CPP

Hello Karl-Heinz,

I have your Program time quick überflogen.

because Yes another Some days are up to that Wettbewerbsende on the 31.12.2008 circa 23.59 watch, here couple Notes for may part, The by no means angry meant are.

Copyrightzeichen in the Menüzeile + copyright + Program-Info -> always comes derselbe dialog - Why twice- and triple-gemoppelt?

at that Aufklappen one Dialogfensters ought to the Mainwindow disabled go (EnableWindow %HWnd,0). Anderenfalls clicking the inexperienced user (and these Zielgruppe might the Tool Yes well certainly his) in the Mainwindow The fingers sore and think certainly, the program had itself aufgehängt.

with keinem your Dialog-Window functions the Closing-X right supra. Why can You, the because then not same integrally lane?

d0& = Create(Dialog,%HWnd, ...
SetStyle d0&,GetStyle(d0&) - $80000

If I Kick-Off minimiere, I get the Program-Window never again To see, though it in the Startleiste and with old+tab displayed becomes. there helps only yet the fire with the task-manager. somewhere shining there in the Abfrageschleife yet what integrally beautiful To jam.

at that Setup-Window becomes of course the Menu displayed, still under the exhaust Help shows no einziger exhaust a reaction - though clickable. means at least The pair gray dye and not clickable make.

If I the Setup-Window aufrufe, then stutze I first time, where whom The tab any disappeared his could. One real tab-Control shining the means not to be.

Getestet have I with Windows XP-Home.


P.s.: Something like Ähnliches wished I of beginning my Lieblings-Krümel-Pauli as Programmier-proposition (small, but swell Programmverwaltung) unterjubeln. but How the now time in the real life so is: too otherwise industrious Krümel draw itself sometimes over weeks and months away with negativem ernsthaften Programming diligence from and having constantly new Programmier-ideas (-Flausen?) in the head, The tappt im dunkeln to whom first Gehversuchen again liegenlassen (How Programmverwaltung, Plüschi-windows, Krümel-FTP, Fußballspiel program, etc.). 
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Hello Dietmar

thanks for Test and the Verbesserungsvorschläge.

its the 31. means Have ichs yet timely geschafft, at least a couple Changes fertigzubekommen. The Help could I do not More Change. I Have there unfortunately another other dringendes proposition, the on the 4.1. at customers in Leipzig walk must........... promised is hold promised.

Dietmar horn

Copyrightzeichen in the Menüzeile + copyright + Program-Info -> always comes derselbe dialog - Why twice- and triple-gemoppelt?

at that Aufklappen one Dialogfensters ought to the Mainwindow disabled go (EnableWindow %HWnd,0). Anderenfalls clicking the inexperienced user (and these Zielgruppe might the Tool Yes well certainly his) in the Mainwindow The fingers sore and think certainly, the program had itself aufgehängt.

with keinem your Dialog-Window functions the Closing-X right supra. Why can You, the because then not same integrally lane?

If I Kick-Off minimiere, I get the Program-Window never again To see, though it in the Startleiste and with old+tab displayed becomes. there helps only yet the fire with the task-manager. somewhere shining there in the Abfrageschleife yet what integrally beautiful To jam.

at that Setup-Window becomes of course the Menu displayed, still under the exhaust Help shows no einziger exhaust a reaction - though clickable. means at least The pair gray dye and not clickable make.

If I the Setup-Window aufrufe, then stutze I first time, where whom The tab any disappeared his could. One real tab-Control shining the means not to be.

it given differences between copyright ind Programminfo. The Window see only similar from. The both Copyrigts (Menue and Headline) were but immediately - find so did i not disturbing.

the deaktivieren the Hauptfenstern during whom Dialogen Have I unterlassen. really wished I yet any Menueschleifen still in The Hauptschleife to assimilate, so that withal geöffneter dialogs one weiterrabeiten possible is. How so often has The Time not gereicht, too the still To testing and fehlerfrei To get. becomes means too first in V2 realized.

the close-Cross with whom Dialog-Window I had forgotten. now corresponds to it Cancel

KickOff minimize and on the Taskbar fall asleep was one integrally tückischer Windowstyle-Error. after a couple Klicks with right Button - restore and again linksklick on the entry is it over ands over again aufgegangen - sometimes first to 5 or 10 try. I Have many hours sought. be then on the Schluß The 36 verschiednen gespeicherten Quellcodeversionen stampeded, Have geschaut, ex when itself the Error shows and then The differences to that Vorgänger analysiert.

Help in the Setup goes now. was really too so arranged. white not, where there what from the row getanzt is.

its one real tab-Control. at that Setup have I but the others tab cache. Deaktivieren gives no optischen differences and there watts gemeckert: the thing depends itself on. now can You on NEN others tab weg. Gabs changes Setup, comes The question whether stored go should.

Übrigens: Kickoff is original less for inexperienced users konzipiert - sooner for rotten, experienced users, The on the desktop only very heavy Order hold can, because continuous time quick what moreover comes and because one To lazy is, the then again To delete.

eachone goes there differently dran. former I had on the desktop always windows-Ordner with the left drin, but on duration was neither so befriedigend. eachone of us operates hold differently and managed the potential chaos in its windows different point. my KickOff is for diejenigen virtual, The your chaos on my point into handle catch.

I Have hold now time the trouble, that I at the latest to 4 Monaten one new Notebook get, because the old zerdeppert, mechanical frayed, missing come, or otherwise unusable become is. for the Übergangszeit nehm I me then one other from the firm with. And then show the advantages of Kickoff for me: I transfer any my programs on disk D: and Kickoff finds The for me important things immediate again.

I Have yesterday so started a autoupdate in Kickoff To basteln. If one one Kickoff-Ini-File on a others computer transfers and there a couple Paths differently are, attempts the Autosetup any Paths To correct, complement and anzupassen. But this is another crowd work, therefore have I The Verwirklichung on The V2 moved.

518 kB
WIN XP home/Pro / XPROFAN 11 / P2CPP

Hello together,


today is a mistiger day.

because of one Accident Have I the Airman to Brazil verpaßt.
( No - by me nothing bad - no injury, no bag, only as witness from the police festgehalten -> grrrrrr )

Because our agency is not fast enough ne alternative create could, becomes my Trip now circa about 14 days moved. the means i'll Perhaps whom Karneval in Rio experience if tell me where the customer not To bad stresst!

OK - the frustration had to first time out.

now seat I again at home.

The Wartezeit Have I used circa my Kick-Off To complement. Yes and unfortunately is too there the Airman for competition already lane.

- The Help watts amended and supplemented.

- with Link take becomes now only yet the Program-name (without way and Extension) automatically
as cover registered)
(was multiple desired been)

- in the Setup can now determine, whether Kick-Off a semidetached- or Mehrfachstart anmeckert
or übergeht
(has me self genervt)

- in the Setup can now determine, whether Kick-Off The Klicks on The left counts or not.
(yet could If only the Suppress and the has one fan of
unlizensierten Programs not fallen)

- should but for all that testing yet Errors in the code his, go these now from the
ERRORPROC abgefangen and _Kick-Off_Error.log stored

- in the Menuepunkt Extras there now The function Icon-attitude-Verify. here go
any Icons examined, whether The left to the Programs (yet) validly are. too programs
over PATH and whom system-Verzeichnissen go controlled. cover-,
directory- and Parametereinträge without Programmeintrag go found. After
the check Gibts ne Auswertung and on wish GEHTS moreover to Korrektur.

yet having itself 17 users by me gemeldet. I'm totally surprised. either is the Dunkelziffer very, very lowly or it having itself verbreitungsmöglichkeiten and -ways yield, The I do not know. of principle have I Kick-Off for me self and a couple Kollegen and Friends gebastelt.

558 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: new version 1.1b outside the Wettbewerbs
WIN XP home/Pro / XPROFAN 11 / P2CPP

Zur Anwendung

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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