
Kidcap webcam rubbish


A small Tool, to preparation on earnest programs around The Webcam. Sozusagen a Fingerübung.

needs becomes a Webcam (or other Kamera, The by USB or TV/video-ticket betrieben becomes). otherwise simply Program started, Kartentreiber You can and then suitable filter select.
KidCap verzerrt and manipulating The Bildausgabe the Webcam in Echtzeit. particularly jolly The whole thing is, if several Personen present are...

plenty joke!

363 kB

I find yummy the You The data manipulating darstellst. The effects however are something floppy.

Fischauge, Farbverschiebung, brightness and contrast, Graustufen, Noise and Unzag should with drin his. particularly cool would it if to the Ausgabebild as Videodevice in others Applications select could - and if one The effects join could. One transparentes Image over The spending lay missing too.


Fischauge, Farbverschiebung, brightness and contrast, Graustufen, Noise and Unzag should with drin his.

the bid i.d.R. Yes The Kamerasteuerung of House from. Bemühe time whom Button Settings, there are such things wählbar, too in combination with the KidCap-effects.
me was it more about the speedy Spassfaktor. but naturally is the Tool dahingehend slight erweiterbar. Perhaps ought to I one PlugIn for provide?

particularly cool would it if to the Ausgabebild as Videodevice in others Applications select could

for these Umsetzung have I yet no idea.

would be naturally super if one pluginDLLs this building could, quasi a only function which from you Param as the membrane and the array of bytes The X-Ausmasse get.

To 2. have I no idea, but It's all right - there be I me sure because of splitcam. probably must one not even a driver this program...


would be naturally super if one pluginDLLs this building could, quasi a only function which from you Param as the membrane and the array of bytes The X-Ausmasse get.

The Ausmasse are always 320x240 Pixel. Have me for these right small dissolution decided, so too ältere cameras supported go. Therefore must the Speicherbereich 320 x 240 x 3 Bytes Farbinfos (RGB) per Pixel = 230400 Bytes total.
I could any Dlls the Folder in a Combo List and with appeal from it a function with names ModifyGfx Call, which as first and only Parameter WinXP? on the graphic data are.
If the desired becomes...

would be super! and here in the Thread can then any strange-Plugins uploaded go. The gavel would it if you hierbei release could the there may be several active plugins Reihenfolgenbestimmung. so could one z.B. too a Bewegungsdetektor behind a Kontrastverbesserer behind one Grünlichfilter chid which before too yet z.B. 360°-Images again correctly zusammenrechnet.


The gavel would it if you hierbei release could the there may be several active plugins Reihenfolgenbestimmung. so could one z.B. too a Bewegungsdetektor behind a Kontrastverbesserer behind one Grünlichfilter chid which before too yet z.B. 360°-Images again correctly zusammenrechnet.

then is But with the Echtzeit past.
this is still one joke-Tool, no professionelles Cam-Prog... ... but from the idea since not so bad. One ernsthaftes Profi-Tool to that Filtern diverser Kamerabilder order recognition of Merkmalen. as example easy times to control the computer by hand signals over The Webcam. Something like in the manner have I yet to. but not this joke-Tool...

Zur Anwendung

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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