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![GDL: 09/16/07](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hi, I know, I had Modellbahnsteuerung already letztes year in the competition, only was letztes year the Proggi yet in the Voralphastadium.now is it in the Alphastadium.ready and fully unrestricted useable is the Hardwaresteuerung and the Hilfsmodule for pursued.exe. I make desswegen over again with, I The Kritikpunkte from the Jury again ausmerzen would like. what has changed to that Vorjahr : - Proggi is Mehranlagenfähig - new detailed Helpfile began - Proggi is USB capable - Verknüpfungsmenü revised - Oberfächen to Vereinswünschen adjusted - Admin becomes with the installation automatically with pretended Values laid out - Userverwaltung is ready - Adressbuch(except to and Suchenfunktion) for Members is ready - simple Lagerprogramm To 90% ready - Mitgliederselektion at Login is ready - Hardwarefehlererkennung with Anlagenabschaltung ready - Franks List view sustain increasingly occupancy
Steuerungsprogramm reicht really never, is a Modellbahnverwaltungsprogramm with Schwerpunkt on Control become.
!!!!!!!!! already available Proggis of last year must restlos removes go.Deinstallationsroutine + manual Delete the Verzeichnisses Modellbahnsteuerung. !!!!!!!!!
Hello Georg |
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
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![GDL: 09/16/07](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Since I Yes with my Anlagenbaustellen not to Jury come can, Have I NEN small Anlagentest on screen mitgedreht. The long Ladezeiten come of it, there the Aufzeichnungsproggi me WinXP? likewise heavy verbrauchte.
These Spielereien weg too without equipment. If your too everything testing want ,must your the Proggi at install, or later under Ports freischalten.
code gdl2006train
Hello Georg |
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![GDL: 09/28/07](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hi,
I schmeisse it there.not programmtechnisch, separate desswegen, there it unmöglich is a guide To write, The Nichttechniker gepaart with Nichteisenbahner understand. I have me in a Eisenbahnerforum announced and there time mitgelesen in the Technikunterforum.too there there with the simplest elektron. things already massive problems. I have me so abgefunden the my Program a Insellösung is, what only to Vororteinführung useable is.
i'll yet my surfaces nachbessern and Through windowstyle 510+.. and Bildschirmauflösung switch whom whole screen useable make.
Hello Georg
The latest public Version |
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![GDL: 09/28/07](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Oje, on The menace there I now Ärger get, but I ziehe my Proggi of competition back. Why: I have by me of House from XP whom windows98 Style tuned. from 2 Found 1.tens I likes whom kitschigen XP Style of House from net and 2.tens runs my Proggi on all my Versuchsanlagen under Win98 and WinMe.
I have simply time by me XP Style tuned and my Proggi launched. on my own The Farbzusammensetzung to that integrally others background is gruesome.likewise take The grosse Fenstertitelzeile and the Statuszeile too much Space lane.
Since I but of klassischen Windowsstyle tributary be and the probably here in the Jury none More takes, ziehe I the program back.
the does me now really sorrow, but I have on whom XP Style none More virtual, I whom not at all use.
Hello Georg |
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![RGH: 09/28/07](.././../../i/a/20.gif) RGH | of my view to speaks nothing against it, the Program a Info beizufügen, that it because of its special Nature and Zielgruppe whom klassischen Style vorraussetzt! eachone XP- and Vista-users can this Style with few Mausklicks temporär take on, around the Program To testing. (in the geschäftlichen associated area becomes XP often solely in the klassischen Style akin, so too with my Brötchengeber.)
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 09/28/07 ▲ |
![GDL: 09/28/07](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hello Roland, first thanks.
THE HAUPTGRUND FOR THESE AKTION lying not on the Nity. in the contrary here watts me always helped.thanks on this place over again.
determining were many others Reasons in a anderem Forum and letztendlich The latest schooling with Uhlenbrok self. there SKE Modellbahnverkäufer was, could I there join. what I there mitbekam what Uhlenbrok, withal very guter guide their Program, for a Support do must, has me a shock shifts.what there schoolings and Vorortsupport made go can I never and never too only Bruchteilhaft make. my 5 facilities wealthy and the Proggi disappears again from the Public.
Hello Georg |
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![Dietmar Horn: 09/29/07](.././../../i/a/117578995746ba3f2fc30ad.jpg) Dietmar Horn | Hello Georg,
everything hinwerfen is einfacht and goes quick - this is of course the bequemste, but under no circumstance always the best lane!
i'd these decision on your place first time another couple Nights long überschlafen.
with one such Program for a heavy eingegrenzten Anwenderkreis is it thoroughly tenable, at first Program Start a Info on the klassischen Style To give. I know from Win 9.x-times sauteure Branchenprogramme from whom reaches Pflegeeinrichtungen and Arztpraxen, The had yet plenty stärkere Einschränkungen. to that example DOS-mode with extra Anpassung the autoexec.bat and config.sys, Datensicherung fundamentally with Batch-Files by copy- and XCopy-commands, etc.
You can thoroughly of it go out, that the Jury solely The eigentliche Programmierarbeit and the Funktionalitäten Your Program evaluate becomes.
as my XProfan-manager to ca. 4 - 5 years still in whom Kinderschuhen stuck, watts I of some people mitleidig belächelt. Sowohl The Weiterentwicklung of Profan² or. XProfan and The subesquent neueren windows-versions sorgten for, that I many Programmteile number of times paraphrase had to. nevertheless would like I these times and Umbau-works not missen, because too therefore learn one very, very plenty moreover.
I know people, The my Program solely as Sammelsurium of works another Authors viewed. About such opinions be I meanwhile erhaben, because these witnesses solely of it, that the nag of program exakt so much Idea having, as Milka-cow of yodel or of Autofahren. And if such people one Beginner then only time explain should, How one with Window Style, Window Title and the Window-commands one vernünftiges zentriertes Haupfenster created, then talk tappt im dunkeln thereby already over The Heads the people away, so that any others from the Truppe only yet railway-station understand. One Profi-Programmer is the manager probably quite nothing to begin know. but for white I from my Kursen, How damn heavy it for a utterly Programmieranfänger is, without such Hilfestellungen whom Entry into program To create (too with XProfan). and straight therefore I will the program weiterentwickeln! with the Auswertung ours 2006it Wettbewerbes become You Yes come along having, that the Program there not straight on one the last burst debarked is, though The Jury-Members (by the bank Programmier-Profis) this presumably yourself hardly benefit go. I can means from eigenem experience confirm, that our Jury each Program (too Nischen-programs) objective einzuschätzen and einzuordnen white.
i will you so u.a. say: each well made Program finds its fan (at the latest after itself nag with the competition umgeschaut having - because The cook too any only with waters). and what's more position your Fleißarbeit unserem XProfan one very good Zeugnis in the Public from: Looks time, what with this relatively simply To erlernenden Programming-Language everything can make! too therefore be I one advocate the opinion, that it finally on the Time would, for unserem competition verstärkt real Anwenderprogramme einzureichen, and less XProfan-Tools (sofern it itself thereby not straight circa something really New deals, what it in this shape yet nirgends gives).
your Program as an afterthought on whom XP-Style anzupassen, the might of my opinion to with vertretbarem Zeitaufwand possible his. You can me thoroughly believe, that I dbzgl. not like a Blinder over The colours the Regenbogens speech.
head high and simply first time go on! ![](.././../../i/s/zustimm.gif)
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) | 09/29/07 ▲ |
![GDL: 09/29/07](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hello Dietmar
that with the retire, because of the Classic Style was only the Abschluss of/ one utterly beschi... week and utterly moreover.the Hinschmeissen related not the program, separate hereon , that me my disease again The border shows. I had etliche inquire whether I the program velvet zugehöriger hardware with ihren facilities installiere and CONFIGURIERE. I had all call off and the does me painful.always these border, alike I make.
After this competition I will the program nirgends More allude. I schmeisse not my Program there, separate the Public make.
Hello Georg |
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![GDL: 10/01/07](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hi, does me sorrow, having again because of the strong smart and the so verbundenem Medikamentendelirium NEN absoluten nadir. have me again To Schmerzinfusorien decided.this mach I but only to that utterly emergency, that itself the body not on it gewöhnt.
so ziehe I mean Rücknahme of competition back and try so well It's all right weiterzumachen.
Hello Georg
Perhaps is it rather, there me the over ands over again happens what about me NOT steer can, me active back To wander.Nagut as long as iF me net rausschmeißt try I somehow clear To come. |
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![iF: 10/01/07](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | promised, You must so often retire and Rückzüge annulieren, and its Annulationen and Rückzüge annulieren - so often You retire can what too annulierbar is, except The zurückgezogene Annulierung of/ one already zurückgezogenen Annulierung is already annuliert so from the Annulation no retreat More zurückziebar would what a Annulation the Rückzuges the Annulation technical unzulässig attend liesse - what itself however of self understand. ![](.././../../i/s/machaugenauf.gif) |
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![Nico Madysa: 10/04/07](.././../../i/a/13527651904b3fcf583c5c0.png) Nico Madysa | go sleep, iF. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498515.gif) |
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![iF: 10/04/07](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | |
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