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 RICOSCH | myRadio is a internet-radio Baukasten,
herewith can without Programmierkenntnisse one Webradio package, either a available graphic loading or yourself what with a Grafikprogramm create.

a Bugreport and Feedback freue I naturally
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 RICOSCH | I monument so lass ichs, reicht but too. on the Homepage [...] Have I one kurzes video to function and application provided, which Maybe obscurities eliminating.
Mausover entfällt, use mainly my win8.1 Tablet, there nützt eh no mausover effect, zumahl itself bedienelement from the graphic erschließen müssten. the display remaining in the Vordergrund, could I later time by switch konfigurierbar make, habs gladly always visible, one ought to his solid properly create.
The Umstellung on standard Playlisten have I into News erwähnt, so can on simple point Playlisten too from the network relating, and MP3 lists of pub gespeicherter music is now too possible.
thanks for your Feedback, has me very weitergeholfen. |
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 RICOSCH | update (22.01.2016 - 13.13 watch) ************************************************************* Bugfix -at minimize and move the Fensters watts the radio exits
Mausover with installed
-into Settings wählbar ! (with slower Rechnern (netbooks) little more Processor load necessary on Tablets PC Please auschalten
-into Settings ditto wählbar whether the radio always in the Vordergrund lying should.
it coming me then still everything something "unfertig" to ;) |
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 | so, same time installs...
power me demented the part or. why I the window not move can.
now have I FF in the Vordergrund and the Scroll-LCD-display is Almost-TOP - disturbing but because so did i this not move can.
be I To stupid?! 
Nachtrag: other solid loaded and crash...  |
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 RICOSCH | straight another BUGFIX nachgereicht ;) Program -crash if one on "vor/zurück" clicking, but yet no Playlist loaded was (to Program Start). now becomes The lastly loaded Playlist as Start-Playlist stored. it can also several Playlisten as reaches staid go.
@IF its still How in my video, the first at Create one own radios is the determine one Bereichs for Fensterverschiebung. One normales windows-Window can itself still neither in the whole Window-area, separate only in the Menu-groin moving. there it here Yes for a Baukasten weg should, is this The best possibility.
now Have I still your Mouseover already with drinnen ;) |
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 HofK | be thereby my Desktop to straighten up and the radio meaningfully incorporate.

there must I then hold again updaten.
Mouseover is me To "zitterig", shorted. need so did i not, have the radio Yes yourself gebastelt. |
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 HofK | the went now schief , Error entpacken:
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 RICOSCH | Have straight downgeladen and and without Error entpackt, ? again probiert? times not in the same ordner entpacken. The mru.dll is cache -myradioupdater Maybe is a schreibschutz on it ? ought to but not
nice radio haste gebastelt, How is the font ? |
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 HofK | have all kinds of mutants probiert, Rechnerneustart, now even as Administrator announced, gives a Message, I Berechtigungen need. goes only "weiter", then over ands over again The Message.
have to new Download always zipper and remains of middle-aged myradio Folders deleted.
time Download with chrome attempts - there comes a warning "ungewöhnlicher Download"!
If I so consider, a little while ago has AVG Scanner time yakked, habs weggeklickt. then but later AVG drüberlaufen let - no "Bedrohung". Evtl. watts there but still something "gesetzt"?
but now twice by Chrome gedownloadet, myradio.zipper & myradio (1).zipper on disk E: copies - walk both. there look another through!
whom Font must I first recovery, wild from the list clicked. |
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 RICOSCH | comic comic, the only what itself changed has is the umstieg on Profan X3. |
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 HofK | Have whom Font wiedergefunden, there standing it now so in the .mif File.
[1] areax=256 areay=12 areax1=615 areay1=34 kommando=RADIO-TEXT font=Tarzan fonthoehe=22 fontcolor=8388608
(Font Big in navy blue) |
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 HofK | now finally again Order on the desktop and the still with music.
my myradio interface:

Since I no great Grafiker be, have I simply with ruler of IF The left upper corner of my SeeroseAusMeinemTeichDesktop rauskopiert and a part from the Presentation demo_taskbar.jpg drüberkopiert. moreover another Verschiebesymbol. only on the abgeschnittenen Lauftext (Font Tarzan in 22 Big silver) sees one, where the radio right aufhört. The Verknüpfungsymbole in the graphic are as command "Anwendung ausführen" funktionsfähig and wander at move of myradio with if time left supra Space used becomes. The Ordner/volume on the left edge are normal on the desktop.

appendix: After package the m3u Playliste noticed:

The last Entries the list go alike How long she's (int_radio.m3u) withal tab not displayed. the Window is something schmal (fix), longer names cut and the https:// and a little... irritiert More as it uses.
otherwise does it its service! |
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 RICOSCH | lovely Klaus, so was is virtual ;)
with the the Playlist can I again revise, where The URL Yes net really interestingly is, the Sendername but already. in the length I will nachbessern. ne idea is the radio over The whole wide the Desktops To gestallten, (demonstration wide) in the last pkg, so have I it by me. beautiful schmal but everything well readable there the Text not cut becomes. but eachone How it likes, therefore Yes the Baukasten ;) |
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