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for each Forum and each access one other Password or Username. there The Speicherung in the Browser not recommended becomes, have I me this small Tool written.


The access becomes with want through one Password blocked. The data only in the program visible and otherwise by the LISTVIEW.DLL hochsicher verschlüsselt.

12.03.09: updated

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Well the IE is Yes in Your OS so quite in everything hineinverstrickt - many Funktionalitäten can on it or. on its HelferDLLs zurückführen.

The joke with you is Yes the You a XP-Dll to have seem, on one non-NT Betriebssystem. Virtually has Microsoft you there Perhaps at Update a incorrect DLL untergejubelt.

[quote:87b1b3574e]The joke with you is Yes the You a XP-Dll to have seem, on one non-NT Betriebssystem. Virtually has Microsoft you there Perhaps at Update a incorrect DLL untergejubelt.[/quote:87b1b3574e]
How must I the now again understand ??? - If I as Betriebssystem windows-XP-Home have, might it still normal his, I a XP-DLL have. Additional is my BS no Update, separate a purchased Full Version with SP2
one understand I here with the whole circus not at all. Pass-Port is already since one half-way year in the competition announced, watts multiple runtergeladen and it came no negativen Feedbacks. now has Andreas with seinem antiken BS apparently some trouble well then should it either The DLL of Frank or my IE his, the everything zusammenkrachen can. it'll already so his, that Andreas, How I already time written have, his BS Perhaps wrong configures has. too much the good is namely sometimes not well. - its objectively the first time, that the program on one computer Problems power. In my Bekanntenkreis (not grade small) runs Pass-Port already long and becomes always gladly taken - so, un nu is there's an end of it. the Program runs and runs and runs and....

Yes time no excitement! Keines of my programs runs on More as one computer How on the others.

[quote:7e43a38e68]Yes time no excitement! [/quote:7e43a38e68]
excitement - geb I I do not More - for is the everything not important enough

[quote:7e43a38e68]Keines of my programs runs on More as one computer How on the others.[/quote:7e43a38e68]
this is Yes the, I my. eachone computer is differently (...The having one Life of its own - but not weitersagen ).

windows-ME I had as Full Version to a new computer on the 1.9.2001 get.
never so one Update made (my Netzverbindung was To to 2 Monaten yet analog) and nevertheless ran any programs under windows-XP (bought to ca. 6 Monaten) -

there the IE 6 The latest Lauffähige Version the IEs under windows9x/ME is, would one such Error very bad - because the would Yes not only Horsts Program concern.

the there a XP Version displayed becomes, wundert me not - MS shining since the same DLL for all Betriebssysteme To using. On of my Original-CD Windows98 SE points the SHLWAPI.DLL z.B. as windows2000 DLL from.
I have whom local, the MS somehow forget has, the The DLL In any drop too under not-NT Systemen walk must. with designed ungereimtheiten go there apparently DLLs to Help called, The it under not-NT none gives.

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[quote:5c5dd26b04=Horst horn]now is me poor Humans not integrally clear, what The Version the IE with the Lauffähigkeit of my Program To do has ??? - The IE becomes still at Start of Pass-Port not at all using ?[/quote:5c5dd26b04]
The IE using defined system-DLLs, among other things The SHLWAPI.DLL. with of/ one installation the IEs go these system-DLLs in neuerer Version mitinstalliert.

[quote:5c5dd26b04=Horst horn]
- Additional müssten then any Nachfolgeversionen of IE The Macke having or lieg I there wrong...?[/quote:5c5dd26b04]
for not-NT there, as far as i know, no Nachfolgeversionen More.

[quote:7487606691=Horst horn]
this is Yes the, I my. eachone computer is differently (...The having one Life of its own - but not weitersagen ).[/quote:7487606691]
very so is the! because of the many Sicherheitsupdates in last Time counts the particularly well for XP.
XP SP 2 sees in TNT utterly differently from as XP without Servicepack and has with the Urversion not plenty More To do, as windows2000 with WindowsXP.


Have whom Error found. of course lying it really on IE 6, the there attempts becomes, DLLs of WindowsXP To loading, still the causes not whom Error.
everything further discuss I with Horst...


I schreibs now still time to go there:
The problem might the his, over the TS-Soft here already time report has and lying on it, the one way not sure found go can. usually can the XP too understand, because one from the Startmenüeintrag for the Program The row Perform in deletes and the Explorer to the Start the Program over the Startmenü to hardship in a others Ordner changes (under 2000 becomes by me so ditto the Error created).

Insgesammt is the no schlimme thing, there to the by a suitable Startmenüeintrag quick to fix can, only know ought to to the.

have even The Version ...01 uploaded. here's one Setup-Program thereby. with the installation becomes too one Icon on the desktop laid out. so might the Start the Program functions.

@Andreas, teste time with windows-98

About whom Desktoplink GEHTS.

One simples

in the code startup ought to it too do. then is the program In any drop in the own directory.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Zur Anwendung

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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