
Piano coach


Hello together,
here means my Wettbewerbsbeitrag...

make a long story short, its one Program, the one with on the computer piano exercise can - and of course with all erdenklichen Musikstücken, The in the MIDI-stature exist.

and the goes so: The user loading a MIDI-File, dial one or several Kanäle to that Nachspielen from (bass, Begleitung, melody etc.), the computer game The music ex and shows The Keys, The To pressing are. with want becomes The music angehalten, once a Button boisterously becomes. one can itself even from the Program evaluate let!

the Program power on the most sense with a associated MIDI-Keyboard, is in filled amplitude without Extra-hardware run (its only not so slight... ).

plenty Fun so,

Aktuellste Version available here: [...] 
Profan² 7.0e, XProfan 9, 11.2a, FreeProfan32
Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit, 2.8 Ghz, 4 GB RAM
Windows Me, 1.8 Ghz, 256 MB RAM

Lustiges Program! I habs not yet with nem Keyboard getest. with the keyboard goes it z.B. with Fata Morgana not really, because the depths sounds on the keyboard not any more showing. then wait one in vain on it, that it weitergeht.
I thought first, you have one Piece of us taken: [web]https://wuestensand.info/tontraeger.html[/web] (Fata Morgana)
have You The Mididateien somewhere Lizenzfrei get? in a, whether The GEMA such things active chasing - if but one Rechteverwerter on something like attentive becomes, can it valuable go...
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...



Have no Keyboard, therefore Have I your keyboard-routine yet what auszusetzen.
only in rare Make go 4 or more Keys at the same time correctly. adopted. here must You absolutely nachbessern.

The Musikstücke would so did i yet rethinking. not because of copyright (Midis are so meißtens spare), separate because of the mangelhaften quality (except DDF). how'bout with further Hörspiel/series/film-Midis?

the here's of my Wissens spare:

5 kB

I froi me already correctly. on today evening - then schliess I the program on my Synth and can tommorrow then report. hopefully has the Prog The option The of Synth thorough notes just abzuspielen so one beautiful the eigentliche instrument (z.B. WarmBrassStrings) and the Midi-instrument (z.B. Grand Piano) mix can at play.

first of all time thanks for your Feedback.

Jörg Sellmeyer
because the depths sounds on the keyboard not any more showing

then can you The Tastaturbelegung with the left Pfeiltaste to left move!

Jörg Sellmeyer
have You The Mididateien somewhere Lizenzfrei get?

The Flohwalzer- and SaintsGo-MIDIs are of my Wissens spare. Ersteres stammt from the Wikipedia and latter was evident one Demosong, the 1992 with Sound Blaster-Treibern delivered watts. The others MIDI-Files are of me.

Frank Abbing
only in rare Make go 4 or more Keys at the same time correctly. adopted.

can his, that the Tastaturcode verbesserungsbedürftig is (I use WM_KEYDOWN as User Message), but this is well sooner one generelles Tastaturproblem. I can on my both Testrechnern up to eight Keys at the same time pressing, but with designed three-Keys-Kombinationen does itself then nothing - in Notepad and under DOS unfortunately neither.
Perhaps can itself nevertheless something find... unless, Have I in the Help already on it hingewiesen.

Frank Abbing
The Musikstücke would so did i yet rethinking. [...] how'bout with further Hörspiel/series/film-Midis?

yet More? but Yes, can I time look.
me goes it in first line though less circa quality (on the other hand, if I me Fata Morgana on my XP-computer anhöre...) as circa different Stilrichtungen (not everyone wants Klassik) and Schwierigkeitsgrade (not each falls Jingle Bells slight)... Proposals are naturally Welcome!
Greeting, Sebastian
Profan² 7.0e, XProfan 9, 11.2a, FreeProfan32
Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit, 2.8 Ghz, 4 GB RAM
Windows Me, 1.8 Ghz, 256 MB RAM


then can you The Tastaturbelegung with the left Pfeiltaste to left move!

one ought to still times the Help reading

The others MIDI-Files are of me.

can his, that the Midi-Files from you are but the items are not from you. the right to publication of Werken its Komponisten not yet longer as 80 years dead are is only whom Urhebern. b.z.w. Lizenznehmern permits.
The fact, that You The items used to working together have, game thereby no role. i think though not, that the GEMA or the composer itself here rumtreibt, circa to its Kompositionen To look but who can tell, who hither verlinkt or of which editing the program recommended becomes.
with klassischer music are You anyway on the secure Page.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

I sehs me time To dwell on circa busy my mustard hinzuzugeben.
Nico Madysa

have the program yesterday evening extensively under Zuhilfenahme verschiedener MidiGeräte getetet - Sebastian Sprengers Piano coach is terrific and it power a heiden Fun!

large class really!

therefore would like I you neither with tausenden Verbesserungsvorschlägen bomb - separate only with the a the one at pressing of/ one Button on the MidiDevice thoroughly too [optional] whom tone in the MidiOutputDevice listen ought to. the missing me correctly..

but otherwise:

Hello together,
I have straight a newer Version uploaded (therefore functions here means too the update of append again... ). The Link moreover is integrally supra in the Thread.

integral Neuerungen:

Liederauswahl changed (I Have to one call with the GEMA beschlossen, it with geschützter music none moreover To try. ought to neither moreover bad his, especially since MIDI-Files everywhere to find are)
songs can to the Beginn automatically eingezählt go (the was important)
Benutzerdefinierbare Tastaturbelegung (I hope, so can the Tastaturproblem half-way bypass...)
Bugfixes and further functions

Greeting, Sebastian
Profan² 7.0e, XProfan 9, 11.2a, FreeProfan32
Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit, 2.8 Ghz, 4 GB RAM
Windows Me, 1.8 Ghz, 256 MB RAM

can me the general Euphorie only connect - one veritable meisterliches Program! i'm solely with two Midis a Error Message unterlaufen: row 1006: Division through zero I mail tappt im dunkeln you Perhaps next week via PM, before Try I it again with the new Piano-coach-Version.
Nico Madysa

so, short to Heiligabend (and short to Einsendeschluss... :blush another small Update on Version 1.2.
the most important of it:

Open of MIDI-Files over Drag & Drop and Explorer
Start- and Stopbuttons can now of a external MIDI-Synthesizer gesteuert go.

Greeting and glad christmas, Sebastian
Profan² 7.0e, XProfan 9, 11.2a, FreeProfan32
Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit, 2.8 Ghz, 4 GB RAM
Windows Me, 1.8 Ghz, 256 MB RAM

>> Start- and Stopbuttons can now of a external MIDI-Synthesizer gesteuert go.

super same time try...

Zur Anwendung

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Jörg Sellmeyer11/05/17


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