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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello people!
here finally The to längerem versprochene Alpha-Version of my new Help-Editors! Alpha-Version therefore, because the Prog yet eigendlich only a editor,of/ one simple Projektverwaltung and one Precompiler exists. These three pieces get but - in the comparison to that HilfeHelfer - on a completely new Base set. therefore too this Test, before it weitergeht. The Funktionsumfang for virtually Use is means yet heavy limited.
develops watts the PHC under XP; möglicherweise runs it but too under older Versionen; please times try!
to Erzeugung of HLP-Files must the MS Help Workshop installs sein; download (ca 1,7 MB) under [...] The editor self runs but too without.
the old boy HelpCompiler HCP (the to that Lieferumfang of Profan heard) won't supported.
yet what in eigener thing: meanwhile has rumgesprochen, that windows Vista the HLP-stature not any more support wird; properly is the PHC means a Totgeburt
though stops I it for possible, whom Funktionsumfang this Program (or. the middle-aged HilfeHelfers) To almost 100% to HTML/CHM To transfer. the Result would a CHM-File, The almost 1:1 of/ one HLP-File corresponds to (later could one Yes time see, whether and How the advanced Opportunities of CHM benefit let)
The question is: exists at all want to so one CHM-editor? it watts already multiple hereon hingewiesen, that CHM plainer would as HLP, and suitable Tools Gibts indeed already. Mach it means at all sense, whom PHC into a (HLP) or others (CHM) direction weiterzuentwickeln?? comments are urgently erwünscht!
SeeYou Pascal |
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Frank Abbing | by me siehts yet wilder from... i think, the go time Image-Buttons. |
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| [quote:a58fc04ebb=Frank Abbing]by me siehts yet wilder from...[/quote:a58fc04ebb] are we with the years To demanding become Frank? | |
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Frank Abbing | Pfff, You junger Spunt... |
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| [quote:035136c452]by me siehts yet wilder from...[/quote:035136c452] ...what about me Have already virtual, my PC spin and Have first time nothing said. |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello people!
*räusper* there was well another absolute way drin... To stupid, I on Standart- and Testrechner The same Verzeichnisstruktur have updated Version under obigem Link available.
PS: On each drop already time thanks for rege Teilnahme!
@ Roland: CompileMarkSeparation details (too for ALink and KLink-Keywords) see MSDM But already öfters posted been
what whom middle-aged HilfeHelfer concerns: The runs XP not any more ,unless, one treibt somewhere a old RichEd20.dll ( z.B. of Win98) on latest Version: [...]
SeeYou Pascal |
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RGH | so far i was already, but the not working! I must there Yes a *.htm-Page indicate and the know I Yes not. my HelpScribble created me of course The chm.File, but this is a only File and the interne management know I do not. I know only The Keywords and my Keyword, to the I The Help having wants. I have nirgendwo a Zuordnung Keywords To *.htm-pages. it must so simply weg, How bislang or its a unbrauchbare Totgeburt! (what about me be sure, It's all right so simply, but I have yet nirgendwo what Funktionierendes found.)
If I to obigem Listing vorgehe, becomes of course The right Helpfile opened, but it comes only The Message, that the Page not showing can. in the index are my Keywords naturally any present, means The Help is already correctly. compiliert been. it missing hold only yet the right lane, The Helpfile with the Keyword so aufzurufen, that the right Page displayed becomes ... even so, How the with the middle-aged Help since decades possible is.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 10/26/06 ▲ |
Sebastian König | Hello Roland,
is Perhaps the command HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP for uCommand-Parameter the, what You seek? have unfortunately straight no Time, it auszuprobieren, I again lane must...
Sebastian |
| Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11 Profan2Cpp-Homepage: [...] Alte Profan²-Seite: [...] | 10/26/06 ▲ |
RGH | [quote:dc49af1b27=Sebastian king]is Perhaps the command HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP for uCommand-Parameter the, what You seek?[/quote:dc49af1b27] Wow! this is the fehlende Tipp! THANK YOU!
so funktionierts: CompileMarkSeparation!def HtmlHelp(4) !"HHCtrl.ocx","HtmlHelpA"
struct tAKLIN =
window 10,10-300,300
declare ocx&, AKLIN#, KeyWord$
KeyWord$ = "assign"
with AKLIN#
.cbStruct& = sizeOf(AKLIN#)
.fReserved& = 0
.pszKeywords& = addr(Keyword$)
.fIndexOnFail& = 1
HtmlHelp(0, "profan.chm", &HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP, AKLIN#)
case ocx&:freedll ocx&
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 10/26/06 ▲ |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello people!
now Yes, sooo tall shining the interest Yes not to be... alike, at least for Eigenbedarf I will denHelpCreator In any drop weiterentwickeln; time see, what draus becomes.
nevertheless be I time so audacious To ask, whether the program because now half-way functions or whether yet More crude Error aufgetreten are.
SeeYou Pascal |
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Michael Wodrich | now Yes, there's simply not yet enough drin. The NonScrollArea had I gladly on #FFFFCC eingefärbt and the Mainwindow in white. it can itself but only The Textfarbe beeinflußen (or I habs simply not found). Browser-Sequenzen would so did i gladly benefit can (is under Edit one graues area).
The speed is lovely.
but as long as it Tools gives where too The Textauszeichnungen and yet some other zufriedenstellend functions, becomes it this Tool heavy having.
If itself there yet something does would I gladly of it experienced.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 11/01/06 ▲ |
| @Pascal [quote:d8894cd195]If itself there yet something does would I gladly of it experienced. [/quote:d8894cd195] Have already with the Vorgänger Help-Files prepares (my ADRESSOR has so a), but here missing a Help to Help On well german, I soar there not through |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello people!
the part is indeed only a Alpha-Version It's all right in the momentum Yes only therefore, whether The Grundfunktionen everywhere walk (means z.B. the Open of Projekten) and whether The operating the Editors genehm is.
i'll whom HelpCreatur first moreover in direction HLP develop and parallel moreover The Opportunities the Erzeugung of HTML/CHM under Profan erkunden.
SeeYou Pascal |
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