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ruler  [...] 

One ruler is a expedient to that draw of particularly gerader lines. Bildschirmlineal as Produktionstool, with Fokus on effizientes Bildschirmarbeiten on the windows-PC. One ruler is a expedient to that draw of particularly gerader lines*. this screen ruler is a virtuelles ruler for Your Monitor/ for (Web-) Designer and Programmer. the tool is with Click the Icon from the quick-Launch-groin or by Strg+old+L activate. it verfügt additionally over a Lupenfunktion. The integrierte Farbpicker helps a dargestellte colour To analyse. During early Lineale solely a straight edge had, having moderne Lineale mostly too a Skale, with the itself Lengths Is it Unikode let. often go on both pages Skalen infuriated, partly in unterschiedlichen Maßeinheiten. the screen ruler shows not only Coordinates and Lengths separate too Winkel. this Bildschirmlineal eignet itself to that Messen of intervals in Pixel or in selbstdefinierten units on the Anwenderbildschirm. One genaueres read and Positionieren the Lineals allows a zuschaltbare Lupe as well as the Positionieren the Cursors with the Pfeiltasten.

The actually colour the Pixels under the Cursor can as HTML- or HEX-worth displayed and copies go. for users in the screen-Publishing How Web- or screen-Designer, Anwendungs- developer/ Programmer and any The what on-screen Is it Unikode want, is this Tool one mandatory.

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Kurzbeschreibung: the beliebteste and BESTE Bildschirmlineal.

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Update:  [...] 

now can for the Upload too one beliebiger Server uses go.

The Print-Button functions not yet so, How pseudo.

I wanted to eig., that by Print-Button one Screenshot from the Selektion, or. if nothing selektiert is, one Scrennshot of currently marked Control made becomes., and not always of whole screen!

How siehts so from?

further ideas:
Shortcuts & evtl. Context menu-point to that Open the Program-Folder\Bildziel-Ordner.
function which on Strg+Invoice values+[W,A,s,D] lying, on Strg+Invoice values+Pfeiltasten lay.
functions to that Nachbearbeiten...
in the to into Pixelweise move by Pfeiltasten or. [W,A,s,D].
circa 10px move by Strg+Pfeiltasten or. Strg+[W,A,s,D].
circa Pixelweise under\supra\left\right To strain: Strg+Invoice values+Pfeiltasten or. Strg+Invoice values+[W,A,s,D].
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

one to the others.

Update:  [...] 

More Options.

what bewirkt The option "Akustische Rückmeldungen"?
I hope You building whom others Kram supra too another...
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

with the ruler be I long ago pleased -

whom others "Kram" stops I each from different Found not for meaningfully

enough as that I the now short-term einbaue.

Print can the ruler now too.

Akustische feedback power "plip plip" over the into PC installed Beeper.

have soeben but again one BugFix uploaded, the "plip plip" is now options-

according too abschaltbar.

Achso, have me already gewundert Why my computer not irgendeinen tone from gives. In it is namely not so one Biepser verbaut! To whom opportunities piepst it whom now. is from the option, well heavy obviously.

Why hold You whom others "Kram" for not so meaningfully.
If one in example one Image of a Control power, under though something weggeschnitten having would like, bräuchte one The File not umständlich abzuspeichern and in a Bildbearbeitungsprogramm open, separate could these action directly over the program manage and so plenty Time save. the would about Anwendbar, if one one Image of a maximierten Window power, where by me unfortunately still a couple Pixel from the Taskbar mitselektiert go, which then umständlich rausgeschnitten go müssten.

How siehts now with the Icon-story from ^^

another suggestion:
If is a Selektion met has, would find I it calm, if one by Double click into Selektion, these directly Save and the program close could. most does one, of my opinion to, anyway just Save.
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

I stops "den others "Kram"" Yes not for "nicht so sinnvoll" separate for not meaningfully

enough as that I the now short-term einbaue.

... unfortunately still a couple Pixel from the Taskbar mitselektiert go ...

the lying but then on windows because I selektiere The Fensterausmaße.

How siehts now with the Icon-story from ^^

Since I the Context-Menu for coming versions complete self building will be

can I then indeed simply these Icons with install.

If is a Selektion met has, would find I it calm, if one by Double click into Selektion, these directly Save and the program close could.

good idea, the set I circa after I my own Context-Menu installed have.

most does one, of my opinion to, anyway just Save.

the faith I do not. in example is the Tool emerged because I always only

time a line stop wanted and so running it too many years long.


the faith I do not. in example is the Tool emerged because I always only time a line stop wanted and so running it too many years long.

therefore is the Program-name momentarily something misleading. or. so becomes the Tool never many fan find, because eachone it first for a ruler-Tool holds, and not on it think the it yet further useful functions imply could.
I find your Tool as Screenshot-Tool class!

Evtl. can you in the new Version, then too move and Skalieren by Drag & Drop install.
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

- Page 6 -

the Tool becomes sooner then many fan get can, if one it To

"Bildschirm Lineal" under google finds. moreover needed the Tool however many left

on its Page  [...]  with the Beschriftung "Bildschirm Lineal".

move and Skalieren by Drag & Drop is very the I too andenke

and so I there my own Context-Menu need.

another couple suggestions The I me for the new Version wish:

1. Lupe with several Zoom-Settings around the Feinjustierung by mouse To improve and because of the Barrierefreiheit.
Zoomfaktor raise\to diminish about by Strg++ and Strg+-.
Evtl. too stufenweise adjustable about by Strg+1 a 1x-Zoomfaktor and by Strg+2 a 2x-Zoomfaktor etc.

2. Controlinfos, How about whom Style, lever and text the Parent or Child o.ä.
best by Tastenkürzel one and ausblendbar.


XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

Update on Version 1.6b  [...]  -

smaller ones Bugfixes.

Zur Anwendung

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Jürgen Strahl02/23/24


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