enclosed one Tool to Sicherung and Wiederherstellung of Databases, The of SQL Server 2005 Express of Microsoft manages go. moreover go Server-interne functions uses, sodaß SQL-Backup universell uses go can.
develops and tested watts it under subesquent terms: Windows XP SP2/3 SQL-Server 2005 Express Konfiguration the SQL-Servers: Integriertes Systemkonto (Login over name & Passwort; no Domänenbenutzerkonto)
its ca. 700 KB small, slight To valet and must not installs go. if means someone usage for has...
SQL Server 2005 Express of Microsoft have at least I do not, but: Program launch and to unerfolgreichem Verbindungsbesuch (because of even by me fehlendem Server) can I none crash provoke.