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it deals itself here circa no Program, separate circa a story, with the I the Use with the most important Stringfunktionen on sooner lockere, thoroughly kindgerechte manner relieve would like. I have with the write yesterday angefangen; it existing means not yet More as the, what appended is. its yet nothing feingeschliffen, no Rechtschreibkorrektur; there's no Example Programs, nothing in the direction.

there's too no Zielgruppe, because really have I the as Email started, as response on To trockene Beschreibungen in the Profan Help, straight with whom Stringfunktionen The Empfänger the Email is no kid and know itself thoroughly in the Programming from, the but only with the OM Basic the Open Micro Projekts [web]https://om.dharlos.de/frameset.htm[/web] The Datentyp String existing in this Basicvarianten not, means there there also no Stringfunktionen. I have it persuated itself still Profan time hither anzuschauen and give Hilfestellung thereby.

at that write the Email coming me The idea, instead of only herumzumäkeln still rather something suitable self To write. The cover is a Arbeitstitel, because one better name for thing is me not yet invaded. I try in a lockere and jolly Rahmenhandlung Tasks to that Erlernen the Umgangs with the most important Stringfunktionen incorporate. thereby comment I the lane, the to that target lead and the (hopefully) on not To dry manner.

whether it such a thing already gives the, knows Nich not and really interested it me neither, because I plenty joke on the write have.. How long The Stringfunktionengeschichte becomes, what everything hinzu comes, when the end of it his becomes, the everything knows I not yet. i'll certainly the Bespiele as Beigabe in the PRF stature append, but too is first later happen.

How finds your The story and what hold your from the idea?

thanks for reading, many Regards and Tschüss!

PS. i'd The story really gladly append. RTF isn't elaubt, as zipper would like I not send, because the story not yet so far written been is, circa generally zugänglich To go. Umbennant To Zup becomes me the Upload anew verweigert. is correct what not? what do???

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love Gemeinde,

it deals itself here circa no Program, separate circa a story, with the I the Use with the most important Stringfunktionen on sooner lockere, thoroughly kindgerechte manner relieve would like.

there standing but already everything.If to the word relieve yet against the word
provide austauscht then comes certainly too your behind it.

XProfan X3, X4ß, Win 10.1

time what other, knows but To fallen.
would be interestingly, what Profananfänger of it hold, there these Yes sooner to Zielgruppe belong dürften. means Please. Traut you and writes time, How your this course felt have!

I had former gladly such a thing had circa from it Profan To erlernen, I with trockenem material never something begin could.
by me self Have I always Pinned, if compare To something staid go, then raff I the too
If these manner not only Stringfunktionen, separate yet More functions and Co include would, then would it really correct for a Beginner XProfan to erlernen.

means of me first once:

i'm Yes not absolutely Beginner, find whom course but something verwirrend. I must me the again durchlesen. but I bid me on, The shape- and Rechtschreibfehler To correct!
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

might me Perhaps someone the whole so explain that I Depp too understand what it here eigendlich goes?

Tja, there shows the iF time again, that it of Methodik and Didaktik exakt so much Idea has How I of steer one Düsen-Jets.

the what Ulrich here to has, is vaguely the detailed contrary from the, what iF with XPSE beabsichtigt. IF would like fortgeschritteneren Programmierern Hilfestellungen give, and Ulrich attempts this even for Programmieranfänger jüngeren Alters on kindgemäßere Nature and allocate do.

I find The Grundidee of his Projektes anyway lovely - in this direction there yet unfortunately plenty zuwenig Ansatzpunkte. About The quality the recent Umsetzung can sure geteilter opinion his, but its indeed not yet roughly completed.

Ähnliches having to years the then elfjährige schoolboy Michael Stapelberg attempts and seinem SelfProfan so successful umgesetzt, that it so even whom first Price in the Profan²-competition win could (the should so around the year 2001 around been his).

I suspect, the proposition of Ulrich becomes thoroughly his audience find, if it kontinuierlich extended and expanded becomes. it must Yes not absolutely for all Time with some few Stringfunktionen stay. in this proposition stick now already so much work and Vorüberlegung, that itself the one Außenstehender probably hardly present can - anyway derjenige not, the yet never so To do had having, Kindern or. utterly Programmieranfängern The Grundlagen the Programmierens procure To want.

if this proposition bulkier angedacht is, ought to one Perhaps not in the middle in the material so begin, separate Perhaps More the row to and something logischer vorgehen, about

1. Program-Window produce
2. Bitmaps as Wallpapers loading
3. Messageboxen
4. Handels and Buttons
5. inquire (if - elseif - else - endif
6. Program-Hauptschleife
7. Menüs
8. further vorgefertigte dialogs

whom biggest part of Ulrichs recent completions could one z.B. already at third point Messageboxen unterbringen.

Einerseits there gifted and begnadete Profi-Programmer with a unwahrscheinlich high Fachwissen. still unfortunately having such people it seldom on it, your know others so rüberzubringen and To provide, that it these too to some extent understand can.

on the other hand there to that Happiness but too people, The not integrally so much Fachwissen own (as Profis the first category) - but for can tappt im dunkeln your know intuitive so rüberbringen, that the so well How eachone Beginner understands. under the viewpoint the Wissensvermittlung are me Programmer the letztgenannten category somehow sympatisch(it), and Ulrich shining dbzgl. with seinem proposition thoroughly on the right lane To his!

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

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well cool Dietmar - now Have ichs too understood!

Perhaps is the OnlineDoku here a good Editorengrundlage.

it given suggestions and ask, means first many Thanks for! because this proposition but from the Hilfestellung by Email for a Profan Beginner emerged is, can I the these Support not simply evade and me fully the as always not properly getaufte proposition concentrate. it'll very differently around happen, because i'll properly the Lernfortschritt and the Problemen of J. others Topics aufgreifen and similar shape How whom Stringladen Edit. This has the advantage, I do not for a anonyme crowd write, separate for a person. this is something plainer for me and has particularly whom benefit I do not to one Riesenberg namens Profan stand, separate me on single spots concentrate can.

this Vorgehen has naturally too detriments, because pretty nice systematic geordnet becomes nothing ready go. the, I write can itself sooner with the collect of material paraphrase as with the create of/ one guide. I write Kladde and will be first in some Time begin, these Kladde korrigiert and aufgehübscht in a prästentierbaren status To bring.

The Stringladen is of Content since ready, because today have I the yet missing third part written. part 1 has a Vorbemerkung receive and part two had I something nachbessern. In of/ one Email of J. moreover stood namely the following:

The completions in several Lines could I well understand. Dass has but schlagartig changed as from it only a row watts. since the is it me again To high what about me can me again not whom Sachverhalt mere displace.

such react, such Rückkopplung is very the, I need and the eigentliche reason, and so so did i furthermore whom J. by Email with its Profan try and Fortschritten begleite, because as by-product can I such nice things How whom Stringladen write.

I take heavy on, the as nächstes the Grafikmodus on The row come becomes. when and How quick the his becomes? I knows not. I go but of it from, I so beginning May about something vorweisen can, what already for Profan Beginner interestingly his could.
of 7-23. april make I with my woman leave in ireland, in a lovely holiday home high over the atlantic. this is very The right surroundings, circa The by then aufgelaufenen Kladden in a ansprechendere Form bring.

moreover weg my Planungen not and this is too well so! there's nothing schlimmeres as one festes and starres Gerüst, on the one itself To hold has. so a Kreativitätsbremse lay I me integrally gewiss not voluntarily on. but here must I the indeed not, what very beruhigend is.

I have now (hopefully) my Planungen and the Reasons for enough declared. If I the next Topic as Kladde far enough have, I will it in this Thread to put.

thanks and Regards of Ulrich


now must I exceptionally time on me self Answer. I had adopted that my Posting into remoteness the Galaxis sent been is, as i me new einloggen had. accordingly i was already something mad. the mad go was completely unnecessary, and superfluously, How I even fixes have! it would but too Real angry been, if so much disappeared would.

Regards of Ulrich!

Ulrich gentleness
now must I exceptionally time on me self Answer. I had adopted that my Posting into remoteness the Galaxis sent been is, as i me new einloggen had. accordingly i was already something mad. the mad go was completely unnecessary, and superfluously, How I even fixes have! it would but too Real angry been, if so much disappeared would.

Regards of Ulrich!

nevertheless is what schiefgelaufen - the Posting becomes of as Guest verfasst displayed - warscheinlich a Sessiondauerüberschreitung - too something like standing on of my Todo I the Sessionmanagement gänzlich alter would like.

The Fortsetzung the Stringladens becomes the Stringladen, the hears itself banal on, meets but whom point.
The Grafikmodus bid not enough starting points, circa with the concept the Stringladens go on to. integrally differently see it from, if instead with ROC one simple Windowsprogrammfenster inkl. Buttons &Co. built becomes. The really music game in the integrate the with the previous sharing gebastelten Program. The Hauptschleife as core one each normalen Windowsprogramms, for what go Handles used and How sorgt one for, that Buttons and others items the do, what of them expects. the are some spots from the, I with the Stringschaufenster unroof and achieve wants.
The grosse benefit the weitergeführten Konzepts of Stringladen is the Widererkennungswert and the so connected fact, that it itself Yes circa routines deals, The discussed get and the one knows. there it circa a introduction into Programming of/ one Windowsoberfläche weg becomes, could these fact on my own thoroughly abschreckend wirken. but its Yes the altbekannte Stringladen, whom one knows and is hopefully moreover lead, that The curiosity überwiegt.

The part 4 the Stringladens is only a story, The The important Überleitung bring , Why the Stringladen (Stringrettungsmaschine) to that Windowsprogramm go must. With the ROC erstellte Program-Window is simply held, bid but Space for possible later necessary werdende extensions. I have a from 12 Images bestehende series of Screenshots made, where the building the Fensters with ROC. nachvollzogen go can. from Platzgründen slopes I these Images not on, solely the letrzte Image is thereby. Menüs come (yet) not till, so The menace the Überforderung not integrally so tall is.

I have one from Inhalten the last three pieces one simple small Program made, which The ersehnte Stringrettungmaschine darstellt. too this is appended. everything How (yet) normally, not very geschönt and without corrections, a Kladde even.

Perhaps can I with the opportunity a question unterbringen: I have Profan 7.6 and XProfan10 as Full Version. Ausserdem there Yes yet the free Profan, Profan6.7 if I me right entsinne. is it possible, any three Profanversionen next to each other on one computer To install, without that it To unerwünschten Wechselwirkungen comes? If weg would, the would very gratifying, because then Tests with all three versions possible are.

thanks, Tschüss and Regards of Ulrich!


Welch a honour - thanks Roc&Roll

To your question: self-evident! copy simply The jeweiligen Runtimes and Compiler (and for may part too Interpreter (profane.exe)) in self-contained directories. If you yet xpse  hinzuziehst you can easily with of/ one direct indicated in the Source to determine with which Runtime and/or Compiler worked go should.
 {$runtime c:profane6.6prfrun32.exe}
 {$compiler c:profane6.6profcomp.exe}

to that Bleistift.

Zur Anwendung

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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