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Thomas Freier | I needed one small Sammeltool, the Texts, so The opened software it To can, by Drag and Drop undertaking. too of Explorer. The Texts go Yes to eingestelltem Texttrenner into Split übenommen. several Trennarten can vogegeben go. so would from: "Vorname name, Telefon; eMail" "Vorname;Name;Telefon;eMail" go, if space,comma and Semikolon as Separator tuned are. One word can in each Item pulled go. Ans Tabellenende pulled, becomes a new row created. at that Import of/ one Textdatei is only one Separator wählbar. an txt-File must in csv-File umbenannt go. The application watts under WIN XP prepares and should too under WIN 7 walk. suggestions and hints erwünscht.
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 03/19/11 ▲ |