
Ver - and decrypt


here's my small Program to that Ver - and decrypt of Files. If your ask have can your tappt im dunkeln me loving gladly to put.

Greeting Max

221 kB

<behoben, therefore gegenstandslos>

How becomes verschlüsselt?

the does me now sorrow, but the program not working as should. i'm momentarily at Überarbeiten and Please circa understanding if it little lasts. i'll me then To gegebener Time again report.

Greeting Max


now functions it again as should

I hätta there another couple Opportunities:
If I a To verschlüsselnde File auswähle ought to The later encrypted File not whom equal names, as old File, get. i will Yes finally my Originaldatei keep.
too ought to The encrypted File another Endung get. she's Yes not any more one JPG or so. separate ever one other Fragment.
and once The File verschlüsselt is, ought to itself the program not automatically terminate. If then ought to one it zumindist self decide can in the one a Flag setting or so z. B.
too should You the Program another other Icon give liberally (and vlt. falls you thereby another schönerer name one).
and How wärs yet with of/ one grafischen Überarbeitung? on the hand lying the it plenty such programs gives. there must The graphic what richten, so it itself abhebt.

otherwise one nice Program!

Greeting Thomas
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!

close me Thomas 100% on.
set aufjedenfall time one Setfont on The Buttons and Co. sees bad from with the fat Font.
it ought to over or to The Editfields the sense the Textfelders written go.
The Icons next to whom Edits see stale from.
Why this komische RichtextExecute? I see none sense in this part. either a Windowshilfe, a simple Textdatei, a Html o.ä. over the Button Call. I know no Program, which a Exe uses only circa a Help view.
otherwise: Mach moreover and see these spots as positive review and suggestions on.


lovely, that your the Max too time something "Gegenwind" give (and Yes - Max W. is of/ one of our MMJ-Jungs). almost everything from the supra named to that Program I had the Max before ditto already repeatedly said (and even another slightly More). still How the in the jugendlichen tempest- and Drangzeit now even time so is: Hauptsache the program runs first time on the own computer and Perhaps too yet with 1 - 2 - 3 Kumpels. there can I me oftmals my Maul fusselig talk - relatively often renne I so against concrete-walls ...

How Max The named Proposals with seinem XProfan 8 umsetzen can, the should it meanwhile already yourself know, because finally has it the in the course by me often enough viewed get. well Yes - viewed get and the everything intus and have utilize can are so known different pages of/ one Medaille. but because the Max right intelligently is, becomes it the until Jahresende (Wettbewerbs-end 2008) certainly everything sensible hinkriegen ...

another couple Notes of me to that Program:

the same ToolTip-Text with whom both Schrott-Buttons Show - this is Schwachsinn high x.
so itself the program of others Programs this category positiver abhebt, ought to one (optional) at least complete Ordner code and again decode can. How the goes, müßtest You already know (AddFiles & Co. wären here your Friends).
Fehlerabfragen are missing yet always almost entire: to that example, whether any required Files startup at all present are.
the solitary *.ico can itself with a couple Mausklicks in the XPM 1-2-fix in that Runtime freight.
The Helpfile could one as *.txt into RichEdit loading and there with nem simple SendMessage-commands whom background too coloured style (see XPM).
with "Eigenschaften" reads it itself thick, if there z.B. with whom Versions-Information standing: "Firma: RGH-Soft", "Dateiversion:", etc. a couple little Mausklicks in the XProfan-manager, and this thing is eaten.
The Crypt.dll and the TXT-Helpfile with ihren couple Bytes should You with Franks genialem Datengenerator same into Source with take in, so the then for users Your Program only a only EXE is, with its usage it nothing More big wrong can make.
because You grafikmäßig just as thick and dorky are How I, question time freitags our MMJ-graphic-genius namens Paul J., whether it you for the Program not Perhaps one suitable Logo create could.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

After welchem take action verschlüsselt becomes.


the solitary *.ico can itself with a couple Mausklicks in the XPM 1-2-fix in that Runtime freight.

yet plainer having it XPSE-User with my AddOn XPRR. there reicht so a row directly in the Source, circa Own Program- and Fenstericons into Code to assimilate:

{$res icon "name.ico"}

Jupp, independent of it that I always recommend would, for each proposition a Own PrfRun32.exe aufzubereiten - z.B. with the ResHacker.

one itself means a PrfRun32.Exe zurechtschneidet, and one these then z.B. by {$runtime ...} to usage angibt.

accordingly has one then yet plenty More Opportunities on The Exedatei einzuwirken. Z.B. could one these on under 400kB telescope.


...one itself means a PrfRun32.Exe zurechtschneidet, and one these then z.B. by {$runtime ...} to usage angibt. ...

Jo, with this Variante Have so did i The best experience made....

...- z.B. with the ResHacker. ...

class part, for all sorts of things To use !!!

The Crypt.dll....same into Source with take in

would be I against don't, the blät Yes then m.E. The .exe again on.
and the End-users should Yes not Verzeichniss rumklicken and all sorts of things started (or to start try). or goes because some users (some users, not You, Dietmar !!) zum Program Start first z.B. over the Explorer, seek the directory and probiert then, which File itself started can? one place itself to, one the Office-programs (too Open-, Star- and How tappt im dunkeln any Heisen) should so launched go !!!

and what the Appearance concerns: for me standing at the beginning too first the functions the Progs in the Vordergrund, around the "schön Aussehen" trouble I more or less too later (unless, I wisely, the straight as here the Appearance often To very in the Vordergrund standing ).
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

Zur Anwendung

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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