Assembler Forum

good MASM Forum sought...

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knows someone a Link to a good MASM Forum with people, The little more Idea of program than I?

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As I said - who in a 100 Lines long View source yet 50 Lines Statement need, is self guilt. there but already someone on my question answered (and very good ask set has), there apparently to that Happiness too people, The not absolutely on ausschweifende Explanations dependent are.

my god. Texts my I, Texts!!! If you a View source reads and everything, what the program outputs is Smörebröd, can dus too stay. because You namely none know, what the part at all of you wants. and now behaupte only not, your APIs wären familiar or often gebräuchliche. there go the meissten first reading must.
and the code is still almost only API.

[quote:9f16362be7]If I already with a look from Quelltexten the most important herausziehen can, without The Language To kennen - what can then well someone, the The Language correctly. can? less than I??? [/quote:9f16362be7]
I could you Auszüge from my Codes with reinem ASM give. without Apis. there erahnst You sure nothing more.
my god, Apis ausspähen and itself what zusammenreimen is Yes well not heavy. but this is still no Assembler...

[quote:9f16362be7]therefore too The question to one really good ASM Forum - that is for me, one Forum in the itself people bustling, The really program can and not only well in the Source transcribe are.[/quote:9f16362be7]
The both Forums are The best. I have only good Experience there made. there are real Cracks found.
what about me have you supra a couple Tipps given. If you tappt im dunkeln but not beherzigsts, yourself guilt.

I not. an response of jemandem in the english Forum - the has only stupid gelabert and having none blassen Schimmer of Treiberprogging (asked me, what GetLastError zurückgibt with ZwOpenKey - quite nothing, is Yes ne Kernel Mode API ).

Postet one in such Forums, can one Beginner best same stop To proggen or itself self help. is Yes well clear, the one to one day training not perfect Kernelcodes write can - or must to the can? piece of advice => listen on To proggen, have well still in none Language APIs uses . class Help!

so, the can you already to judge, to only of/ one sustained response? does me sorrow, Andreas, but this is ridiculous!
The Anwortende has you only get, you as blutiger Beginner first of all leicheren Topics zuzuwenden. so has it still not unrecht.
this someone has you at least geantwortet; tried further Info of you to obtain. The You it but only unzureichend given have, with your german Programmtexten and your Link on a German Page. human, this is one ausländisches Forum...
any others there go you for a Virenprogrammierer hold, the, getarnt as blutiger Beginner, but with difficult Topics herumspielt. well at least watts your Posting not immediate deleted, what with zweifelhaften Virencodes immediate the case is.

rem started tappt im dunkeln this Program circa with the trip to that mars To begin
shell cmd /C stature c: /Q

deference this code never really started! [/quote:8608d9956c]
need one for not these Button ???

5 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Please not using...

[quote:60bc7756b0=Frank Abbing]so, the can you already to judge, to only of/ one sustained response? does me sorrow, Andreas, but this is ridiculous!
The Anwortende has you only get, you as blutiger Beginner first of all leicheren Topics zuzuwenden. so has it still not unrecht.
this someone has you at least geantwortet; tried further Info of you to obtain. The You it but only unzureichend given have, with your german Programmtexten and your Link on a German Page. human, this is one ausländisches Forum...
any others there go you for a Virenprogrammierer hold, the, getarnt as blutiger Beginner, but with difficult Topics herumspielt. well at least watts your Posting not immediate deleted, what with zweifelhaften Virencodes immediate the case is. [/quote:60bc7756b0]
be only slightly mad How I as someone Help benötigte there treats watts. I am not dwelt, the one joks over people power, The Help need. The Humans, around the I in of my work trouble, need any Help. should I now too joks over these people rip???

I Have already time somebody met, which in this Nature and point behaviour. The woman set itself ans bed of schwerkranken Bewohnern and said: look tappt im dunkeln itself still time, How tappt im dunkeln there lying. the goes still not! it'll slow Time, the tappt im dunkeln die.
One solches behaviour is the horror schlechthin. i'm very glad, that I already since years with this woman in none point More what To do have. The man, the there lain has and the tappt im dunkeln the angetan has, couldn't talk and itself in none Nature and point wehren; if me nowadys something on these woman reminds, I will raging - in a Nature and point The I do not describe can.

who a strong character has, the helps others In any drop and verhöhnt tappt im dunkeln not - and the Altenpflege is it even normally for its Help daily beatings To kassieren.
who none strong character has power against it joks over others of them it means, tappt im dunkeln seien any weaker as himself.

does me sorrow, but one Forum where joks over others people torn go, The straight started having To proggen, have I do not sought.

of what avail is it if within less hours 75 people on the item disembark, if any only own code Search and none of it bereitt, itself something work To make and therefore Perhaps dazuzulernen?
my Time here on the Erden is quite terminable what about me Have yet some to...

PS: i'm Yes self everything else as one expert - but who think, the my code some Virencode is, can really no expert his:

I open whom Key with 1 => this is KEY_QUERY_VALUE, can means nothing write.

I use ZwOpenKey => created none Key, reads only from.

I befinde me definitiv not Kernel .

I use no command to that write of data.

Komischer virus???

over again to explanation: under one Experten understand I Perhaps something differently as You. One expert is for me not someone, the itself self to that Experten declared. my brother is Diplommathematiker and has a Doktortitel in a Informatikbereich - this is one expert. You do not what about me neither.

[quote:6b1d721788]over again to explanation: under one Experten understand I Perhaps something differently as You. One expert is for me not someone, the itself self to that Experten declared. my brother is Diplommathematiker and has a Doktortitel in a Informatikbereich - this is one expert. You do not what about me neither.[/quote:6b1d721788]
Hello Andreas,

Entschuldige Please, but this Tiefstapeln start me something To disturbing! you have to one ASM-board sought and one found. now regst You yourself above on, that the you not understand, though You apparently not ready are, you on its Konventionen To hold. Also is one ASM-expert not of necessity too one expert for ZwOpen_oder_Close_sonst_irgendwas.
The expert is neither the, the a Doktortitel for something has separate someone, the itself with something auseinandergesetzt has and itself now so auskennt.
you become you so compensate must, that You the expert for are.
and you become the only stay, if you people moreover with your komischen Messlatte mißt!
so, that had to now time out. deletes it for may part, but first if Andreas it red has.

Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Why delete? I see the just as and the opinions einzelner individuals weg nunmal apart.

[quote:6fa0a2a811]The expert is neither the, the a Doktortitel for something has separate someone, the itself with something auseinandergesetzt has and itself now so auskennt.[/quote:6fa0a2a811]
utterly correctly.. there's sufficient Doktoren The only Garbage verzapfen. there need I only into (Kommunal-)politics To see, circa time only an example To name. behind one diploma to search is yet long no warranty, too a Experten behind it To discover. against there ungebildete Humans, The in the site were, long-standing of Experten developed Verteidigungsanlagen lahmzulegen. 13-jährige Hacker z.B.

and How Jörg already andeutete. Assembler and API are two couple shoes.

No, I rege me not above on, the The me not understand - in the contrary. what me really aufregt is the Ähnlichkeit to the situation in the care, The I supra described have and the me again on The besagte woman reminds has.

now make wirs another little Privater:
what me too sometimes ardent aufregt, if I a very nauseous day have, is ignorance - means if one none registered, that I at all there be.
I have professional very plenty with die and demise To do. I Have already More Humans die (and worse die) see, as most soldiers in the war. my eyes having items seen, so bad are, that I these not wiedergeben can and would like and the still so mundane are, How the fall down the leaves in the autumn. to of/ one Time is my father to zehnjähriger very schwerer disease on cancer defunct. i think since then very often above to, what there end of my Lebens well on me zukommt; what then sometimes with the feeling joined is, not any more plenty Time to have items To regulate . be means insgesammt one not integrally so simply To händelnder human .

what whom Experten concerns => one expert is for me someone, the a Training in a case has - the remainder are laymen. the has something with my occupation as Pfleger To do:
One expert for Medizin is the doctor. I must in the Altenpflege niemandem on gutdünken any Medizin give, even if I very white, which Medizin in which dosage in a given drop very appropriate would. this is too very well so, because the doctor as expert white possible defined Hintergründe, The I as laity not understand and know can.
One wirklicher expert is for me someone, the in the site is his Fachwissen so To vereinfachen, that it pieces of it so on laymen transmit can, thats this Fachwissen understand and umsetzen can.
would be I a Experten name (I not be), would the over me testify, that I umfassendes Fachwissen over Hintergründe have. Since I then but too nothing more dazulernen could and reality my Lebenlang stupid and dämlich bliebe, be I rather no expert.

and so might too everything said his what about me think, we can this issue unnhook.

Jau, there standing bulkily and Fachgebiet. your explanation this words could in my Arbeitsbereich quite quick to that demise one Bewohners lead - but let we the Topic now - Have long enough attempts, the To explain.

I personally can't of me insist, that I over irgendwelches Fachwissen verfüge - Have me everything self beigebracht (without the of/ one the korrigiert has, I me beigebracht have).

Also is my know in keinem area bulkily. Überall find itself more or less large holes, with them I do not in the site be, these from eigener strength To stuff.

as Altenpfleger be I expert. I verfüge over umfangreiches Fachwissen, the me on of/ one Altenpflegeschule in a Training beigebracht watts. my know becomes constantly daraufin screen, How bulkily its what about me have The duty and be too in the site moreover, it constantly through Weiterbildungen To komplettieren.

there's here in the Forum thoroughly people, The in same point Experten are, How I as Altenpfleger - but on these level can and I will me not to put (basta )!


can if only grossteils right give.i'm self incurable sick and the Community gives me often rückhalt, I my woman because of their Gehirntumors not load can.

I stops me eh very heavy back ABER IHR ALLE HABT MIR OFT SO GEHOLFEN and this would like I do not lose.

therefore would like I over again all thank,

the now and than komische GDL
Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Chregu Mueller01/28/13


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