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 Claus Santa | XPIA: No External DLL! here yet small Veränderungs-hints... otherwise is XPIA well. Assembly directly codieren and not uber DLL, because CALL function is SCHNELLER!
1. benefit: ReverseEnginiering with DLLs is dead easy, what badly is for Datenverschlüsselung. ;(
2. benefit: Direktes integrate in sourcecode, How:
if getfocus( hb_MakeSomting& ) whileloop 10 print your cpu said: +AMSMcall MeineASMproc, MyText, ... ) endwhile
3. benefit: Return of 0-Terminated Strings is possible [!]. then went indeed the:
print AssemblyFunk() retruns: > +string( AssemblyFunk#, 0 ) +<
4. benefit: One Another benefit is then too externe Module handling (How: PLUGIN-MODULES) -> MORE IMPLIMENTATIONS. ;)
blockread( #1, ExternalModule#, 0, getfilesize( #1 ) ) ... call( ExternalModule# ) -> call_addr = addr( ExternalModule# )
5. benefit: Objekt Orientiertes Assembling - important for MS Foundation Classes!
ASMcode$ contains suff of MemoryAddress# class A = ASMcode$[ SIZE ], ....
AObject# is a Objekt the class A (in this Besipiel) call( AObject#, ... )
Please not over Parameters, there badly/verwirrend for all ANFÄNGER! it should integrally PROFAN (simply?) stay!
--- ROOT SOURCE --- ASMproc WhatEverItMakes( params ) return ? ASMendproc
ASMcall( WhatEverItMakes, [params..] )
--- PATCHED SOURCE --- on app init dim WhatEverItMakes#, (SizeOfObj) byte WhatEverItMakes#, 0 = ...code source...
somewhere in your app call( WhatEverItMakes# )
on uninit dispose WhatEverItMakes#
--- appendix --- I Have a Page in german with OpCodes same enclosed - BESSER ALS MEIN DEUTSCH!. ;/
Genereller BinaryCode: offsetdescription +1 byteoperation code +?operands ->byte = +1 ->single word = +1 ->double word = +1 ->quard word = +1
The structure ought to then so looks for a ASM-function (e.g. WhatEverItMakes#):
[ on call ] offsetvalue/datacontentasm code +1$E9buffer skip jumpjmp +4?? ?? ?? ??WhatEverItMakes# + RetrunSize(WhatEverItMakes# + RetrunSize) +(RetSz-Offs)$90reserved data buffernop +??...your stuff hier......
[ on return ] offsetvalue/datacontentasm code +RetSz?WhatEverItMakes# + RetrunSize [return data] ( have fleisig in the Deutschprachigen Chats geübt. hope its readable... [thx2sabine*] ) |
| Snoozel, [[StA/oXr]] // life is just'n bugfree, cos coding is life | 10/30/05 ▲ |
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 Claus Santa | ( Damn good! ) have many Thanks!! |
| Snoozel, [[StA/oXr]] // life is just'n bugfree, cos coding is life | 11/18/05 ▲ |
 Michael Dell | Hello Frank,
the new Parameter Passing comes Real well! there stay hardly yet Wünche open, a Have I but yet. sometimes go Special functions only to internen application needed and should means not export go.
is it possible a switch incorporate the XPIA says the a function not The export- scheduler heard? Bislang mach I the Yes by hand but it would beautiful ifs too automatically went about in the manner:
AsmStart Test (p1&,p2&) I I standing here naturally for Intern. |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 11/22/05 ▲ |
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 Frank Abbing | Hi Michael,
good idea! the building I certainly another. then must You not any more manually The Def-File edit. first of all is first The List view.dll dran. thereafter then.
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 Michael Dell | thanks!!! (hüpfel) |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 11/23/05 ▲ |
 Frank Abbing | Hello Michael,
Have your wish straight installed. standing to the Funktionsnamen one asterisk, then remaining The function intern. tappt im dunkeln appear not in the Def-File and not of XPIA generierten Profancode as External. only others functions the Dll can with Call or the Macro Scall hereon grab. One example: CompileMarkSeparation I schicks you time to that testing rüber. for any others is the expansion in the next XPIA-Version drin. |
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 Michael Dell | Hi,
@Frank: working lovely, thanks 
@iF: having I still saponaceous übersehn. Ähem, to nem small Test stell I solid et runs Nich, Perhaps spinn I I Yes but the function(en) becomes export and in the program too Definiert (External(...)  |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 12/01/05 ▲ |
 Frank Abbing | @iF: of it known I yet nothing, sorry. Heisst the, you had with XPSE deinerseits already for only interne functions provided?
@Michael: The star * functions, the Noexport not, correctly.? |
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 Michael Dell | Yes, very so isses Frank! the Sternschen functions integrally lovely!!! |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 12/01/05 ▲ |
 Frank Abbing | |
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 Melanie Brayer | Okey, 1:0 for man.  its a little bit gewöhnungsbedürftig, but class... Best wishes fly on my trees, damn well, guy! |
| mele (¯`·.¸¸.{ WinXP Pro, XProfan9, XPIA }.¸¸.·´¯)
<Bugs zählen ist besser als Schafe zählen, da der Computer nur so schlau ist wie der der Mensch der ihn bedient.> | 12/01/05 ▲ |
 | @Frank: it went thereby around the Unitsupport - simply büdde short The XPSEHilfe under Unitsupport look at.
an homogeneous Syntax - so meant I - would Perhaps stronger durchzusetzen.
salvo. |
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