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 | Hm me comes to, The Highlevel Loops the MASM32-8/9 are still circa some slower as händisch programmed... Gleiches counts for use the REP (=repeat) Vorsatzes with whom new CPU-command... has someone similar Experience made, or must I there any Optimierungsflags on? |
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 | it comes hereon on, How high You whom Stack absichert etc.is a integral manipulation.
what Dou you mean, for what The Optimierungsschalter are??? for the Compilieren.
mfg |
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 | Ähm... Please How secure I the Stack ex? the ought to still only 1x occur, at Start the Loop, and so timewise not in that weight entrapments! or is the, The MASM-Macrobefehle secure constantly Zwischenergebnisse on the Stack? |
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 Frank Abbing |
Hm me comes to, The Highlevel Loops the MASM32-8/9 are still circa some slower as händisch programmed...
the lying Yes on it, How the Assembler The Loops umsetzt. so a standard-Translation can Yes never so well his, as an by hand erstellte Loop, The on the jeweiligen code in the Scheife optimiert becomes. Z.B. becomes the using Zähl-tab on the Stack rescued and later again uses. the do you need in the by hand programmierten Loop not To make, if the tab otherwise unbenutzt is.
Gleiches counts for use the REP (=repeat) Vorsatzes with whom new CPU-command...
Hm, REP is Yes right angestaubt. I yourself use it really never.
or is the, The MASM-Macrobefehle secure constantly Zwischenergebnisse on the Stack?
Presumably, Yes. How supra already described. is indeed meaningfully, because You so on no tab dispense must. |
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 | therefore The question, whether to the Optimierungsziel the MASM somehow on "speed" instead of on "universelle Registerverfügbarkeit" settle can. would be pity if not goes, the Geschwindigkeitsgewinn would namely vastly. in the Help Have I yet but nothing moreover found... Greeting Peter s. the ältere |
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 Frank Abbing | Hm, there müsstest You time to suitable Schaltern for ML.exe search, so from the head know I there nothing. I yourself have neither fixes, that the Geschwindigkeitsverlust dermassen rapide would. The MASM32 Assembler becomes of Steve Hutchesson moreover develops, one Assemblerfreak, with which Erwähnung of his blossen Namens I already in blanker awe in the ground to lose oneself would like whether of my own bescheidenen Asm-Kenntnisse.  You could time a Testcode of you post, Perhaps cache itself Yes only one simpler Zähl-Error therein. |
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 | too a repository moreover: [...]  particularly the timing-Program [...]  How one on The Switches comes, says us under point 6: [...]  namely with ml /? > ML.TXT in a DOS-Box. Result for my MASM 9 enclosed. to Speedoptimierung must I there (with /Sc ?) but first time reinlesen... Ausserdem shining already Masm-SDK Version 10 there To his: [...]  greeting |
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 | Hm, no option in direction Geschwindigkeitsoptimierung found... remaining well Real the User give over, itself into Maschinerie the jeweiligen CPU einzuarbeiten. and the is nowadys so tricky as an small town... but one versteh I now: Why The Benchmarks of Herstellern so "super" are: becomes everything händisch optimiert! |
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