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XProfan is Multi-Thread-capable

XProfan is Multithread-capable - the Programmablauf becomes fundamentally not of further Threads affect and one can so many Own/ new Threads produce and run out let How one would like.

solely bid XProfan of House from no own modes for new Threads or The management such, Einfluss on The Multithread-skill has this but not.

who Own Threads started would like can this z.B. with the CreateThread-API do:
what one naturally not forget must and not "über a comb scheren" - this but well with "jeder" Programming-Language - that, if one multithread-processes run out can, these naturally too properly program go must so it no Kollisionen with others Threads gives z.B. concerning the Nutzens and Schreibens on prozessglobalere memory/ variables.

The XProfan-own functions are z.B. from this reason not suitable circa z.B. from others Threads as the master-Thread or injiziert into Hauptthread called To go - wozu tappt im dunkeln but neither virtual are and so such Aufrufe anzuordnen a "Programmierfehler" in the own Program present would but not The Multithread-skill of XProfan-Programs in question position.

so heard to that develop eigener truer Threads in the XProfan-Program too the develop of multithread-able functions The then against in the Multithread-fähigem XProfan too correctly carryed out go.

The simplest and Specifically for XProfan manufactured Possibility Own aufwändige (multi-) threadsichere functions produce are "native Funktionen" (nProcs) its Assembler aimed multithreadfähig hergebildet becomes. circa possible simply and "profan" such nativen functions program to bid XPSE as XProfan-Precompiler ( [...]  ) so-called nProcs (the n standing for nativ) The automatically in (multi-) threadsicheren Assembler transformed and as Objekt directly in the XProfanprogramm integrate go so the XProfan-Programmer safely too with integrally normal Profan-Syntax its nativen and (multi-) threadsicheren functions produce and utilize can without on Fremdsprachen zurückgreifen To must:
gives both Male 30 from, only once watts interprets calculated and once nativ and the native function is in the Contrast to Interpretierten too 100%ig (multi-) threadsicher - what not went, if XProfan of House from not (multi-) threadfähig would.

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