Bugs and vermeintliche

differences Interpreter <> Exe

- Page 1 -

in the Interpreter funktionierts:
SubProc Create.BigPicButton

    Parameters Ziel&, Text$, PosX%, PosY%, wide%, Hoehe%, Icon&
    var BigPicButton& = @control("Button",Text$,$50012200+$2000000,PosX%,PosY%,wide%,Hoehe%,Ziel&,100,%Hinstance)
    Button_Refresh BigPicButton&, Icon&
    Return BigPicButton&


Proc Button_Refresh

    Parameters Button&, Icon&
    var Refresh_Button&=@control("Static","",$50000003,5,5,32,32,Button&,0,%Hinstance)
    @Sendmessage(Refresh_Button&,$170,Icon& ,0)


Windowstyle 16+8+2+512
Window 100,100
Window Title "ButtonTest" + " -- " + $ProfVer
UseIcon "A"
var Icon1& = @Create("hIcon","baum")
var Button& = @Create("BigPicButton",%HWnd,"Test- \nButton ",10,10,100,42,Icon1&)
DeleteObject Icon1&

Compiliert GEHTS not:

Getestet with XProfan 11.2 / X2-R1

12 kB
10 kB
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

- Page 7 -

No iF very should not, only it should not Interpreter say is OK and the Exe then aufeinmal meckern. therefore goes it really. both are a and the same thing and can not deviation.
therefore went it Yes really here in the Thread. really independent of Fehlern. Must unfortunately in that bed - gähhhhn - Nächtle ^^

Dieter Zornow (17.11.10)
No, but Interpreter and Runtime kämen to that equal incorrect Result

with one logischen Bug there but not absolutely DAS or the GLEICHE Result and the has Yes nothing so To do whether one it "besser gewusst" has or not.

If I "verprogrammiere" can I even NOT of go out the it one "geordnetes" end takes - otherwise had I Yes not verprogrammiert. ^^

objectively know we still but any, reichts often, only 1 byte itself To move - circa a yummy crash hinzulegen.

Abzuverlangen the XProfan now but such logischen Error recognize - vlt. too yet recognize obs Absturzfehler are (or. The follow recognize) is nice spoken "unfair".

therefore can technical seen badly abverlangen, that with logischen Programmfehlern Interpreter and/ or Runtime and/ or Win7 and/ or Win98 and/ or Irfanviewer "geordnet" or (How "verlangt") "GLEICH" react because the can only To erwartendem behaviour and this would z.B. in the Help described to the jeweiligen command/ functions. ^^

- Page 8 -

the desires indeed no human, is neither the eigentliche Topic, that something like recognized go should, is indeed To far hergeholt.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

Dieter Zornow (17.11.10)
the desires indeed no human, is neither the eigentliche Topic, that something like recognized go should, is indeed To far hergeholt.

even - only How comment I the now Rolf and E.T. less in vain as on this 8 pages... ?

i think You need nothing To explain, there the starting point The differences between Interpreter and Runtime are, from whom Found too always consist. one can't on outer circumstances or on something like take off, there the Behavior of both Yes always same is, is in this drop, the Static becomes in the a always displayed in the others always not, is means nothing zufälliges thereby. so that Differences in the Abarbeitung of code objectively consist, Why white only Roland.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

Yes this is still but clear and we were of my opinion to Yes above too long ago away To there moreover, I it hold as "unfair" understand abzuverlangen, that Interpreter and Runtime with fehlerhaften Codes same "abstürzen" should.

I my I habs on Page 1 already...

iF (16.11.10)
E.T. (16.11.10)
ought to because but not everything, what in the Interpreter working, too ready very so looks ???

If at all then but with not-fehlerhaften Programs. ^^

circa Syntaxfehler I ment thereby (more or less)-evident not, i think there are we any einig thats of interpreter and Compiler anzumeckern are.

Concerning the logischen Error I ment me personally hold therefore darzustellen, that one with this Fehlern even not abverlangen can, that the Ablaufergebnis GLEICH is (z.B. with Interpreter/ Runtime)...

moreover asked I who lest "Einverstanden" is. ^^

you have Yes self The Wiki Statement of logischen Fehlern described, insofern is the no logischer Bug, because if I wrong on a thing herangehe or a incorrect Algorithmus use comes end one Wrong Result out, in this drop with both, what then menschliches failure is. the Result is then always wrong and not remotely or random, because the program should Yes alike where it's running the same make, if I from Unwissenheit a crash provoziere crashes the program in eachone shape ex..
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

with logischen Programmfehlern can your opinion to expect, that Interpreter and Compilations gleichermassen react?

Perhaps make I 2 steps if I behaupte, logische Progammfehler terminate in the Ablaufchaos and a Solches becomes in different entourages sooner not same Reaktionen cause.

I can in the Programmcode no logischen Error present, I know Real not what the his could and white except Blödsinn to program too no real example. there's undefinierte states of variables etc. The something trigger can, what other falls I do not one. where the for me too no logischen Error are.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

Musste eh again under The wetting...

One logischer Error ists z.B. if you...

... one Control 2 time To destroy attempt
... More memory copy as the target tall is
... on one dc malst where keins More is
... in a Loop to far zaehlst
... a Funktionadresse wrong berechnest
... not mind where hex instead of dec gewandelt becomes
... whom stack not leerst and itself memory auffuelt...
... one Static on one Button setting ifs so not explizit virtual...

... everything what hold wrong can make and at least per row felt 12 time wrong power.

After the showers be I now for me To following opinion gelangt:

Hierbei no XProfan-bow, neither the it in the Interpreter differently as in the Compilations reacted.

Begründung: its no XProfan-bow, if fehlende Variablendeklarationen not angemeckert go, if XProfan not promising, each fehlende Variablendeklaration anzumeckern. accordingly can neither of it go out, that a fehlende Variablendeklaration angemeckert and is must self hereon respect variables correctly To deklarieren. These Obacht fehlte here, from it arose one Source with logischem Programmierfehler the unexpected term causing and with one logischen Programmierfehler can not of it go out, that the term itself in different entourages/ Systemen (or. and/ or with Interpreter and Compilations) gleichermassen auswirkt.

with one View source however the ala XProfan "fehlerfrei" is ought to the Compilations and the interpretierte Program self-evident apparently quite same run out - but one fehlerfreier View source lying hierbei even not till.

now but quick in that bed... ^^


objectively know we still but any, reichts often, only 1 byte itself To move - circa a yummy crash hinzulegen.

Ahh - the kapiere I now and i'm clear what it now goes. The set has me convincing.


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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