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 Thomas Weiland2 | Hi,
I have one Program written, the in Profan 10 Free correct runs, but under XProfan 11.1 (Full Version) a Error bring.
Quickies function unbekann: EQU$ row 35 in D rojektekTKWizard.xprf: if @Equ$(@Left(row$,14),|POS_NUM )
here one statement from the code the the trouble created: CompileMarkSeparation
WhileNot @Eof(#1)
Input #1,Zeile$
if @Equ$(@Left$(Zeile$,14),|POS_NUM )
Print #2, Zeile2$
elseif @Equ$(@Trim$(@Left$(Zeile$,23)),GAP_ENHANCED)
Print #2, Zeile2$
elseif @Equ$(@Trim$(@Left$(Zeile$,21)),| pcsgs)
Print #3, Zeile2$
elseif @Equ$(@Trim$(@Left$(Zeile$,31)),All applications redundancy)
Print #3, Zeile2$
What do I do there wrong? Überall where ... standing have I solely command drinnen, The The Variable row2$ to charge. #1 To #3 are Files also to write opened are. As I said: under Free Profan 10 runs lovely.
Greeting Thomas Weiland |
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 RGH | Hi,
I must the Simplicity halber time from the Help XProfan 11 Quote:
30 - compatibility To previous XProfan-versions
XProfan 10
... by the extensions can in rare Make Kompatibilitätsprobleme come along:
Operator-substitute-functions not any more directly supported
How already long angekündigt, get The Operator-substitute-functions from the XProfan-Syntax herausgenommen. following functions there therefore not any more:
Add(), Sub(), Div(), Div&(), Mul(), Mod(), Pow(), And(), Or(), Equ(), Neq(), Gt(), LT(), Add$(), Equ$(), Neq$(), Gt$(), LT$()
The suitable Operators there since Profan² 6.0.
so but too yet programs interprets and compiled go can, The on yet older Source code beruhen, becomes a Include-File PROFALT.INC included, The these functions contains. with Source code, The yet The Operatorfunktionen benefit reicht it means from, these Include-File with $I PROFALT.INC einzubinden and then anew To kompilieren.
The best lane is it, EQU$(expression1, expression2) through (expression1 = expression2) To supplant.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 04/08/09 ▲ |
 Thomas Weiland2 | Hi,
super - thanks for speedy Help. have whom code straight umgestellt and now runs it 
another small Info: in the Help standing if one to Equ seek the following: Info: The function becomes in künftigen XProfan-versions not any more supported
ought to it there not hot: becomes in the actually Version not any more supported? therefore Have ichs namely neither understood Why my Progrämmchen not any more runs.
lovely Greeting Thomas Weiland2 |
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 RGH | Thomas Weiland2
another small Info: in the Help standing if one to Equ seek the following: Info: The function becomes in künftigen XProfan-versions not any more supported ought to it there not hot: becomes in the actually Version not any more supported?
naturally have You right. there's me with the Anpassung the Helpfile on The Version 11 well what by the Lappen gone.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 04/09/09 ▲ |