Bugs and vermeintliche

FreeProfan Bugs and vermeintliche

FreeProfan32 and API UpdateResource

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with the Fehlersuche in a of my programs is me noticed, that one schreibender grabbed with "UpdateResource" on The Runtime (or. Interpreter) regularly The File useless power. so far I found out have, or this anyway annehme, becomes the Schreibvorgang of course carryed out, but the Änderung not Header registered... this lead then the Startversuch the File To unterschiedlichen Fehlermeldungen. mostly "Nur one part the ReadProcessMemory- or WriteProcessMemory-demand watts abgeschlossen" or "Falscher Parameter...".
it concerns too ausschliesslich FreeProfan, The XProfan-versions are of these effect not concerned.

Greeting Matthias
WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia

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would be I do not on it Waiting,

Have it already a couple time erfolglos sought.

Matthias Arlt (22.04.2016)
Hm...so interestingly the first of all shone with the XPRC-Ressource...
One pack the Runtime is therefore but well unmöglich become.

Why? as long as The Ressourcen not mitgepackt go, ought to it even the finished Program possible his. (testing can I it in the momentum not, I none EXE-Packer installs have.)

XProfan X3
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

now have I me UPX (latest Version of 2013?) Downloaded and probiert:

One with the latest Version of FreeProfan32 kompiliertes Program (here: resexplorer.exe) can itself free from problems telescope.

The PRFRUN32.EXE to the Compile To telescope functions unfortunately not.

XProfan X3
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Hello Roland,
ash on my master, just as is it too. I had in the first The previous Parameter for UPX uses, means too Ressourcen-Komprimierung. the was yet so in the Kleinhirn anchors. and secondly well too in between times the 'falsche' Runtime erwischt...
some testweise gepatchte versions I had to that comparison yet aufgehoben and then well confusion brought...

means the all-clear, what the pack angeht.

though hit now again The API-functions fehl. with the finished (naturally ungepackten) Exe disappears each grabbed The XPRC-Ressource. The File remaining otherwise funktionsfähig, behave itself but as an unverlinkte Runtime. self already one FindResource to Feststellung, whether XPRC at all present, runs mostly in that vain.

i'm therefore still first to gepatchten Vorgängerversion returned. the funktionierte Yes then to whom Offset-corrections well and systemkonform.
WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia

my vorläufiges Fazit to further umfangreichen Tests:

If it possible is, would I it saluting, if it with the recent shape bliebe. means without XPRC as Ressource. Why:
yet must itself the users, if The EXE machine go should, solely around the Runtime concern. and is thereby too really none Einschränkungen subjected. D.h. The File behave itself systemkonform, How each EXE, too for Dritt-programs.

with the Variante with XPRC-Ressource can/must I to Ressourcen-edit The Runtime Change, it can but not pack. wants to the whole pack, is the verlinkte Runtime To Edit. though with the Einschränkung, The Ressourcen not pack To can. latter can but one ausschlaggebender reason his, at all pack To want.

one must means letztlich, circa in the Grunde one and the same thing To achieve, twice "Hand anlegen", once to and once to the Compilation. because it prinzipbedingt Einschränkungen gives, The it so before not given.

The EXE behave itself so too from the "Sicht" of Dritt-Programs atypisch, speak unexpected (or unkalkulierbar). the erschwert vastly z.b. the write of Programs, The by API on the File-Content grab. (The Executable is Yes self zuweilen too subject the edit.)

this is insoweit first only my subjektive view. I hope but, that rüber come is, what it me thereby goes.
from users-visibility dürften The (possible) advantages of/ one PRC as Ressource still sooner lowly his. at least see I tappt im dunkeln momentarily not. whether it programmiertechnisch so gewaltige advantages bring, can Yes only Roland to judge...

greeting Matthias
WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia

at that recent take action can But really not stay, because z.B. one Remove of/ one Ressource a finished Program, this useless power, because the not expected "Annhang", namely the simply appended Profancode (PRC-File), thereby destroy becomes.
to that others power a compressed Runtime Problems with whom new Ressourcenfunktionen, as well as at $RES, with the at Compile Ressourcen eingebunden go.

the jetztige take action with the Compilations as Ressource has whom benefit, that any Ressourcen-functions completely problemfrei functions, because it no "Fremdkörper" (angehängter Programmcode) in the finished Program gives. it can the finished Program even yet Ressourcen added, changed or removes go, even if self not More necessary is, there the Yes everything already over $RES Done go can.

XProfan X3
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


because z.B. one Remove of/ one Ressource a finished Program, this useless power, because the not expected "Anhang", namely the simply appended Profancode (PRC-File), thereby destroy becomes.

from very this reason I'm going bislang folgendermaßen to:

- Offset on $80/$24 reading and check, whether PRC present
- if present, Runtime and PRC temporär separieren (PRC remaining same in the RAM)
- Ressourcen-Update by API perform (whatever...)
- whom nunmehr changed Offset on $80/$24 present
- PRC again append

The PRC is so into Update-process not at all involviert. and I thereby with the temporär separierten Runtime (or the not-Profandatei) otherwise yet in lieu of or not, standing in my Belieben...
everything in everything a speedy and tidy thing, the ever free from problems functions(e).

I knows now naturally not as $RES-functions intern umgesetzt are.

Greeting Matthias
WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia

Gäbe vlt. another Possibility.

but not The PRC as Res anzuhängen or (How yet) as "blinder Passagier", directly in whom Opcodes-part the Exe copy so as would it too nativer code. if i remember rightly, should for in the Exe only slightly Space created and be 1 - 2 sums in the PE-Header adjusted.

means vlt. with Delphi or FreePascal one Hello World write with bisl inline-ASM (z.B. 1000 xor eax,eax) and then again one with 2000 xor eax,eax and then look where The Differences in the Exe-File lungern.

Habs sure again mistig declared.

Perhaps wundert itself then too UPX over Bytes The none Opcodes correspond to - Perhaps interested it UPX but neither z.B. if it eh the Exe a new PE-Overhead missed. the bliebe then but auszutesten.

The entry on whom named Offsets becomes ex XProfan X3 Yes not any more needed, there the Compilations Yes now sought becomes. though I had in Version X3 missing, the now sinnfreie settle this Offsets herauszunehmen. This will in the next Version happen. first therefore, that the Compilations now sought becomes, can itself now the finished Program telescope, without that it its Lauffähigkeit lose. (Also feel I wohler, if I now not any more a Speicherstelle in the Header describe, its usage not documents is.)

XProfan X3
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

How becomes $RES intern gehandhabt?

the power the Compiler:


1. PRFRUN32.EXE becomes to MEINPROGRAMM.EXE copies.
2. The Ressourcen the with $RES angegebenen *.RES-Files go added, or. changed.
3. the Compilations becomes as Ressource added. FERTIG!

To X2 (Runtime reads Offset):

1. PRFRUN32.EXE becomes to MEINPROGRAMM.EXE copies.
2. the Compilations becomes moreover copies (hinten dran gehängt).
3. the Offset to that Compilations becomes in a hopefully ungenutze place the Headers (4 byte) registered. FERTIG.

In X3/X3.1 (Runtime seek Compilations):

1. PRFRUN32.EXE becomes to MEINPROGRAMM.EXE copies.
2. The Ressourcen the with $RES angegebenen *.RES-Files go added/changed.
3. the Compilations becomes moreover copies (hinten dran gehängt).
4. the Offset to that Compilations becomes now überflüssigerweise in a hopefully ungenutzte place the Headers (4 byte) registered. FERTIG.

To including X2.x can one fertiges Program not compressed go, too one add or Remove of Ressourcen isn't possible.

ex X3 there but functions and command, circa Ressourcen in Programs and DLLs To change. the should naturally too for with XProfan erstellte programs possible his. therefore becomes the Startpunkt the Kompilats now sought. Nebeneffekt: the finished Program is now too komprimierbar.

One trouble is though emerged: at that Delete of/ one Ressource a finished Program disappears the Compilations. the there yet something hinten dran depends, is well not vorgesehen. The problem is the Compilations as Ressource tidy resolved. there's Yes none Fremdkörper More.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


The problem is the Compilations as Ressource tidy resolved.

and very these even not so:

- File functions as fertiges Program
- res("Change", "TEST.EXE", 2, "TOOLBAR", 0, 0, 0)
- File functions still, but as unverlinkte Runtime, because:
- The BITMAP-Ressource "TOOLBAR" Although removes, The XPRC but too !

Greeting Matthias
WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia

I fürchte, you haven't been The latest Version using. as well as, I tappt im dunkeln not yet uploaded have. i'll the same time nachholen ... now is the actually Version of FreeProfan32 uploaded.

the Delete of/ one Ressource ought to under no circumstance irgendeine others Ressource concern can!

I suppose, with your Version watts the Compilations yet none as Ressource verlinkt, separate yet appended.

at least have I the whole with the soeben hochgeladenen Version yet tested. too to the Remove the Toolbar remaining the program How dwelt run!

XProfan X3
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


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