Bugs and vermeintliche

XProfan X4 Runtime and UPX


good day,

enclosed a problem with UPX and möglicher Workaround Thanks Rolands Nature and point the Kompilate, How these in the EXE sought go

at that left the with UPX before compressed Runtime comes following Error finished Program

it's located on it, that the finished Compilations on The EXE as Ressource appended becomes (X4 here) - there restliche Ressourcen already compressed are, becomes The EXE at Perform dekomprimiert and attempts ergo not kompimierte Compilations To uncompress, what to the Error comes - following Reasons lying to:

1. in first Linier seek the Runtime to the Compilations, this must in keinster point compressed his - means, that in the Nachgang through UPX zB komprimiertes Program too the Compilations, the as Ressource present is, compressed becomes

2. How supra declared, go The Ressourcen at Perform dekomprimiert - even if the Compilations in the Nachgang gelinkt watts and the EXE before compressed, comes it ditto to that o.g. Error. here venture I To suppose, that the Compilations by the EXE dekomprimiert becomes (because UPX commands = Ressourcen komprmiert, means dekomprimiere) though the Compilations itself in the Original befindet

circa nevertheless with UPX komprimierter Runtime To works:

1. Solution: Fertiges Program telescope and the commands --compress-resources=0 use - How the commands already says, go The Ressourcen from the Komprimierung except

2. Solution: there the Compilations through Rolands Nature and point, How this by the Runtime sought won't zwangsläufig a Ressource his must, can first of all The Runtime compressed go (too any Ressourcen), thereafter The PRF gelinkt and simply on The Runtime end appended go - to too whom commands PROGEND end the Source code to safety use.
TIPP here: by the commands --compress-icons=1 with UPX ought to the first Icon, that one too with "USEICON" (or. Create("hIcon",...) as Fenstericon use wants, not compressed go (becomes by me in both Make not loaded - compressed Bitmaps, Strings etc. go free from problems loaded).

for the 2. Solution in this senses have I parallel from the year 2013 one Program uploaded, if someone not self manually make would like:  [...] 
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TC-Programming [...] 
XProfan 8.0 - 10.0 - X2 - X3 - X4



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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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