
Bundeswettbewerb Computer science 2005 / 2006

Bundeswettbewerb Computer science 2005 / 2006

The Bundeswettbewerb Computer science watts 1980 from the fellowship for Computer science e.V. in that life called.

target the Wettbewerbs is it, interest on the Computer science To rousing and To intensiver pursuit with ihren Inhalten and modes as well as whom perspectives yours application anzuregen.

The competition begins and end in the september, lasts about one year and exists from three rounds.

in the first and second round are five or. three releases To dwell self-employed To Edit. thereby can The releases the first round with grundlegenden Informatikkenntnissen resolved werden; The releases the second round are explicit tougher. in the first round is Gruppenarbeit registered and erwünscht. on the second round can those participate, The alone or together with others at least three releases largely correctly. resolved having. in the second round is then eigenständige Einzelarbeit demand - The rating results by a relative Platzierung the works.

The ca. thirty nationwide best go to third round, one Kolloquium, invited. therein lead eachone one conversation with apiece one Informatiker from school and Hochschule and analysiert and machine in the team two Computer science-Problems.

participate can adolescent, The to the 7.11.1983 born get. tappt im dunkeln can however to that 1.9.2005 not yet your(informatikbezogene) Training completed or a Berufstätigkeit adopted having. ditto impossible are Personen, The no school More visit and to that Wintersemester 2005/2006 or former your studies at a Hochschule/college take in or. adopted having.

around the Teilnahme junior Schülerinnen and schoolboy To further, becomes in the competition a Junioraufgabe set. tappt im dunkeln must of up to 16-Jährigen machine go (born to the 7.11.1988) or. through groups with a such Member.

In all rounds the Wettbewerbs becomes The Teilnahme by a document confirm.

in the first round go moreover first and second prices as well as Anerkennungen vergeben; with a Price is the qualification for second round joined.

too in the second round there first and second prices - junior subscriber having The chance on a Einladung to a Schülerakademie.

The Gewinner one first Preises in the second round go to third round invited. The there ermittelten Bundessieger go in the rule without further Aufnahmeverfahren into Studienstiftung the german Volkes adopted.

Additional are for Bundessieg, but too for others particular Leistungen money- and Sachpreise vorgesehen.

selected Endrundenteilnehmer can itself in several Trainingsrunden for the vierköpfige German team qualifying, the on the international Computer science-Olympiade 2007 in croatia teilnimmt.

here finds your The complete announcement:  [...] 

The Programming-Language Profan² or. XProfan is for this Bundeswettbewerb inspired suitable (too already in the Freeware-Version Profan² 5.0).


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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