
Bundeswettbewerb maths 2006


Bundeswettbewerb maths 2006

The Bundeswettbewerb maths is a mathematischer Schülerwettbewerb for all on maths interested. it exists from two Hausaufgabenrunden and of/ one abschließenden third round, from one mathematischen Fachgespräch exists. The competition depends itself on Schülerinnen and schoolboy, a to general Hochschulreife führende school visit. with interessanten and anspruchsvollen releases would like it tappt im dunkeln vivify, itself a Time long intense with maths To keep busy. next to the mathematischen Schulwissen must one to Teilnahme particularly something stamina bring along.

How runs the competition ex?

into both Hausaufgabenrunden go each four releases from unterschiedlichen reaches the Elementarmathematik (Geometrie, Kombinatorik, Zahlentheorie, algebra) set, The in the second round explicit anspruchsvoller are as in the first. tappt im dunkeln must each in ca. two Monaten in housework selbstständig resolved and written elaborate go.

in the first round are too Gruppenarbeiten registered, The though the Korrekturverfahren except competition go through and therefore not Preisen slip go.

in the third round, too Kolloquium called, goes not More around the solve of releases. here lead eachone subscriber and each Teilnehmerin one concise einstündiges Fachgespräch with apiece one Mathematiker or. of/ one Mathematikerin from university and school. on the Base this conversations go The Bundessieger/inside select.

moreover style The Teilnehmerinnen and subscriber to that gegenseitigen get to know one Rahmenprogramm with integrally unterschiedlichen Posts. Also having The subscriber/inside one integriertes Auswahlverfahren to take into Studienstiftung the german Volkes go through.

And so runs the competition timewise ex:

december 2005: announcement, Versand the Unterlagen

To end february 2006: edit the releases by the subscriber/inside

1. March: Einsendeschluss the 1. round

To end May 2006: Korrektur and pricing

beginning june 2006: message the Korrekturergebnisse on The subscriber/inside

beginning june 2006: Task, Versand directly on The Teilnahmeberechtigten

To end august 2006: edit the releases by the subscriber/inside

1. september 2006: Einsendeschluss 2. round

To end october 2006: Korreketur and pricing

beginning november: 2006 message the Korrekturergebnisse on The subscriber/inside

beginning february: 2006 Kolloquium 3. round

who can on whom individual rounds participate?

The first round standing schoolboy/inside all Klassenstufen on whom supra named schools open. in its inhaltlichen Anforderungen orientiert itself the competition however on whom classes 10 To 13.

any award winner/inside the first round are reasonable, on the second round teilzunehmen.

the first award winner/inside the second round having itself for Teilnahme on the third round qualifying.

what there To win?

in the first round there Urkunden for first, second and dritte prices.

in the second round there The equal Preisstufen How in the first but additional to the Urkunden Geldpreise up to 160 EURO.

in the third round there only a Preisstufe, The award winner/inside go Bundessieger/inside called. you'll with Beginn one Studiums into backing the Studienstiftung the german Volkes www.studienstiftung.de adopted. tappt im dunkeln receive so one scholarship and vielfältige Support in the studies.

moreover wave different Sonderpreise.

who veranstaltet whom competition?

bracket the Bundeswettbewerbs maths is the association education and talent e.V. The competition becomes together of Bundesministerium for education and research and of Stifterverband for Deutsche science finanziert and standing under the Schirmherrschaft the Bundespräsidenten. The Kultus- and Schulbehörden the countries support it and befürworten The Teilnahme.

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