
Europäischer Schülerwettbewerb "Join Multimedia"


What's this about?

task is it, in the team a informative and unterhaltsame Multimedia-Präsentation To pretended Topics on the computer to create - in deutscher or englischer Language.
To win there prices in the Gesamtwert of over € 130.000!

who can participate?

invited are Schülerteams of 12 To 21 years from all schools Europas. One team setting itself from at least four and maximum eight Schülerinnen or. Schülern together and becomes a Betreuungslehrerin or. one Betreuungslehrer supported. it can also several Teams of/ one school or but a whole class - zoned in Teams - participate. Universitätsstudenten are from the Teilnahme impossible.

participate can sowohl Schul- as well as Länderteams. One Schulteam form Schülerinnen and schoolboy of/ one or more classes of/ one school, one Länderteam becomes formed from Schülerinnen and Schülern of schools from at least two and maximum three Ländern. any länderübergreifenden Teams having with Join Multimedia a double Gewinnchance! because the best team apiece Altersklasse becomes additional with the Sonderpreis team Europe fine!

The Multimedia-Präsentationen go separated to two Altersklassen (12 To 15 years and 16 To 21 years) rates. around the Präsentationen together vergleichen to, must following criteria eingehalten go:
- max. 100 MB Speicherplatz,
- max. 30 pages.

with Join Multimedia messt your you with Teams from integrally europe. in the czech republic, in serbia and montenegro and Russia go nationwide Vorrunden implemented. The best nationwide Multimedia-Präsentationen take then on the international secretion part.

any subscriber receive a Join Multimedia-document.

which Topic must it because his?

four Topics verschiedener Themenbereiche stand to selection. prepares to a the Topics a Strukturbaum and setting this multimedial on the computer circa!

school and know: our school - eure school

classroom, Sporthalle and Vokabeltest - everything items, The to that Schulalltag dazugehören. we want know, where The differences and Gemeinsamkeiten on Europas schools lying. gives it others Unterrichtsfächer? others Schwerpunkte? How long lasts The school hours and when are holiday? take Contact with euren Partnerschulen or others Teams on and vergleicht eure schools together. afford The schools lunch on, can The schoolboy there Hausaufgaben make or AGs visit? are The schools already online and Tests, Krankmeldungen and Elternbriefe go by Click Done? take us with on a virtual trip by the schools Europas!

country and people : others countries, others Sitten

The world is a village. so is it of course, but in this village life Humans unterschiedlichster Kulturen together. the power us wonder, bring joy and new Friends, but too misunderstandings. shows us Examples kulturellen Zusammenlebens or position us your kreatives create as Länderteam to. How have your you kennen learnt and together kommuniziert? with Händen and Füßen or still in the jeweiligen Landessprache? what finds your on others Ländern amazing, Perhaps befremdlich? The Sitten and Gebräuche, The religion, The Schule… . what keen you, with which does your you heavy and which Changes wish your you for a better together?

economy and profession: Traumjob sought

what I will go? alike, whether your short to the end eurer school hours or yet in the middle drin stick – The question to the future profession is always brandaktuell. What is your Traumberuf? Börsen-Broker or a Own Hundepension? How ye straight on this Berufs-Favoriten come? have your known or relative, The ähnliches make or having you The school, the employment office, one day the apertured door in eurer Wunschfirma for euren Superjob keen? Verratet us, what your of eurem Traumjob expects and How yourselves on euren plans bastelt. we're tensely on eure ultimativen Bewerbungstipps. describe us, who you are, what your professional make want and particularly How your to there comes!

Technologie and Innovation: light moving The world

You waxes on, hit The eyes on - and? its bright. where comes this light? Why is it too bright, if The sun not shining? gives it light, the one not sees? Spot on and go geht’s: we would everything round ums Topic light know. torch, sunshine or good mood-Macher - Why is for you light essential? Wozu can light use? where lying The differences and meanings of künstlichem and natürlichem light and how can one tappt im dunkeln join? Streulicht, Lichtbündelung, Wallwasher, Spotlight, Punktlicht, Lichtflächen - How functions tappt im dunkeln? is light just bright or light it in different colours? which light-Phänomene knows your from the nature? Glühwürmchen or sun, moon and stars? we're tensely on eure Geistesblitze!

who rates How?

any eingereichten Posts go first of all a adept Vorjury from Studierenden verschiedener Fachrichtungen to feststehenden criteria judged. an international Hauptjury from Vertretern the Bildungspolitik, Media, school and boyhood as well as one representative the Siemens AG becomes subsequently The best Präsentationen to the same criteria over again evaluate and the final Platzierungen as well as The Gewinner determine. thereby places The Jury particular worth on a Schuss Individualität, the The Multimedia-Präsentation unique power!

The legal recourse is impossible.

important for you:

we assure you, that each to Jurierung admitted Multimedia-Präsentation gewissenhaft rates becomes. though can only The each first 20 in eachone category konkret platziert go.

to- and Hauptjury evaluate to subesquent criteria:
- Themenbezug and Informationsgehalt
- investigation the Thematik
- Kreativität
- Stimmigkeit and Umsetzung the Strukturbaums
- usage of self erstelltem material
- Strukturierung the Multimedia-Präsentation and Menüführung
- grafically formation (Layout)
- employment and Stimmigkeit the Interaction
- teamwork

thereby places The Jury particular worth on a Schuss Individualität, the The Multimedia-Präsentation unique power!

The competition 2004 / 2005

when goes it go?

ex november 2004
Login for competition

31. january 2005
Anmeldeschluss for Join Multimedia 2005

1. june 2005
Einsendeschluss for Wettbewerbsbeiträge

june To july 2005
Sichtung the Wettbewerbsbeiträge, rating by the Vorjury

august 2005
rating by the Hauptjury

september 2005
award ceremony in Germany

october 2005
Bekanntgabe the further Platzierungen, Versand the Urkunden and prices on The schools

what there otherwise yet To mind?


as software recommend itself one Autorensystem. it serves the einfachen and speedy development interaktiver Multimedia-Präsentationen on the PC. Multimedia standing here for the Zusammenführen verschiedener Media How Text, graphic, Language, music, Animation and video into Computerprogramm as well as The Possibility the Interaction.

the Autorensystem is not the only tool, the for Creation of Multimedia-Applications needed becomes. it serves solely moreover, The desired contents, Abläufe and Medieneinsätze in a Computerprogramm umzusetzen. Additional go programs for Creation the Medienmaterials, means graphic- and Bildbearbeitungsprogramme, Soundeditoren, Videoschnittprogramme or Animationsprogramme needed. in the internet there to a crowd Free- and shareware, The to that part free Downloaded go can.

Join Multimedia position spare, with which software The Multimedia-Präsentation prepares becomes. It can sowohl Authors- as well as Webpage-solid-Software employment come, How z. B. Flash, Director, Mediator, PowerPoint or FrontPage.

XProfan is as Software create of/ one such Multimedia-Präsentation inspired suitable (already The Freeware-Version Profan² 5.0)


The hardware-Voraussetzungen are tributary of eingesetzten Autorensystem. thereby are The indicated the verwendeten software To mind. The eingereichte Multimedia-Präsentation must letztlich on one Multimedia-PC with standard-Ausrüstung ablauffähig his.

to problemlosen Creation of/ one Multimedia-Präsentation ought to The hardware at least following Voraussetzungen erfüllen: windows-PC (Pentium) with 64 MB main memory, Grafikauflösung 800x600, 16 bit Color Depth, Soundkarte, double Speed CD-ROM drive, windows 9x/2000/NT/XP.

Einreichung the Multimedia-Präsentation

with the Multimedia-Präsentation must another Kurzbeschreibung and a Strukturbaum (Sitemap) eingereicht go. an Einsendung is only then validly, as they from this three Elementen exists. Multimedia-Präsentation, Kurzbeschreibung and Strukturbaum go from the Jury rates! The Multimedia-Präsentation must to that 1. june 2005 on CD-ROM at Wettbewerbsbüro eingereicht go.

The Einreichung one Projekts in the welt this Wettbewerbs contain none Übergang the Copyrights or geistiger Eigentumsrechte the subscriber on The Siemens AG. The Siemens AG keeps itself however the right to, from the eingereichten Präsentationen copies for nichtkommerzielle tack to create and To distribute.

join? More Info? yet ask?

any announced Teams receive in the Anschluss on The Login The leaflet Join Multimedia-Teaminfos with important allude to Projektarbeit and numerous Tipps and Tricks around a gelungene Multimedia-Präsentation.

all ask answers too the Join Multimedia-Wettbewerbsbüro:

Wettbewerbsbüro Join Multimedia
Quagliostraße 9
D-81543 munich, Germany

Phone: (+49 89) 62 17 11-0
Fax: (+49 89) 62 17 11-20

further Information: see [...] 
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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this Topic has 1 subscriber:

Dietmar Horn (1x)

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