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| selected reges attend! |
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Jac de Lad | Related to the german could I Yes take. The Constant building I same one, in the form yyyymmdd, I hope, this is you right so.
Jac |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 12/11/06 ▲ |
Carlo Keil | [quote:35f05f5986=iF]If me now with 28 years too yet someone anständiges german teach could would I overjoyed. [/quote:35f05f5986]Well then I will time with the most important Grundregeln begin:
Verwende never no double negation. each Pronomen must with their Beziehungswort coincide. respect on the right use of Genitiv. set no, unnecessary Kommas. Verben must with ihren Subjekten coincide. These evil Satzfetzen. Vergiß not, Infinitive always with to make up. avoid superfluous bind-Striche. Lies the, what You written have once more through, to see, whether You forget have. respect on korekte Ortographie.
HTH Carlo |
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Michael Dell | as an afterthought , everything love and good... |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 12/11/06 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | man, having you too gratuliert, but your Skype takes quite no Messages More on... stand already since two Meet in the Loop... |
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| Hey hey! I I - och hmpf!
I have you still not forget Frank! have hold only any aufgezählt The what into Shoutbox written had - habs me simply made verzeih! I gelobe recovery! white still eachone here the we one geheimes lover are.
*blümchenGeb* |
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Frank Abbing | |
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Rolf Koch | i'll then Pate Eueres child *freu* |
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| Oje! now come any The three-four-five-Ecks-Beziehungsprobleme as an Lavine on me To. |
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| nothing so withal - anlässlich of my Geburtstages I had a idea which The Nity too The coming Time accompany and bereichern becomes! Ums differently To say: ÜSCH HAB DA PLÄÄÄNE
Have me of a me bekanntem notary public something to that birthday desired. *g* One conversation where I the Quälende his must. *g*
component the Gespräches was naturally too The Nity! without! The XProfan.com To kommerzialisieren and with the so connected Nachteilen To überschaudern can here soon everybody - too one minor - its software schlichtweg said sell. no trade necessary! No Formulare of Tax! and without Verlußt - 100% payment. How the goes comment I later if everything in bag and Bags is. and Yes - the can also heissen the any The already one trade benefit it then not any more need if it only therefore goes The Own software To veräußern. ask How must Privatleute because money receive without trade and Krig I really 100% of my Price are both in this drop with a klaren Yes To answer.
Jeil? Sozusagen my Geburtstagsgeschenk on you ^^ |
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Frank Abbing | be tensely... |
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Hubert Binnewies | too nochn cordial Glühstrumpf of me....(as an afterthought)..... |
| WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie
Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal: "Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!" | 12/12/06 ▲ |
Nico Madysa | From me too as an afterthought everything good! |
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