| |
 | gmx.rolf.gehring means:
on the Search to one Program, with the I Files too in | |
Unterverzeichnissen to integrally eigenwilligen regulate automatically rename | |
let can, leave me increasingly The hope. | |
circa yourself such one Program To write need one one Unterprogramm, the | |
itself by the Unterverzeichnisse wuselt and itself first once any | |
found Filenames anywhere writes. | |
to decades I had already once this trouble (in a others | |
Language and others Speichermedien) resolved. one name it well Rekursion | |
or so similar. now would it me very relieve, if someone, derein | |
Unterprogramm for this object has and it too wiederfindet, me whom | |
View source To Disposal to put would. | |
in the directory C okumente and EinstellungenolfLokale | |
EinstellungenTemporary internet Files go pieces from aufgerufenen | |
Websites for forever stored. One Happiness, I only respectable pages | |
aufrufe. into couple Monaten, The I XP on this computer have, | |
speicherten itself already over 8000 Files. the particular on this Ordner is | |
the Show the jeweiligen kompletten www-Path under properties. can | |
one this area with a Profan-commands read? | |
gives it a simple Possibility, a Basic-DATA-row with Hex-Elementen | |
kommagetrennt displayed from einfachen numbers (0 - 255) in PROFAN-View source | |
umzuwandeln. i want one altes Q-Basicprogramm, which very plenty | |
DATA-Lines contains, in profane paraphrase. | |
already in the ahead would like I all Antwortern thank | |
| |
 | frabbing.mail means:
> gives it a simple Possibility, a Basic-DATA-row with Hex-Elementen | |
> kommagetrennt displayed from einfachen numbers (0 - 255) in | |
> umzuwandeln. i want one altes Q-Basicprogramm, which very plenty | |
> DATA-Lines contains, in profane paraphrase. | |
For this can you whom BYTE-commands use: | |
byte mem#,0=123,45,12,85,8,45,4,1,45,76,234,9 | |
byte mem#,12=35,56,14,67,... | |
If you not yet at least Profan 8 have, must behind BYTE always only one | |
worth stand. otherwise as much as you want. | |
| |
 | jesoft.engels means:
to Dateiliste with Unterverzeichnissen: in Profan 7.5 there The | |
Possibility to The Dateimaske one * zusetzen, then becomes The Dateiliste | |
inklusive all Unterverzeichnisse with Pfadangabe created. | |
ONLY IN THE 32-BIT-VERSION: becomes to the String one star indicated, go | |
too any Files whom Unterverzeichnissen added The the Dateimaske | |
to the Data Lines in middle-aged Basicprogrammen: The Hexzahlen are naturally | |
to dezimal To konvertieren and mid$(x$,x%,2) too slight to find, | |
but without whom middle-aged Basicinterpreter these data presumably useless. | |
You müsstest the program analyse, The routines To Auswertung the | |
Datenzeilen find and what the program then so starting. If the Content | |
the Data Lines then anderweitig verwertbare data contains points You too How | |
You The data use in secular can. | |
to that XP Internetseiten trouble: I lösche whom betreffenden Ordner daily | |
and the URLs interessanter pages save I ex. an URL can slight | |
read go, there it a Textdatei is.. | |
programs for such tack write I relatively often, too in PHP is so what | |
useful. only one must naturally always very know as data | |
----- Original Message ----- | |
Sent: Thursday, november 09, 2006 11:30 AM | |
Subject: a couple small ask | |
on the Search to one Program, with the I Files too in | |
Unterverzeichnissen to integrally eigenwilligen regulate automatically rename | |
let can, leave me increasingly The hope. | |
circa yourself such one Program To write need one one Unterprogramm, the | |
itself by the Unterverzeichnisse wuselt and itself first once any | |
found Filenames anywhere writes. | |
to decades I had already once this trouble (in a others | |
Language and others Speichermedien) resolved. one name it well Rekursion | |
or so similar. now would it me very relieve, if someone, derein | |
Unterprogramm for this object has and it too wiederfindet, me whom | |
View source To Disposal to put would. | |
in the directory C okumente and EinstellungenolfLokale | |
EinstellungenTemporary internet Files go pieces from aufgerufenen | |
Websites for forever stored. One Happiness, I only respectable pages | |
aufrufe. into couple Monaten, The I XP on this computer have, | |
speicherten itself already over 8000 Files. the particular on this Ordner is | |
the Show the jeweiligen kompletten www-Path under properties. can | |
one this area with a Profan-commands read? | |
gives it a simple Possibility, a Basic-DATA-row with Hex-Elementen | |
kommagetrennt displayed from einfachen numbers (0 - 255) in PROFAN-View source | |
umzuwandeln. i want one altes Q-Basicprogramm, which very plenty | |
DATA-Lines contains, in profane paraphrase. | |
already in the ahead would like I all Antwortern thank | |
| |
 | gmx.rolf.gehring means:
Hello Jürgen, Hello Frank, | |
first once thanks for Your Answer. almost everything clear. | |
only to that directory C okumente and EinstellungenolfLokale | |
EinstellungenTemporary internet Files understand I The response not. | |
to that XP Internetseiten trouble: I lösche whom betreffenden Ordner daily | |
and the URLs interessanter pages save I ex. an URL can slight | |
read go, there it a Textdatei is.. | |
in the Explorer see I The Filenames in a slot and of/ one further | |
The URL. where is the Textdatei, How come I tappt im dunkeln? | |
the can itself to the question strain, How I get at all The in the | |
Explorer indicated Split in a Textdatei, around the indicated | |
| |
 | jesoft.engels means:
URLs are Verknüpfungen in that internet, vergleichbar whom LNKs. If you a | |
web page in your Favoritenliste aufnimmst we in the corresponding | |
Ordner a xy.url File created and these File my I. | |
where the suitable Ordner find depends from the Windowsversion ex | |
with Win 98 was is simply. ex 2000 must one search depending on which | |
user one is u.s.w. i want time say besorg The one entsprechendes | |
book in the such particular described are. Perhaps knows someone | |
a empfehlenswerten cover. | |
The lane over The in the Explorer indicated Information is presumably too | |
possible, but moreover should the Programmer quite well over The windows | |
----- Original Message ----- | |
Sent: Saturday, november 11, 2006 4:13 PM | |
Subject: AW: a couple small ask | |
Hello Jürgen, Hello Frank, | |
first once thanks for Your Answer. almost everything clear. | |
only to that directory C okumente and EinstellungenolfLokale | |
EinstellungenTemporary internet Files understand I The response not. | |
to that XP Internetseiten trouble: I lösche whom betreffenden Ordner daily | |
and the URLs interessanter pages save I ex. an URL can slight | |
read go, there it a Textdatei is.. | |
in the Explorer see I The Filenames in a slot and of/ one further | |
The URL. where is the Textdatei, How come I tappt im dunkeln? | |
the can itself to the question strain, How I get at all The in the | |
Explorer indicated Split in a Textdatei, around the indicated | |
| |