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Abschiedsbrief of GSS - Amokläufer


Yes here's means the Abschiedsbrief from the Amokläufer on the GSS:
I must yourself say, How I the red Have is it me cool whom Back down run!

If one knows, that one in its life not any more happy go can, and itself of day To day The Reasons for häufen, then remaining one nothing other spare as from this life To vanish. and for have I decided. there's Perhaps people The hätten moreover made, hätten itself virtual is already, but is not.

one has me said I must to school weg, circa for my life To learn, circa later one nice life make for can. but what bring one burliest car, the grösste House, the most beautiful woman, if it letztendlich anyhow fürn Arsch is. If your woman begins you To hassen, if your car gasoline uses that you not numbers can, and if You niemanden have the you in your scheiss House visit comes!

the einzigste I intense in the school beigebracht get have was, that I one Verlierer be. for the first years on the GSS is correct the even, i was the Konsumgeilheit overdue, have anach strove Friends To get, Humans The you not as person, separate as Statussymbol see.

but then be I woken up! I erkannte the The world How tappt im dunkeln me appeared not existing, the ie a illusion was, The mainly from the Media created watts. I observed More and More in take off of/ one world I befand. an world in the money everything governed, self in the school went it only therefore. one had the neuste Handy having, The newest Klamotten, and the right Friends. has one one of it not is one not worth mind To go. and these Humans called Jocks. Jocks any, The my because of of teuren Klamotten or lovely lassie on the Page over others To stand. I verabscheue these Humans, No, I verabscheue Humans.

I have into 18 years of my Lebens experienced must, the one only happy go can, if one itself the volume fügt, the fellowship anpasst. but the could and wished I do not. i'm spare! nobody must in my life interfere, and does it it still has it The Konsequenzen To carry! no Politiker has the right laws To erlassen, The me items prohibit, no bull has the right me my weapon wegzunehmen, already none during it its on the cincture carry.

Wozu the everything? Wozu should I works? so I kaputtmaloche circa with 65 into superannuation make at and 5 years later abzukratzen? Why should I yet straining something To achieve, if it letztendlich anyhow fürn Arsch is because I former or later krepiere?

I can one House building, children get and what knows I do not everything. but wozu? the House becomes sometime ragged, and the children die too time. what has because the life Please for a sense? none! means must one seinem life a sense give, and the make I do not because I one überbezahlten boss in the Arsch rumkrieche or me of Faschisten verarschen let The me tell want we life in a Volksherrschaft.

No, there's for me now another Possibility my life a sense To give, and the I will not How any others before lavish! Perhaps had my life complete differently proceed can. but The fellowship has nunmal none Space for Individualisten. I mean right Individualisten, people The self think, and not such I carry one Nietenarmband and be alternatively cretins!

you have these battle began, not I. my Handlungen are a result eurer world, a world The me not give up wants How i'm. you have you over me jolly made, the same thing have I now with you done, I had only a integrally others humour!

From 1994 To 2003/2004 was is my Bestreben, Friends to have, joke to have. as i then 1998 on The GSS coming, caught it on with the Statussymbolen, wear, Friends, Handy etc.. then be I wach become. me watts deliberate that I my life long the stupid for others was, and one itself over me jolly made. what about me have me revenge swore!

These revenge becomes so brutal and hoggish carryed out go, that you the blood into Adern gefriert. before I go, I will you a Denkzettel miss out on, so me never again a man forget!

i will the your recognize, the nobody the right has under one faschistischen Deckmantel from law and religion in fremdes life einzugreifen!

i will the itself my face in eure Heads einbrennt!

i will not longer of it walk!

i will my part to revolution the Ausgestossenen contribute!

i will R A C H E !

I have above thought, that most the schoolboy The me gedemütigt having already from the GSS abgegangen are. moreover have I two items To say:

1. i was walking not only in a class, No, i was walking on The whole school. The Humans which on the school find, are keinem entrapment innocent! nobody is the! In its Köpfen runs the same Program which too with whom previous Jahrgängen running! i'm the virus the these programs destroy wants, its completely irrelewand where I there anfange.

2. One Grossteil of my revenge will the Lehrpersonal richten, because the are Humans The against my sake in my life intervened having, and helped having me to there To to put, where I now stehe; on the Schlachtfeld! These teacher find itself so well How any yet on this verdammten school!

the life as today daily stattfindet is well the armseeligste what The world To afford has! s.A.A.R.T. - school, Training, work, pension, demise this is the Lebenslauf one normalen Humans nowadys. but What is really normal?

as normal becomes the marks, of what the fellowship expects becomes. accordingly go nowadys Punks, Penner, murder, Gothics, Schwule etc. as unnormal marks, because tappt im dunkeln whom general imaginations the fellowship not just go, can or want. I scheiss on you! eachone has spare To his! give each a weapon and the Problems whom Humans solve itself without jedliche Einmischung Third. If someone die, then is it hold dead. and? The demise heard to that life! come The Angehörigen with the wastage not clear, can tappt im dunkeln to commit suicide, nobody hindert tappt im dunkeln on it!

s.A.A.R.T. begins with the 6. Lebensjahr here in Germany, with the Einschulung. the kid begibt itself on its perönliche Sozialisationsstrecke, and becomes into darauffolgenden years forced itself the general public, the majority anzupassen. lean it this ex, chid itself teacher, parents, and not lastly The police one. Schulpflicht is the Schönrede of Schulzwang, because one becomes Yes forced to school to go.

who forced becomes, lose one Piece its freedom. one becomes forced steer To numbers, one becomes forced Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen einzuhalten, one becomes forced this To do, one becomes gewzungen the To do. Ergo: No freedom!

and something like called then Volksherrschaft. If the people here rule would, hiesse it anarchy!


After of my doing go again any fat Politiker stupid says knock How we hold now in a body or we must together try this durchzustehen. still the make tappt im dunkeln only circa Aufmerksmakeit To get, circa itself self as The Solution To to feature. on the GSS was is just as... never can itself this fette Piece Scheisse of Rektorin glances, but if theatre- aufführungen are, then standing tappt im dunkeln as first with a wide grinning on the stage and präsentiert itself the volume!

Nazis, HipHoper, Türken, state, Staatsdiener, Gläubige...simply any are to that kotzen and must vernichtet go! (whom concept Türken use I for all HipHopMuchels and Kleingangster; tappt im dunkeln come to Germany because the terms with them at home To badly are, because war is... and then come tappt im dunkeln to Germany, the Sozialamt the world, and lassne here The Sau out. tappt im dunkeln should any vergast go! No Juden, no negro, no Holländer, but Muchels! ICH BIN KEIN SCHEISS NAZI)

I hate you and eure manner! your must any die!

since my 6. Lebensjahr watts I of you all verarscht! now must your for pay for!

because I know the The Fascholizei my Videos, Schulhefte, diaries, simply everything, not release wants, have I the self into hand taken.

as letztes would like I the Humans The me what mean, or The ever well To me were, thank, and me for all this Entschuldigen!

i'm lane...
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

Why postest You that here?
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Why postest You that here?

would be me too interested - this is one Forum the positive Settings !!!

Les time here what iF meant has :
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

in order to know what positively is must to the negatives kennen. to the Content the Briefes make I me strain ne opinion.

The young had simply time to that Psychater weg should.
the we any life and then die has it Yes yet on The row get but what whom Mittelteil angeht, there had it urgently Help get must.

without regulate there now time only anarchy.
it falls me over ands over again on, the The Jugendlichen any your rights rote kennen - only whom dazugehörigen Pflichten, there hapert it vast.
Here though too The school Mitschuld, it'll plenty To little the Why there rights and Pflichten? eingegangen.

and over the when becomes which Unterrichtsstoff mediate ought to one itself too once more thoughts make. The boyhood ought to plenty former with gesellschaftlichen Things konfrontiert go.
the it classes gives, which from Zeitungen Information erarbeiten and then above diskutieren is utterly super, though have I the local this are very rare individual cases.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


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