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an API-Library in german - crazy thing!!!


Hello Andreas,

I find, this is a super thing, The You there in that life called have! one seek itself always a wolf, around the notwendigen Parameter of/ one API to find and to some extent declared To get! (If one then finally The right API found has...)

a couple suggestions have so did i:
The Entries under of/ one jeweiligen Katregorie should alphabetical geordnet his and a second slot with of/ one short Description having. then finndet one yet faster The right API.

On The Kategorieseite ought to another Info on The API-Using Gerhard Putschalka to find his. so can itself then The values the unfortunately gebräuchlichen Klartext-Parameter Show let.
Schöne Grüße aus Wittgenstein
von Stephan

Programmierumgebung:| XProfan X4 | WIN10 | AMD FX6100 3,3 GHz

Hello Stephan...

whether The Library at all alphabetical To ordnen is, can I unfortunately not very say. so one itself rather zurecht finds becomes IF but, so think I, yet some in future venture (we stand Yes first at the beginning).

whom Info on the Kathegorieseite (on Uwes Help Files) becomes it give, the is already longer planned. possible richte so did i a extra Linkbereich one.

>> an API-Library in german - crazy thing!!!

there must I still absolutely consent.

and suggest, above to think, whether one The Library not too in anybody shape to that Download offer ought to.
not eachone has a Flatrate or a speedy Internetzugang. Offline seek and schmökert it itself still integral angenehmer as with of/ one tickenden Verbindungszeituhr in the back of the head.


Hello efisch...

Very good idea!
@IF - there already a Possibility complete Forenbereiche download?

you become but nevertheless not therefore herumkommen, you our Page öfters to examine. in the average comes here daily a API moreover - I have already time in a night 15 new uploaded...


too of me one dickes praise for your untiring work!

> On The Kategorieseite ought to another Info on The API-Using Gerhard Putschalka to find his. so can itself
> then The values the unfortunately gebräuchlichen Klartext-Parameter Show let.

there can I not consent. i'd me wish, that You no solid Zahlenwerte in your Codes and Beschreibungen verwendest, separate The of MS festgelegten names the variables. yet rather would it, if You The Variables and names immediate in the code definierst, so learn the User at Coden immediate both mutants kennen.
because with the later vertieften teach the API (You erstellst Yes only Basiscodes and so should it indeed his), recognize the User immediate The known Variablennamen (The Yes of names since usually Rückschlüsse on The suitable Use permit), instead of with difficulty The complete API still erlernen To must.
here time the example your Statement of DrawStatusText(), so How I it me wish would:
Def &SBT_DEF        $0
Def &SBT_POPOUT     $200
DEF @GetSysColor(1) !"USER32","GetSysColor"
DEF @DrawStatusText(4) !"comctl32.dll","DrawStatusTextA"
SetTrueColor 1
Windowstyle 31
Windowtitle "Statustext"
Window 0,0-640,440
CLS @GetSysColor(15)
Long RECT#,0=50
Long RECT#,4=50
Long RECT#,8=250
Long RECT#,12=75
Let Text$="Statustext versenkt"
Long RECT#,0=50
Long RECT#,4=100
Long RECT#,8=250
Long RECT#,12=125
Let Text$="Statustext hervorgehoben"
Long RECT#,0=50
Long RECT#,4=150
Long RECT#,8=250
Long RECT#,12=175
Let Text$="Statustext flach"
@DrawStatusText(%HDC2,RECT#,@ADDR(TEXT$),&SBT_NOBORDERS) Sonst kein Repaint!

While 0=0



or You verwendest The .ph-Files, The Yes vordefinierte Variablenwerte using.

Hello Frank...

I have self already above thought, The definierten Konstantennamen of MIcrosoft To use. from subesquent Found have I the bislang not done, will be The Konstantennamen soon but well as amendment with whom Parameters insert:

- Älteren Profanversionen are missing The Übersetzungsdateien (.PH).

- The Übersetzungsdateien, to all Things The windows.PH and the STRUCT.PH, include To XProfan there Error - in the Securitybereich are me these noticed. Stößt one zufälligerweise on a such Error, uses one the Konstantenname quite nothing.

- Längst not any Konstantennamen are erwähnt, many Header-Files are missing Profan.

- for a Beginner into API (How so did i of/ one be) are Konstantennamen extreme verwirrend. it'll veil, what itself really behind it hide - namely binäre ? Happen? - means switch. Each 1 standing for a aktivierten switch, each 0 for a deaktivierten switch. only so is too The Adding up of flags To understand and why these Adding up (whom Profan bow time except eight let) with a binären or erfolgen ought to (so with of/ one Doppeladdierung one equal ? Happen? in a Flagkombination not suddenly the next switch umgelegt becomes).

- an half-way understandable Statement is me initially importent, as the allude one Konstantennamens. in the moment think I sooner, that one some things still too time with Microsoft directly take after would like - with neueren Explanations I will The Konstantennamen therefore with whom Parameters unterbringen. from whom supra named Found go me The ? Happen? but furthermore importent stay.

means if I Parameter your routines Change would like, shock I in MSDN or PSDK to, where only The Konstanten-names aufgeführt are. The actual values bring me there not plenty moreover. means a Deklaration the Konstanten and usage this would I already very begrüßen.



Thomas meets it very. How so did i already said, help Konstanten not any more moreover, once your Codes extended go should...

Hello your both...

Deklarationen the Konstanten becomes it into Quelltexten from whom supra named Found not give. i'm there with To many things over Error into Header Files stumbled. The Konstantennamen go but under whom Parameters in the Description erwähnt go.

Source ought to one so or so not simply so abkopieren - for have I tappt im dunkeln neither here posted. i want The people moreover bring, itself with the Description and the View source auseinanderzusetzen (both heard together) and To vertstehen, How the functions. who not understand, what it there does, becomes former or later on The nose entrapments...

Why uses You eigendlich - AH - whom new code


Gefällt you eigendlich my Solution with the API-Library-Box?
I mean there carry itself automatically one - what with API in the designed Downloadrubrik registered is.


[box:17f93c8551]Perhaps be so did i only senil[/box:17f93c8551]


Keywords? OOPS - vergesssen! becomes nachgeholt!
API- BOX => well.
Keywords => very meaningfully
alphabetical Sorting => genial!

moreover so - I see, here becomes powerful worked...


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Peter Max Müller10/28/17


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