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lists we here possible Anfängerfehler. Thread is moreover there, Anfängerfehler To post if one self such strike. Thread becomes too z.B. under Programmieraufgaben verlinkt.

Anfängerfehler %maxx:

One Window becomes gladly in the not-visible area prepares circa z.B. whom construction the daraufliegenden Controls To hide.

too XProfanEd prepares the window > %maxx.

Typischer Anfängerfehler there particularly nowadys several monitors on The computer connected and be z.B. with window %maxx,0 - wide,höhe the image hold on one others Monitor showing could. (sees one unfortunately often!)

it power likewise little sense the window small zero To positionieren, because too there can monitors mappen. (this is sure too one reason for and so the type for position INT is and not UINT ... [...]  )

now could one into API-box grapschen and anything else calculate around the trouble To prevent or simply window %maxx*100,%maxy*100 use around the probability against zero To settle in the visible area herumzupinseln.

alternatively could one by z.B. windowStyle 80 and window 0,0 - 0,0 one unsichtbares Window produce (too windowStyle 1024 could one yet draufpacken circa too in the Taskbar not To attend) and subsequently by setStyle on the letztendlich desired Style settle, means z.B. so:
windowStyle 80 | 1024  $14CF2000
window 0,0 - 0,0

whileLoop 20

    sleep 50


setStyle %hWnd,$14CF2000
setStyle %hWnd,1,0
setWindowPos %hWnd=%maxx*0.2,%maxy*0.2 - 640,480

further possible Anfängerfehler can here posted go. (on this set follows usually nothing (lol) , ok - except Perhaps of Jac with a Posting the something like of überhauptnicht about what beiträgt so I the Posting to that new Thread detach must because I do not so impolite his would like whom Posting simply To delete *g*) but it be you said (hohoho!) whenever your in a situation diving, in the your in the welt of/ one Selbtüberprüfung feststellt, a possible Anfängerfalle found to have, so must your only yet on this Thread think and post! a little while ago I had yet 2 3 others such Cases in the head, which were the still same? (blow Jac! ) ( too blow Frank! and blow you Dietmar! )

Saublöder Error, the me always time again at testing of something happens:
well, and What is now the Error?
the Cls to derSchleife forget. Perhaps More one general Flüchtigkeitsfehler but nevertheless ne unpleasant entrapment.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

here the getCurSel is -1 Anfängerfehler: [...] 

print getString$(meineListBox&,getCurSel(meineListBox&)) can to a Error Message lead if getCurSel() -1 (means small zero) returns - z.B. because garkein Sign in the Listbox markiert is.

previous versions of (X)Profan(²) had here without Error Message weitergearbeitet by which some Sources one small Piece inkompatibel become are.

remedy could his:
proc lb.myGetCurSelString

    parameters hLB&
    var curSel&=getCurSel(hLB&)
    case curSel&<0 : return
    return getString$(hLB&,curSel&)


ungetestet *g*


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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