declared AppendMenu fügt one Menu a new entry hinzu.
DEF @AppendMenuEx(4) !USER32,AppendMenuA
1.Parameter: lever the Menus as LongInt. 2.Parameter: ? Happen? for the behaviour and Appearance the new Menüpunktes ? Happen? can with | add go. => -$4 = The Menüitem is a Bitmap. Parameter 4 contains the lever the Bitmaps. -$8 = The exhaust is with one Mark slip. -$2 = The exhaust isn't anwählbar, is not ausgegraut. -$0 = The exhaust is anwählbar, shows the element under usage the in Parameter 4 angegebenen Textstrings on and versieht not with of/ one Mark. -$1 = The exhaust wid deaktiviert and ausgegraut. -$20 = Platziert whom Sign in of/ one new row, if it itself thereby circa a Menüleiste deals or with one Popupmenü in a new slot. an vertikale line part The Split one Popupmenüs. -$40 = How $20, only that Split not by a vertikale line separated are. -$100 = The entry becomes complete of users prepares (Ownerdrawn). -$10 = at that entry deals it itself circa a Popupmenüeintrag. -$800 = with the Menüelement deals it itself circa a Trennlinie one Popupmenüs. 3.Parameter: MenüID (%MenuItem) the new Menüpunktes. 4.Parameter: If Parameter 2 whom Flag $4 contains, is this Parameter the lever one Bitmaps. should one Text as exhaust showing, standing here The address the Textstrings or a Memory-Variable with the string as Content.