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at that code-Snippets/prozeduren and functions everything markirt


Hello If
at that code-Snippets/prozeduren and functions can I not discern if one new Posting there's, whom by me is everything markiert.
greeting Fernando
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the what You there as Mark wertest is in reality no. These rötlichen small Gnubbel are this area the Communtiy the standard.

the whole is there also a little bit differently virtual as in many others reaches the Community.

I behaupte simply - these Codesnippedsammlung should one then help - if one to one designed code seek. the goes z.B. too over Search => CodeSnippets => Codesnippedfinder. it is not absolutely sense the thing on each Snipped extra over one symbol aufmerksamm To go.

its even so - if you today one Snipped postest (mach it simply time!) then get You a Message the it first tommorrow in the list appear. the is too so! The list becomes means daily - but not immediate - updated. accordingly could there also garkein Symbolchen his.

If you however supra right in the Main Menu on The red number click - there where standing the in X new Topics Posts ready lying - then become You to that Snipped hingelangen. You find The latest Snippeds naturally in PopUp-Menu under Search => Topics the letzen 7 days....

the whole is means everything one bisl komplizierter.

I bat you here - instead of in the Shoutbox - nachzufragen, so I The Statement not in the beitragsvergänglichen Shoutbox post must.

so can it hold too others nachlesen.

salvo, iF.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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