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Hello people,

I wished me time ZURÜCK-MELDEN.
-has me because none missing

No, integrally in the serious was is me from private Found in last Time unfortunately you don't say so active here teilzunehmen.
so and nu where I again bissl More Time have would like I
too same short what Vostellen where certainly soon a couple ask on you
zukommen go

I Have there a little bit gebastelt unzwar deals it itself circa a Lichtsteuerung So one
bisschen hardware (sozusagen my new small proposition).
on the whole goes it therefore with the PC different Sensoren / Schaltvorgänge / exits To to supervise / To chid.

Prerequisite was The hardware by USB to address is and itself (naturally)
with Profan valet can. After some Search be I over The Page of
[...]  fallen - The building Schonmal The
Grundplatine with the one diverse employ can. the whole name itself
IO-Warrior (sound still same a little bit einschüchternd )

means the part order and because I mainly Relais chid would like had I accordingly another little löten - for wealthy my Elektronikkentnisse straight yet from.

so your you the a little bit rather present can here time one Image:
be now thereby The Aufrufe the dazugehörigen DLL of VB/Delphi to Profan To
translate and I both Languages not so bewandert be come well -How
eingangs erwähnt- a couple ask on you To...

with ask: FRAGT!


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Normann Strübli (1x)

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