Firefoxer had yet the trouble to the Post into Shoutbox the Posting not same To see. the stirred therefore the FF (weiler again faster his wished ^^) The anzuzeigende Page one javascript:history.back()s not new läd.
The problem have I so umgangen that I not by javascript in the History rumfusche - separate integrally simple by location.href on the new index.php show.
The itself from it resultierende disadvantage is hold - the one itself possible not any more on the Page wiederfindet - on the one original the Shoutboxposting vornahm.
i think but - this drop To handlen is exorbitant - because who into Shoutbox posting - is eh grade not thereby a regulären Posting To write... and if still - then can Yes immernoch The Browserfunktion benefit circa in the History back to go. Vergleichbar would it - if itself someone wundert Why a new Page aufgeht - weiler still on NEN Link clicked has.
so ists now means well-balanced, fehlerfrei and komfortabel.
is now already a whole while since since the virus-Overkill. an crowd work since then - of us all and v.a. of iF - and how much schöner and rather is everything since then already become!? Allerorten becomes fleissig gewerkt, plenty Geniales is new hinzugekommen (your know sure, what so everything meant is), manches is yet fertigzustellen. but in the Grunde can we any proud his on UNSERE COMMUNITY
[box:191d434044]what I me for future yet very wish would, would a homogeneous Entwicklungsoberfläche, The any items game. ROC + editor with Syntaxhighlighter + Access to The AHschen APIs and the Online-Doku + ... + ne (kostenpflichtige) Telefonseelsorge fürn utterly emergency circa 3 watch atnight [/box:191d434044] Christian