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Frank Abbing | The proof of a Bildungsnotstand.........
there need one no PISA-investigation More! true conversations between IHK-tester and Azubis!!!
tester: tappt im dunkeln bad still certainly telly. know tappt im dunkeln what The letters ARD mean? Azubi: can I on boards write? tester: Yes Please. Azubi (writes): the ÄRDste tester: and what is ZDF? Azubi: Zweiter Deutschfunk. tester: and PRO7? Azubi: so for children ex seven, or?
tester: How is The Hauptstadt Deutschlands? Azubi: Berlin. tester: before Berlin Hauptstadt watts, which town was there Hauptstadt? Azubi: there was Germany yet DDR, with Hitler and so! tester: I see? How hieß because The Hauptstadt before Berlin it watts? Azubi: Frankfurt, or? tester: How, Frankfurt, or? Frankfurt/or or Frankfurt, or? Azubi: now white I! Karlsruhe!
tester: Wieviele days has one year? Azubi: 365. tester: well! and in Schaltjahren? Azubi: a More or a less, white not as accurate. tester: Überlegen tappt im dunkeln time in silence. Azubi: mean a less. tester: are tappt im dunkeln sure? Azubi: then a More! tester: Okay, where comes because the additional day there? Azubi: I mean the becomes in the Silvesternacht eingeschoben. tester: i beg your pardon?? Azubi: no, balderdash, this is with Sommerzeit, or? tester: it'll yes a whole day somewhere eingeschoben, there would it Yes meaningfully, if one a month takes, the anyhow little days has. which could the because his? Azubi: now white I, february! tester: well means! know tappt im dunkeln too, How often we Schaltjahre having? Azubi (freudestrahlend): Yes, white I exactly, any four years, because a Cousine has namely any four years none birthday!
tester: who was really John F. Kennedy? Azubi: The was important, or? tester: (schaut only fragend) Azubi: not of Germany or so... tester: No. Azubi: Have I on each drop already time heard, there NEN film of. tester: Yes, but who was? Azubi: has the what made up? tester: (schaut fragend) Azubi: war or so?
tester: know tappt im dunkeln, whether Germany a democracy or a monarchy or a dictatorship has? Azubi: white I do not as accurate, was former Yes everything differently. tester: Yes, former were We also time monarchy. Azubi: Yes white I, with Hitler. tester: not integrally, but What is with today? Azubi: the has Yes first recently changed. tester: the would me new! when should itself the because changed having? Azubi: so with Mauerfall and so.
tester: What is one Euro-check? Azubi: Kannste Euro with pay for, except in the leave.
tester: explain tappt im dunkeln me Please, what a Dreisatz is. Azubi: with attempt and then far jumping.
tester: what are so your Hobbies? Azubi: reading, music and Rumhängen. tester: what reading tappt im dunkeln because so? Azubi: Programmzeitschrift.
tester: we've since some years whom Euro as Currency. How hieß The Currency before it? Azubi: dollars! tester: No, this is z.B. The Currency in america. Azubi: Ah momentum, now white I it: D-marrow. tester: well means! what is because the D in D-marrow? Azubi: democracy?
tester: two moves stand 100 kilometres voneinander removes and rad then with very 50 km/h one after another To. where meet the moves, with welchem Streckenkilometer?
Azubi: comes on it on! tester: on what comes the on? Azubi: whether The not before already bump.
tester: having tappt im dunkeln a Idea, who The siblings Scholl were? Azubi: Nö? tester: I see but into Unterlagen, that tappt im dunkeln ten years on the siblings-Scholl-school were. Azubi: siblings Scholl (interval) siblings Scholl (interval)... no, no idea. tester: already something from the weißen rose heard? Azubi: Aaaaah! now fällts me one: music, or?
tester: In welchem country is the Königin of england Königin? Azubi: want tappt im dunkeln me on the poor take? tester (Unschuldsmiene): No, wieso? Azubi: because The already dead is!
tester: name tappt im dunkeln me still Please three skandinavische countries? Azubi: Schweden, holland and Nordpol.
tester: Wieviele corners has one Quadrat? Azubi (takes whom Taschenrechner): say tappt im dunkeln me yet the level Please!
tester: Julius Cäsar, already time heard? who was really? Azubi: has the not jesus hinrichten let, so with Bibel and so kenn I not from, be protestant.
tester: name tappt im dunkeln me still Please three large Weltreligionen. Azubi: christianity, Catholic and protestant.
tester: The pope living in the vatican. where but Please lying the vatican? Azubi: is one eigener state. tester: Yes correctly., but the Vatikanstaat is complete of Staatsgebiet one others Landes umschlossen. Azubi: Hmmmm.... tester (wants help): from the country come many Eisverkäufer. Azubi: Langnese or what?
tester: If it in Karlsruhe ten minutes to one is, How late is it then in the Cologne circa 12 watch at noon? Azubi: there should one now a atlas having!
tester: If one bag cement 10 Euro cost and the Price now circa 10 % increased becomes, How valuable is it then? Azubi: with or without value-added tax? tester: It's all right now only around the Endpreis. Azubi (rechnet How wild with the Taschenrechner) tester: and? Azubi: eleven. tester: eleven what? Azubi: percent. tester: say tappt im dunkeln me simply 10 Euro plus 10 percent, how much is the? Azubi: 10 plus 11 is Einundzwanzig!
tester: What is The Half of 333? Azubi: 150 remainder 1.
tester: In which town standing the Reichstag? Azubi: to or to the contact? tester: today. Azubi: is now not any more Germany, or?
tester: who is Helmut cabbage? Azubi: can I somebody phone?
tester: through which incident watts the first world war triggered? Azubi: Ui, something like can tappt im dunkeln me not ask. (Kicher) tester: still, consider tappt im dunkeln time, the could they know. Azubi: ask tappt im dunkeln me of what Next generation and the white I!
tester: In of/ one washing-machine need tappt im dunkeln per Waschgang 100 gram detergent. In one Karton are 10 kilogram. How often can tappt im dunkeln so waschen? Azubi: Yes, as now? tester: 10 kilogram having tappt im dunkeln, each time verbrauchen tappt im dunkeln 100 gram. Azubi: I Have Yes nothing on whom ears. tester: Yes and the response? Azubi: Ey, I lern Reisebürokaufmann, not Waschfrau. tester: well, one Reiseprospekt rocking 100 gram. tappt im dunkeln get a Karton of 10 kilogram. How plenty Prospekte are there drin? Azubi: this is fully unfair! tester: this is still integrally simply. Azubi: white so did i. tester: then calculate tappt im dunkeln still time. Azubi: what? tester: 100 gram eachone leaflet, 10 Kilo in the Karton. Azubi: Komm, mach your circle, that I durchgefallen be, so Scheiß mach I do not!
same task, another Prüfling: tester: calculate tappt im dunkeln still please times! Azubi: clear, no trouble! ten kilogram are 20 pounds. 5 Prospekte are a pounds. 100 Prospekte! tester: lovely! (Freut itself, that the Prüfling, of course over the detour the Pfundes, sure and quick to that Result come is.) Azubi: and the whole now time 10!
tester: when was the Dreißigjährige war? Azubi: In Vietnam or?
tester: what mean The terms gross and net? Azubi: somehow so more or less. tester: alas what? Azubi: still, gross is with Packaging... tester: and net? Azubi: this is the weight the Packaging. tester: What is then Tara? Azubi: The has the made up, or?
tester: before it money given, How having The Humans there were dealt? Azubi: Tauschhandel. tester: Yes.. (becomes of Azubi interrupted) Azubi: If one there a Playstation wished, had to one a bunch Games abdrücken, circa tappt im dunkeln To catch.
tester: when watts The ferderal republic Germany established? Azubi: the was in Österreich. tester. not where, separate when. Azubi: before!
tester: when found The German reunification instead of? Azubi: as The Ossis heard having, that we whom Euro having, are you any rüber. tester: when? Azubi: as Hitler in Berlin whom war lost has.
tester: who was Ludwig Erhardt? Azubi: whom having my parents so gladly geguckt. was still the with the fat goggles. tester: and what was Ludwig Erhardt? Azubi: actors! tester: you mean Heinz Erhardt! Azubi: Heinz Erhardt was still the aide of Rudi Carrell, or?
tester: in the Context with the exchange hears one always whom concept DAX. What is because the DAX? Azubi: no, I know already, is no beast, or? tester: (shake whom head) Azubi: no, is clear. tester: and? Azubi: Ne short cut? tester: (nickt) Azubi: there's no word with the X starting! tester: Perhaps there yes a word, with the X aufhört! Azubi: taxi!
tester: One Kubikmeter exists from How many Litern? calculate tappt im dunkeln still time, How many liters fit in a Kubikmeter!
Azubi: (gaze whom tester with offenem mouth on) tester: can tappt im dunkeln the? Azubi: (gaze whom tester moreover verständnislos on) tester: look tappt im dunkeln, a liters waters can indeed in a die bestimmter Kantenlänge converting, How many die fit then into Kubikmeter? Azubi: Yes but liters is still for waters and Kubikmeter for Wohnungen. tester: i beg your pardon?? Azubi: Yes, The dwelling of my parents is 85 Kubikmeter big. tester: what tappt im dunkeln now my is a Flächenmaß, you mean Quadratmeter! Azubi: I thought, Quadratmeter is only if it viereckig is and Kubikmeter if it something unfavourable cut[ed] is.
tester: who was because Carl Benz? Azubi: (was loudly Unterlagen on the Carl-Benz-Gymnasium): One berühmter forger! tester: and what has it made up? Azubi: (with stolzgeschwellter bust): the BENZin!
tester: If one item 85 cent cost, wieviele item can tappt im dunkeln for buy, if them 12 Euro available stand?
Azubi: i'd a analysis make. tester: tappt im dunkeln could but too simply calculate. Azubi: i'd tender and demand analyse, whom market study and try to find out, where I the item billiger get. tester: this is Yes everything beautiful and well. but now to put tappt im dunkeln itself to, tappt im dunkeln hätten the already everything made and hätten found out, that the item exakt for 85 cent To get is. Azubi: i'd either Waiting To I More money had or To the item a better Price has. tester: Why make tappt im dunkeln it itself so heavy? Azubi: because 85 cent not 12 Euro fit. tester: fit still! Azubi: but not really!
tester: Konrad Adenauer, having tappt im dunkeln this names already time heard? Azubi: Yes clear. tester: and who was? Azubi: has the not The D-marrow made up?
tester: who was the first German federal chancellor? Azubi: Helmut cabbage. tester: The wasn't the first. Azubi: still, the was already Kanzler as i born watts. tester: and before? given it there no Kanzler? Azubi: only whom Hitler.
tester: name tappt im dunkeln me still Please six countries, The on The ferderal republic Germany border. Azubi: holland, Niederlande, Schweden, spain, portugal, england.
tester: The moderne EDV relieved whom Büroalltag. name tappt im dunkeln Examples for. Azubi: having we not any more had, we've chon computer.
tester: name tappt im dunkeln me some countries the europäischen community. Azubi: Kenn I any! france, belgium and the dritte falls me now not one.
tester: The longest river Deutschlands is which? Azubi: The Nil.
tester: who was Napoleon? Azubi: The with the Guillotine?
tester: tell tappt im dunkeln me still something over The weight the subesquent Erfindungen: the wheel, The Dampfmaschine, the Phone, the computer. Azubi: you've one forget: the Handy! tester: no, no, Phone have I said. Azubi: Phone is still with cables, Handy without!
an young woman, pretty, fair, into übrigen ask not so bad been, get another question from the area the Allgemeinwissens. tester: The first human in the universe, How hieß the? Azubi: james Tiberius Kirk! there marvel tappt im dunkeln, or? tester: though! Azubi: Dass I even known, what the T in james T. Kirk means. tester: already something of Juri Gagarin heard? Azubi: self-evident! tester: Yes and? Azubi: The has still so Spoon verbogen, in the telly. tester: I see, and Mr. Spock was the first man on the moon. Azubi: No, the was Louis Armstrong |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 02/22/07 ▲ |
GDL | Hä, the 1.april comes still first yet?
Hello Georg |
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Michael Wodrich | is the Sitzenbleiben into schools abgeschafft been?
or produzieren schools these manner of all-round education?
Armes Germany. |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 02/23/07 ▲ |
Matthias Arlt | not The schools, are there yet sooner in the sacrifice-strain. this is one product the fellowship altogether (or ought to one rather Verfallserscheinung say... Zugegeben, The there were always, but tappt im dunkeln take yet always gravely To !). Beautiful, if one it only humorous viewing could, but unfortunately is it vielfach one reflection the reality.
Armes Germany - Yes, not only, but in this Kulturnation very (over)explicit...
Matthias with schönem Greeting into round (I had to withal momentanem Zeitmagel here my mustard moreover give...) :--/ |
| WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia | 02/23/07 ▲ |
| i wish the this abasement zügig forth goes. |
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Matthias Arlt | Moin IF in the senses of Sozial-darwinism...? |
| WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia | 02/23/07 ▲ |
| not in filled Zügen! but How always lying The truth in the middle.
i'm well historical To well-read circa me over the actually stood the items To wonder.
I say only - on one New! |
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Matthias Arlt | then are we sure somewhere on similar Welle. especially since, what historical well-read (gefällt me very !) anbetrifft... |
| WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia | 02/23/07 ▲ |
Bernd Haase | Ey, counts Prorgammzeitschrift too To The geschichtliche education, one ?? reputation me time on my fully krasses Handy on !! |
| Mit freundlichem Gruß Bernd Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !![...] | 02/23/07 ▲ |
| ...so did i To historical well-read each people has in the running its development Höhen and depths had and becomes tappt im dunkeln over ands over again having. - chinamen, indians, Ägypter, Mittelamerikaner, roman etc... now are we dran and there becomes too none something Change can. the occident degeneriert and asia goes in the wahrsten senses the Wortes The sun on |
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Nico Madysa |
in asia goes in the wahrsten senses the Wortes The sun on
even if You the presently aufblühende China mean, forget You still The millions verhungernden worker.
this Text power me Real care, where have you got because this Armutszeugnis since? I mean, The Azubis there are not only sellenweise thick, separate The shine whom Prüfern neither correctly. zuzuören (How late is it circa 12 watch?) |
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