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can someone my code with the actually XProfan-Version kompilieren?


Hello together,

I find not aale, that here regularly of Besitzern the Freewareversion the wish geäußert becomes, that them your Program still please times one owner the actually Full Version compiled.

here ought to Roland in its Lizenzbestimmungen for XProfan earnestly against it vorgehen and itself with Zuwiderhandlungen rechtliche steps vorbehalten!

what can because with the Freeware XProfan 8.x not program, what only with the actually Version XProfan X2 works? so well How quite nothing! naturally should itself one then time something on the Hosenboden settle and itself particularly with such APIs keep busy, The first in higher XProfan-versions of Roland in simple XProfan-command "gekapselt" been are.

Additional there plenty Free Tools, How XPSE, XPIA, ROC, XProfan-Datengenerator, etc., The tadellos too with XProfan 8.x cooperate and the XProfan-Freeware integrally beautiful "aufpeppen".

with one Kaufpreis of only 60 Euro for actually Full Version ought to itself the well eachone potential Interessent do can and Roland these Euros too as trouble for its Aufwändungen grant, especially since thereafter for further Updates solely 20 Euro all ca. 2 years (for interesting Subscriptions-customers) occur.

or differently around: If I me financial only a small Ford do can, then can I,may I neither expect, that someone its nagelneuen Mercedes the s-class daily free to The front-door position, with the I each tommorrow quick time to that bakers around the corner to that Brötchenholen rad can.

i'd vivify, such "Bitte-circa-Compile-Postings" here in the Community prospective without further announcement To delete, so these Vorgehensweise not soon to a "Rattenschwanz without Ende" becomes.

Also would I the as geschäftsschädigendes behaviour in the senses the Weiterverbreitung of XProfan viewing, or ought to I with my opinion in this direction really utterly wrong lying?

utterly Programmieranfänger (and circa such deals it itself Yes almost solely with whom "Um's-Kompileren-Bittenden") should itself of my opinion to first time thoroughly with the Sprachschatz the Freeware-Version, the Programmaufbau and grundlegenden Programmstrukturen intimate make (creep, inquire, etc.) and not only from with the Forums without sense and mind zusammenkopierte Codes somehow one Mini-Program zusammensetzen, what tappt im dunkeln solely yet with their copyright-Vermerk slip need.

it likes his, that I me of these Posting not only "Freunde" created have - but I will be the already somehow survive ... ^^

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Dietmar, I voice you fully and integrally To !! Have moreover indeed already in some Post's in that Fettnäppfchen gelatsch .
To gladly would I "Kraft of my Admin-waters-Supper"  such (itself häufenden) Postings with the Vermerk "Illegale Use the Vollversion" killen (only be I I do not sure, whether the "Hausherr IF" the for i.O. find would) .

If someone only The Freeware benefit would like, then ought to too in the Freeware geproggt go, then can too kompilieren...

... and now should none say: in the 8it Version goes but the and not, what but in the 11it Version goes.  too in the 8it Version can z.B. any API's benefit (we haben's indeed any geschafft), setting only a little bit Fleiß, the benefit the Suchfunktion and ggf. the "schmöckern" in the Win32-Api-reference and Literatur etc. advance.
And you, Dietmar, get indeed sufficient Tools created, circa this To understand.

... or hold still 60 Eu for 'ne Full Version spend (How probably the most here), and never again wail must...

...and something like:  [...]  heard Krümmel tidy one on The Nuss !! Dietmar, make You the time ??
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

E.T. (22.12.10)
To gladly would I strength of my Admin ... whether ... IF the for i.O. find would)

Tz! should as XProfan.com-Admin here do and let How You it for correctly. hold!

only Erpressungen ala "wenn You do not then.." feel I as vertrauenszerstörend but had I on XProfan.com to that Happiness first 1 time.

to that Topic have I Dietmar a star given - too simply should we it us but neither make.

If me someone asks whether it time with my car "eine round drehen" must, then have I yet never "nein" said. Z.B. somebody 1-2 time something kompilieren - to that object the derjenige sees "ah, geht" - stops I thoroughly for XProfan-Werbend.

one ought to the well always of drop To drop decide...

I have too a star give away and plädiere nevertheless for, the Themna not To very hochzukochen.

1. is it now really not so, that here stündlich someone circa a Compilation nachfragt.
2. has Roland the Topic (too whom Ursprungs-Thread) already seen and not beschwert. the must not hot, that it it gutheißt but it shining so, as though it the not plenty weight beimißt.

Fazit: let stay and the weather enjoy.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

I find's now not integrally so wild, if time someone asks, whether compiliert go can. Z.B., if ältere (Freeware-)Profan-versions Error imply, The in neueren versions fixed are.
I know then too people, The any Jubeljahre time again what Überschaubares programieren must/want and for rewards Perhaps no actually Version To buy. find so did i verständlich.

Abschliessend find I personally the Verkaufsmodel of Pure Basic z.B. fairer, where once one amount (faith so around the 80-90 Euro) payd becomes, and thereafter each Update spare is. for a Kirschbaum in the garden foot so did i only once, and not jedesmal again, if it one Piece grown is. OK, the comparison limp quite...

on this place but too time one Praise to Roland, the active Teilnahme on the XProfan-proposition with unschlagbaren Sonderkonditionen belohnt. where i think, that itself the In any drop auszahlt.

I find, whom it no 20 Euro (Subskription) worth is, that someone a Programming-Language weiterentwickelt, the ought to it let or itself irgendeine Open Source Language (if it them give) search.
If someone more frequently with the border comes, would I it anyway not help and others of it dissuade.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

[offtopic] you mean sure Freeware, not absolutely Open Source. The there objectively,, z.B. the Masm32-proposition. [/offtopic]

Würd so did i gladly again "dazu-senfen":
I pers. Have too nothing dagegend, if "mal" someone to 'ner kompilierten .exe asks.
but this thing were others vorrausgegangen:

... i will the program transmit and it should on others PC's walk. and with Interpreter weiterzugeben is me To stupid...

(spare from recollection zitiert, what but the truth corresponds to. who wants, can The Thread gladly search..) 

and very the find I link (ungelinkt ) , then simply to the motto To take action: Stell I the (same) Program simply into competition, then Better get going already of/ one To 'ner exe make...

[OFFTOPIC]...certainly again whom Fettnapf met...is me but sausage...[/OFFTOPIC]
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

Frabbing (05.01.11)
you mean sure Freeware, not absolutely Open Source. The there objectively,, z.B. the Masm32-proposition.

No - I meant already Open Source! with which others Programming-Language as with XProfan has one otherwise self so much Opportunities, on The Weiterentwicklung influence To take. for the equal Möglichenkeiten should it already O.s. his. then must one itself but yourself on the A. settle, around the development To bearing.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

there's a great many Programmiersprachen with Forums and there can The User ditto conditioned Einfluss take. How with Profan ditto only conditioned Einfluss taken go can. Roland setting end still only the circa, what it wants and where the hoisted überschaubar is and it alone setting too The Prioritäten. is indeed verständlich.

conditioned Einfluss take counts useful for all Languages The of individual or of/ one small group of Programmierern develops go. as small Examples AutoIt or Purebasic. there's naturally yet many More, if one itself umschaut, straight in the Basicbereich. eachone of us using Yes Profan and loving it somehow, the must but still not hot, that to profane everything well and Order is and one nothing criticize can.

to that actual Topic think I if the any Schaltjahre one paarmal happens ought to one none got up make. particularly for schoolboy or for many others are 60 - 70 Euro a crowd money, The it not so simply on the table lay can. happy are The, The the from the Portokasse numbers can.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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