CheckMenuItem setting whom Status Menüs („Häkchen“).
DEF @CheckMenuItem(3) !USER32,CheckMenuItem
1.Parameter: lever the Menüs. 2.Parameter: according to Paraqmeter 3 ID (see %MENUITEM) or relative position the Menüpunktes. 3.Parameter: Flag for explanation of Parameter 2 => -$0 = Parameter 2 contains The ID the Menüpunktes. -$400 = Parameter 2 contains The relative position the Menüpunktes. and a Flag to Erzeugung the Checkmarks, the with | add go can => -$8 = exhaust is with one tick slip. -$0 = exhaust won't with a tick slip.
Return Value:
Vorheriger status the Menüpunktes. If the exhaust not existing, is the Return $FFFFFFFF.