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Community is slow ?!

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Hello iF,

i'm Yes not so regularly here, because I do not very plenty Time for Profan have

but I must say, that me these Community always rather gefällt and in the meantime to a tollen Wissensdatenbank angewachsen is.

only comes it me so to, as though the Seitenaufbau very slow of statten goes and accordingly is it very straining itself by the individual Forums To reading. in the comparison To others Forums / pages falls me the extreme on what about me surf by DSL...

falls the others on, or having The Perhaps any plenty More Time at durchforsten the pages

Perhaps can You indeed yet something on the performance turn...

Greeting and mach moreover so...

Andreas Kramp
Profan 7.6 / XProfan 8 / XProfan 9 ~ W2k Prof. / Win XP Prof. ~ AMD XP2000+ / P4 3.80 GHz

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hi IF

too me nervt The langsamkeit very.
I go therefore always seltener in this forum, and read neither More everything.
The optik your forum is graceful and has a tollen Style, but this is not everything ....
in rolands forum have I in less than of/ one minute any new beiträge optisch erfaßt and klicked and red.
here lasts the plenty longer.
unfortunately there too no possibility quick To see To where I beiträge already red have. often read I then again old items To I sozusagen einraste.
The endeavours The XProfanhilfe here in the forum new aufzubauen find I lobenswert - but How should one so works ?
one benefit is evtl. that one Yes time has its coffee To drink during the onlinehilfe so aufblättert .... (the would take off The mecklenburger officials)
understand me Please not wrong, I wealth your work and the vieler others Members in this forum very, but andreas posting has a little bit my nerve met.


too i'd on the Unterseiten on something head- and Fußbereichs-graphic dispense want. (The Turbo certain lines is a guter Ansatz).

though vermißt one then too the a or others, in the Turbo-mode functions z.B. The Global-History not.

but its already so, one must not everything on the Unterseiten Show.

Übrigens: where are because here in whom Postings suddenly The times stayed (under right). or are missing The only me, there standing today circa.

Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

yet two Nachträge To new Posts.

Bislang resolved I the always over Topics supra in the Headline. there go one The new Topics aufgelistet.

since kurzem goes But yet plainer: right in the Main Menu standing Yes, wieviele Topics new are. this Text is clickable and lists a new entry. After the reading the Beitrags simply again on this Text clicking and one sustain whom next Posting.

so can itself integrally quick through any Neuerungen clicking.

A small Eastern egg there were there but yet: If the Posting deleted watts (or only for Admins/Mods zugänglich), then was Schluß with the short cut.
here helps then but the Topics-Listung from point 1 moreover.

Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

so - help me time.

i know the - be too Eurer opinion the the community a BiTurbo need - I work Yes hereon there...

If I defined contents auslagere (static or halbstatische contents (Footer/Header/LeftPanel etc)) - which principle would your me recommend?

gives Yes not plenty.

either - what but uncool is - verpasse I the Community one Frameset. this had but to follow the the Scroll bar integrally right its function beraubt becomes. there's hold no Frameset what derartiges allows.

or - I implementiere contents through iframes - here's the trouble the iframes not dynamic in the Size according to Content adjust can. How should I there z.B. the rights Main Menu present - which in Y according to User/Funktionsumfang unterscheidliche sizes has.

or - I implementiere with Javascript - what hieße that I contents from the phps as an afterthought in JavaScript umrendere - what but very a Verdopplung the Size the by-Javascript-implementierten HTMLs to follow had. means Doppeltraffic.

but Perhaps be I indeed go ahead stupid and see whom woods to Bäumen not. therefore question I simply time into round.

an of it independent additional Beschläunigungsvariante - that I Guest-Zugreifbare contents to Renderin as finished .htmls abspeichere - and hrefs umrendere and on The .html verweise - have I eh planned. (this principle becomes of seeeehhhrrr-heavy called on large WebSites used around the ServerCPU-last To reduce.)


Hello IF...

unfortunately can I you there at best sake not help on - none blassen Schimmer of HTML, PHP or anything else...
Ragnar can I there but only consent. particularly with langsamem Internetzugang or modem is it really a distress. since I DSL have, can it itself but well here hold up.
the most trouble is partly The Size the individual Page. particularly if I here a View source poste, come there already more frequently over 400KB together.
The Thread, whom I shared have, having to that Schluß a Size of over 4MB! the was too with DSL not any more tragbar (having nevertheless good Besucherzahlen - RGH was too 2X there).

i'm of course not yet end with my Latein - but is already what merkbar? I find already!

i'll nevertheless yet moreover on the html-basteln - so Modemuser less download must.


Sorry, either I form me the now one, but I my,
that it noticeable faster become is.


no idea, what with some lying.have only NEN 1200 TDSL access, but at the latest to max. 2 sec iss The Page kommplett aufgebaut.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

have only one modem.

The construction - first cream !!!

our House- and Hofzauberer has really self übertroffen.


Michael Wodrich

lying well on the left Page (the head [supra] missing me one Bischen).
The important(n) Topics can still as Link on a Own Page lead. there come Yes hopefully yet integrally many important Topics with eigenem Logo hinzu.
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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Sorry i beg your pardon?? there missing what with you?? the should not his - can You me one Screenshot give?

is javascript activate?

salvo, iF

PS: it ought to everything just as looks How vorherr!!!

the bildschuß...

JavaScript Yes
Java No

Michael Wodrich

108 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: bildschuß
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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