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Computer science Unterricht

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Nico Madysa

Nico Madysa
our HP-course is anyhow the gavel...

the comes me so strange intimate to, gelle, Dietmar?

but with you get one already what beigebracht or ?
with us is it namely so, that one eingentlich only through Eigenregie weiterkommt ... declared has me there our teacher anyhow yet nothing ...

and what too interestingly is : in the first hour having we said get : your can come and weg, when your want

mfg Christian E.
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

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Dietmar horn

Dietmar horn
with us is it namely so, that one eingentlich only through Eigenregie weiterkommt ... declared has me there our teacher anyhow yet nothing ...

comfort you, Christian, because so is it too in without exception all HY-schools (too Gymnasien). though: Eigenregie ought to always angesagt his and stay - independent of your recent Experience with irgendwelchen Lehrern in irgendeinem Unterrichtsfach! Schade, that You because of the distance not unserem MMJ-Sabinchen on the HTML-course participate can ...

with Eigenregie meant I but, I me HTML / PHP / JS, what we Yes in the Homepagekurs need, KOMPLETT self procure must(th)... really Have I, before I the course visit Have, hoped, that me there of/ one PHP beibringt ... what itself then as mistake herrausstellte ...

Dietmar horn
HP-course in the school goes often so:

1. schoolboy with irgendwelchem Garbage keep busy
2. with of/ one Click-you-thick-software whom Schülern vorgaukeln, one had as teacher (with us even already games teacher or Werkenlehrer) Idea of Computer science
3. so none To very aufmuckt, can The schoolboy in the course futile Internet surfing, or anything else do
4. 1. To 3. is in first line, so the teacher its silence has and so The Time faster passing
5. The school can in anybody futile-Statistik one further tick make and to supra and the Public as Erfolgsmeldung sell.

what with us well still slight differently is:
To 1.) the likes with us well too so his, that, if one time nothing richtiges To do has, that one dan simply any Texts on The Homepage transfer must ... otherwise Gibts really nothing *sinnloseres*
To 2.) too the mean I do not, because we works KOMPLETT with Linux ... and our teacher knows itself so from, How me shining ...
To 3.) there can I nothing moreover say, if someone nothing more To do has, can it make, what it wants (the my I almost literally) ... it can weg or anything else make... only nothing broken

Dietmar horn
who as schoolboy aufmuckt and these futile-Spielchen not mitmacht, the sustain for The receipt in shape of/ one nauseous Computer science-censorship and versaut itself so unfortunately his Zeugnis!

the can also not occur, the course is voluntarily on the friday afternoon ... there's there no note, rote learn must one there with us too nothing

Dietmar horn
who as Jugendlicher believes, that it in the schulischen Informatikunterricht something Gescheites over Computer science learn can, the living evident on one others star! this is of course sorry, but so is unfortunately The reality in PISA-Germany!

Jaja, that kenn I from somewhere ... we've, the was 10.class, time with Java started ... your werdets net believe, How quick we again so quit having ... the was warscheinlich the only Sinnvolle in the year ... and the having we net long made ...

Dietmar horn
If someone really what over Computer science learn wants, then must it already its Hintern yourself moving and itself in the free time to a course in irgendeinem Computerverein, o.ä. register, z.B. with MMJ. this likes of course to Eigenlob stink, but too the are unfortunately true lowdown!

Hmm... everything, I yet can, Have I me, with very few Ausnahmen self beigebracht ... with us in the class be I then always THE Profi ... only because the others yet less can

mfg Christian E.
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6


god given you and me the sharing, the ThreadTeilen moreover! so I will it even used know!

I had it made would not one Admin releases the whole...

To of my school hours there were yet quite no computer

Horst, I Have too yet never in my life a Computerkurs mitgemacht. you are means not on my own.

Hello Horst,

me GEHTS just as.Informatikunterricht were To of my Schul- and Lehrzeit one Fremdwort.
on the work get , in my Berufszweig at least, not program, separate with finished Programs new Schaltungen develops.
private had Hausbau and family precedence. now I from gesundheitlichen Found More Time had (Frühpensionierung), is it To late.

belong, How iF moreover supra already said, too to aussterbenden strain.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 


by me was is not differently, too no Informatig. everything only self studies erlehrnt.

means solten we ( Horst, GDL ect....) still one Museum open, there iF Yes of extinction spoke.

Zu wenig Wissen ist gefärlich, zu viel auch.(XProfan X4) | Win 10 Pro 64 | Win7 Ultimate 32/64 | AMD FX-8320, 16GB, GeForce GT 630 |

i'd too gladly in the Museum join, because I ditto to aussterbenden strain belong. then are we already four. we're yet three further people findern, then could we even a association grinder: XProfan-Seniorenakademie Germany e.V., or so similar.

During of my Studiums 1974 To 1978 on the Uni Leipzig had to we Struktogramme pinseln and Algorithms develop until Umfallen. but everything without computer, because it no given. we'd not yet time Taschenrechner, sonderen had to The Versuchsreihen in the Physics-Praktikum with the slide rule evaluate or. zusammenschätzen. thereby were Fehlertoleranzen of up to 200 percent no Seltenheit been, but official even yet in the Normbereich. The take the actual Versuchsreihen lasting always only few hours, The Auswertung (Schätzerei with the slide rule) pulled itself however over several days there.

The Taschenrechner on whom schools watts with us first during of my first years as Math teacher in the 7. class introduced: one, two three - the computer comes herbei!. 1-2-3 therefore, because the homogeneous Schülerrechner 123 DDR-marrow cost[ed] and only on Bezugsschein from the school available been was. Kinderreiche families (ex 3 children up) sustained whom computer free from the school set. the part having a lunatics Funktionsumfang had: Grundrechenarten, Prozenttaste, Exponential- and Winkelfunktionen - and even already a small Zwischenspeicher. eachone schoolboy had to itself for its computer in the Werkenunterricht a small Holzkiste with Schaumstoffeinlage basteln, so the valuable part in the schoolbag between whom Büchern not so quick zequetscht go could.

During of my Computer science-Weiterbildung beginning the Nineties years had we 286it computer with 40 GB Festplatte, 1 MB RAM and 8 or. 20 MHz Taktfrequenz (to that switch, because some DOS-Games because of the Wahnsinnsgeschwindigkeit of 20 MHz unplayable were) had. One Known from ours class watts short before of Robotron dismiss and durfte as Abschiedsgeschenk its former Arbeitsrechner with to dwell take: XT with 8 MHz, 640 KB RAM and 10 GB Festplatte and matrix printer. the unit was first 1988 from his pursued for 120000 DDR-marrow angeschafft been.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Dietmar horn
286it computer with 40 GB Festplatte

mean I net integrally ...

Dietmar horn
... and 10 GB Festplatte and ...

what I still very anzweifle !
so large Festplatten, that it The then already given, the würd me still very wonder !
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

Sorry, I meant naturally 10 MB-, and 40 MB-Festplatten.

i'm even but already ripe enough for Museum

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Hi Dietmar,

too with us there were Taschenrechnerverbot on the six-year secondary school.only to final watts this in unserem Jahrgang versuchsweise time allows.
having but almost none, since the pair then with the required Funktionsumfang over 300 DM cost[ed].

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

Taschenrechner existed To of my Time not yet. my school hours was of 1946 - 54
whom slide rule knew I and have on itself gladly so worked, if it allows was ! - an Weiterentwicklung was then The Rechenscheibe. here went it in wahrsten sense the Wortes round - one could nahtlos with the Ergebnissen weiterrechnen. the part watts then but of electronics-Fuzzy Taschenrechner overtake and so happened it to of my Time, the many schoolboy the calculate verlernten !
If one today many, (naturally not any) means many Oberschüler asks, whether tappt im dunkeln whom Pythagoras kennen, ask The back: In which Manschaft game the ?

I have whom 123-marrow-Taschenrechner of my papa as gift get and love the part and behühte it to date!

Yes Horst, you have right. nowadys can still hardly another 1+2 without Taschenrechner together calculate. Schade really

Ditmar, with the the Museum should we time consider (10MB--->10GB)

Zu wenig Wissen ist gefärlich, zu viel auch.(XProfan X4) | Win 10 Pro 64 | Win7 Ultimate 32/64 | AMD FX-8320, 16GB, GeForce GT 630 |

Taschenrechner ? PCs ?
the kannten we in the school not yet.
(1951-1959) we had to everything in the head calculate.
Sometime plenty later time was my first Taschenrechner there.
The 4 grundrechenarten and % could the.
big deal my first computer was egg ZX81 of Sinclar.
with 64 KB memory and one Kofferradio with Kaseettenrecorder
as memory. the were yet times (HI) .

at that Program-invite could one yet beautiful coffee drink weg ;D
As I said the antiquity can greet.
Board MSI B450M BAZOOKA CPU AMD Ryzen 7 2700x 8 Core 3,7-4,2 GH 32 Gb Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3060 12 GB Ram Window 11 Prof 64 Bit

Sun-Guru-Barebone CPU I7-9750H 16 GB Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX1660TI 6 GB Ram Window 11 Hom 64 Bit

Profan 4.5 bis Xprofan 14
Ein frisch geschriebenes Programm hat meistens einen großen Fehler.Sollte man versuchen diesen großen Fehler zu beseitigen, hat man viele kleine Fehler "Grins"


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Manfred Barei01/21/12


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