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E.T. | has someone DIE zündende idea, How one (many) Datei'n best together vergleichen can?? in the momentum make I the so, the from the Files Hash-lists created and be these then together compared go. the create the Hash-list can naturally last...
having recently with IF already times the Discussion, whether because binäres vergleichen not sinnvoller would, only must then any Files x-time be read, what well the speed the Program none benefit bring.
The eingelesenen Files can sowohl a Verz. stammen (Search in a directory to double D.) as well as from 2 Verzeichnissen (1x available, 1x new Files - where then The in the first Verz. vorh. aussortiert go).
with whom Files deals it itself mainly circa (Baustellen-) Images, where regularly new Images moreover come and Doppelungen vermieden go should. ex and on but should too the "Bestand" to double Files search go can.
z.Zt. given File-amount: .....Bestand: ca. 120.000 Files .....New moreover (circa Verify, whether already present): per week ca. 800 datein
someone 'ne idea ?? Freue me on it, there the Progg already standing and on Improvements wait ...
alas Yes: Compare to whom first Pixeln (and the next, and the next...) would too another idea, lasts but too forever ... and would only for Images funzen |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 12/22/11 ▲ |
RGH | for derartige releases use I "Beyond Compare" and would never on the thoughts come, there something yourself to program. "Beyond Compare" is utterly variable konfigurierbar, whether it now around the management the Changes in Source of XProfan goes or around the Ordnen of my photos, one comes to something training so well zurecht.
I fürchte, for large Datenmengen can reines XProfan here with ungeduldigen Usern too slow his. ;)
Greeting Roland |
| XProfan X2Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 12/22/11 ▲ |
| XProfans Istgleich ("=") String-comparison is binärsicher:
- this is quasi very calm.
accordingly could one thoroughly whom reinen Dateiinhalt directly vergleichen and this would in the comparison with others Programmiersprachen Yes not slower.
The Geschwindigkeitsverlust entstünde at reading the File of a volume z.B. if this volume not strain a SSD-Festplatte or one RamDrive is.
means simply ne amount produce... means vlt. simply so: [...]
the might then with none others Programming-Language faster weg and not Beyond Compare. |
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