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 Detlev Wulff | i will transfer of Powerbasic to XProfan, have Full Version 10, but me bereitert some Problems, namely the are missing elementarer Basic-Befehlsgruppen, How ASC(),Inkey$() etc. i'm then simply started with the vorhandenen command To play and by attempt and mistake to that target To come! now but I come not further, because the Rücksprung into Menu-display with Result 0 or größergleich 16 simply not functions: CompileMarkSeparation |
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 RGH | 1. To Asc(): The function Asc() standing in BASIC for Ascii-code one Zeichens. under windows having we but none Ascii-Zeichensatz separate z.B. whom Ansi-Zeichensatz or quite a others. therefore has here these function in Anlehnung on Delphi whom neutraleren names Ord() for or = Order. concise: supplant Asc() through Ord().
2. To Compare: How Help To entnehmen is, orientiert the Hierarchie the Operators sooner on Delphi or. Pascal (and others Languages) reading on BASIC, so that To clinging is. Quote from the Help:
Info: The Hierarchie corresponds to vaguely the under PASCAL and weicht from the BASIC-Hierarchie ex. The Vergleichsoperatoren (...) are BASIC higher classed. from BASIC:
If A% > 6 AND A% <= 20 THEN <...> End If
becomes in XProfan:
If (A% > 6) AND (A% <= 20) <...> EndIf
In PASCAL would one write:
If (A > 6) AND (A <= 20) THEN BEGIN <...>; End;
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 12/18/09 ▲ |