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 Jac de Lad | One plane standing on one 3000 metres long Laufband, so big and wide as an runway. 
an Geschwindigkeits-Control setting the Laufband automatically in movement once The Räder the Flugzeugs begin To turn. and of course with the equal speed, only into counter direction.
the plane attempts to start. what happens? becomes it take off?  |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 05/13/06 ▲ |
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 E.T. | i'm the opinion, the Fliegi heave ex !! there Yes not The Räder powered go, separate Schub created becomes, moving itself the Fliegi along, alike, what the Laufband power. and sometime isses then quick enough to that take off...  (the drives of Laufband down... ) |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 04/29/09 ▲ |
 | The Buster [...] would the rausbekommen. 
(time look whether and How one these achieve can, becomes vlt. abgelehnt because of: Nääh, rockt not. or: Hamwaschon!)
Hehe: [...] 
Hehe2: [...] (Look at the wording people! Treadmill ON the airplane. ) (falser Thread?)
Huh1 [...] ?
Überall The same Erkenntnisse, but the Buster having it itself (yet?) not to bust taken.
Perhaps hilfts whom Bustern times the Schienenidee vorzuschlagen because the beschriebene Laufband is imho äusserst difficult produce. 
the might then well the Mainthread his: [...]  |
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 | Mamamia...., have your any study? tells the bloss none.
One plane need on the wings and under the wings 2 different Luftsrömungen circa take off to. on this conveyor belt remaining the plane stand. it treibt itself by the Düsen on and this Vortrieb becomes never come , because this Fliesband immediate zurückläuft.
means no 2 different Luftströmungen on whom Flügeln.
Fakt: it fly not. |
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 | and which studies failed you To provide, that one (current) Laufband little to relevante Luftströmung created? Hahah!
have a very raue surface hä?  |
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 | read you my response very through, part for part and gaaanz slow. |
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 | Tjo have ready.
and now?
I faith you have The task To 1/3 resolved, we're but already with 3/3-0.1% angelangt. (follow time whom left.)
you say z.B. there's no 2 different Luftströmungen on whom Flügeln.
what heave whom vastly Luftstrom z.B. the Turbienen on? the LAufband? stops time whom head over one Laufband and report whether The breeze above to relevant bearing letting.  |
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 | and which studies failed you To provide, that one (current) Laufband little to relevante Luftströmung created? Hahah!
this Kofferfliessband in the Hamburger airport.  |
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 | there helps then only: ex in that Fitnessstudio with of/ one Handwindmühle. turn itself these over one Laufband so quick How behind z.B. of/ one Turbine, then mean I you everything*.
*really everything
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 | I faith you have The task To 1/3 resolved, we're but already with 3/3-0.1% angelangt. (follow time whom left.)
Vieeeel too long gedauert.  |
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 | Yes because of Types How you*!
* The, The with Ner Handwindmühle in the Fitnessstudio überm Laufband hang in order to vergleichen, whether The mill likewise quick rotate How z.B. behind of/ one böllernden Turbine.  |
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 | iF, Beitrag=52121, Zeitpunkt=29.04.2009
* The, The with Ner Handwindmühle in the Fitnessstudio überm Laufband hang in order to vergleichen, whether The mill likewise quick rotate How z.B. behind of/ one böllernden Turbine. 
And so many Kamerad is of it never returned.  |
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