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 Dietmar Horn | at that Topic Ökobilanz goes it usually circa Autos, Kohlekraftwerke or electrical tools. the Autorenpaar Brenda and Robert Vale took itself now but Haustiere to and coming to a außergewöhnlichen Result.
loudly whom Annahmen the New Zealander is a mittelgroßer dog More as twice so ecologically harmful as one Toyota-Geländewagen.
The dazugehörige bill from the book "Time to eat the dog" is the "Süddeutschen Zeitung" (SZ) zufolge simply: from the durchschnittlichen Futtermenge one Tieres ausgehend, errechnete the Ehepaar Vale The for notwenige area under cultivation.
One mittelgroßer dog frisst therefore 164 kilogram Frischfleisch and 95 kilogram Getreideprodukte in the year, as "SZ" moreover report. Since one Kilo Hähnchenfleisch on 43,3 Quadratmetern produce and a Kilo grain on 13,4 Quadratmetern raise let, comes to whom Annahmen the Vales one dog on a ökologischen Pfotenabdruck of concise 8.400 Quadratmetern verbrauchtem country per year...
moreover: see Wauwau.pdf in the attachment |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 11/23/09 ▲ |
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 Rolf Koch | I come here To garnix More to lauter Hauptberuf and Stress and so a couple Volldeppen having The Time circa itself over my Haustiere negatives Thoughts make. everything sucker and Schnarchnasen - deviation in voller line !!! |
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 | after I the ökologischer Fussabdruck one Forumbeitrages defined and the amount all Posts Internet multiplizierte was clear, that Borg us to the "ökoligischen Burn-Out" with Assimilierung saving go must, simply circa the Auswirkungen because of not sometime self "bei on it To gehen". |
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 E.T. | iF, Beitrag=55089, Zeitpunkt=23.11.2009
... not sometime self "bei on it To gehen".
... or with whom Füßen erlatscht To go 
and next to whom Kühen, Schweinen, Hühnern (and others yummy things) wären there yet The integrally small, which as "Würmchen & Co." z.B. my (lovely) compost heap kompostieren. If I only dran think what these for "Abgase" produzieren... there would it Yes still rather, if I everything verbrenne  (I with the Packaging the Steaks anyhow make, if these gegrillt are , the smell same again so yummy... ).
having we because really no others care, as us over The Ökobilanz one Hundes care To make ?? On such ideas can still only of state (means of us) paid "Wissenschaftler" (certainly official) come.
Why make I me really yet thoughts, Why my Zwerg a hour for its Schulweg of not time 10 km with nem riesen Bus on the way is
... simply over such things laugh, and not drüber to think.... |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/24/09 ▲ |
 Nico Madysa | E.T., Beitrag=55094, Zeitpunkt=24.11.2009
having we because really no others care, as us over The Ökobilanz one Hundes care To make ?? On such ideas can still only of state (means of us) paid "Wissenschaftler" (certainly official) come.
Reine Polemik. Dietmar said but already, who the Time taken has: the Autorenpaar Brenda and Robert Vale took itself now but Haustiere to and coming to a außergewöhnlichen Result.
Nix with official, nothing with meckern.  |
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 Nico Madysa | |
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 | "Ticetac & Männlkiken" sound too to "Autorenpaar".  |
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 Nico Madysa | After my latest Information deals it itself with whom both very taken for a Autorennpaar, the presently large Erfolge in the Formel Pi feiert. Schriftstellerisch are you of my Wissens not active.  |
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 Dietmar Horn |
"Ticetac & Männlkiken" sound too to "Autorenpaar".
is correct! this is or. was to that Schluß indeed one Gemeinschaftsprojekt of Nico M. and Thomas Z. been ...  |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 11/24/09 ▲ |
 | Nico Madysa, Beitrag=55114, Zeitpunkt=24.11.2009
After my latest Information deals it itself with whom both very taken for a Autorennpaar, the presently large Erfolge in the Formel Pi feiert. Schriftstellerisch are you of my Wissens not active. 
OK, for 10 Stars - 5 in the Vorr. and the others 5 for photos! |
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 Nico Madysa | no thing!

here's one very nice Image, on the tappt im dunkeln schriftstellerisch not active are. |
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