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first local one Neueinsteigers

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Hello Community,

presumably becomes it to this, my first, Posting tidy "Haue" for me give.
It can too well his, I just To "dumm" be. in this entrapment Please I do not circa "Haue" separate circa förderliche "Aufklärung"

since the day before yesterday have I mean XProfan Full Version in Händen. I have tappt im dunkeln bought, without before terrific with Freeversionen o.ä. "herumgespielt" to have. Blauäugig? likes his. after I here in the Comm something umgesehen having and i-r-g-e-n-d-w-i-e not so correctly. durchstieg, hoping I hereon, on the Vollversions-CD a faster Entry To get. far gefehlt!

"Einfach program for Anwender" is correct on this place unfortunately not!

what I miss, is a truer "Einsteiger". One ordernliches Tutorial, the Beginner "an The hand nimmt" and step for step a introduction in Profan gives. I go of it from, that I any erforderlichen Information in the Help File find will be. only must I tappt im dunkeln moreover well complete durcharbeiten. this becomes however vastly therefore erschwert, that The introduction whom reader first with so much technical details over Compileraufrufe and -parameter "zuschüttet", that one simply weiterblättert and hereon wait, when "es because finally losgeht".

on this place one dickes Praise to Dietmar horn, the, so far I it yesterday evening to judge could, one very nice Tutorial began has. unfortunately have I it yesterday not abgespeichert and today is not available. well, time to wait it out.

here in the Comm find I everything something verwirrend. Perhaps be I but too only of "üblichen" Forumsansichten a la WoltLab "verwöhnt". i'll yet something Time in that country weg let and it nevertheless moreover try here "durchzusteigen".

still a wish / Why stay have I on each drop: i'd gladly a complete Overview all new Entries, since my last LogIn vorfinden, if I me einlogge. so correctly. beautiful with komplettem way to that Thread, so one see can from welchem Topic the entry stammt. with Date and Uhrzeit... and if I hereon click, would like I gladly in a new Window genauf on the new entry disembark. close I the window again, bend I back on The list new Posts and can me whom next look at.

The Possibility in the Main Menu by the Topics To clicking is for somebody How me, the not any Threads pursue can, very unübersichtlich. And then alights one supra imm Thread and catches the flaking on...

so, now hope I, that not same eachone to anger cook, because I it venture, as beginner here so herumzunörgeln.
I wanted to only once versuchsweise narrate, whom local Profan and Forum on Beginner hinterlässt. These "Kritik" should not crippled, separate to improvement energizing. me goes it Yes just as: sometime is one "betriebsblind" and sees none More, what really unrund runs.

Perhaps has Yes nevertheless yet someone a helpful Link circa really "an The hand genommen" and Profan introduced To go?

a lovely day yet on all sides!
Nummer 982... oder so

Windows XP SP2, XProfan 11

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Jörg Sellmeyer
another Info, the us and you The thing vereinfacht:
Gib Please in your Signatur The used Profanversion and your Betriebssystem on.
too The Forumssuche becomes you manchen very useful Posting To your ask give.

Erleedischt! thanks over again!

Nummer 982... oder so

Windows XP SP2, XProfan 11


is Yes well a Unverschämtheit our divine shaped Community so unsachlich fehleinzuschätzen - all joking aside:

Übersichtlich for Beginner is here probably at all nothing, that lying well on it the the community itself by the working day derer shaping, The here active mitwirken and mitgestalten and chiefly no Beginner are.

The Community is no fertiges and abgeschlossenes "Board", many Members works constantly on Kleinigkeiten the Community in reference on Zusatzinhalte, Layout and Systematik (Sorting). These Community "lebt" means just as as Page, because the community shaping The Page - differently as with regulären "Foren" where The Members in the Grunde solely Topics and Posts verfassen can - below one and the same static view.

accordingly are we naturally too for each Info grateful, which Perhaps moreover lead could, everything another bit rather To make.

Tutorials there dozens, (unfortunately) too well cache in individual Products. A page with Verweisen on any these tollen Tuts there unfortunately momentarily not, but the produce such of/ one Page are no stones into lane laid and so so many Contenteditor already so began having.

distinguished must naturally go between XProfan, XProfan-Forum and XProfan-Community. you are here in the XProfan-Community.

XProfan learn one best because one it using - The Helpfile is (naturally) first contact persons.

The Forums on XProfan.de [...]  promise too Anfängern one "reguläres" Support-board, there is it too clear.

we in the XProfan-Community weg the something "anders" on, here's everything less whom Anfängern devoted as them, The then but already very know How loudly the Krümel falls. for diejenigen against can the community one wahrliches Cockaigne his - if one because z.B. with your umzugehen knows.

in the Grunde verrät you too The view "Letzte Themen" in whom Threads it News gives, if too without "New"-symbol. (what I but arrange and improve can.)

Andreas Koenig
Perhaps has Yes nevertheless yet someone a helpful Link circa really "an The hand genommen" and Profan introduced To go?

this is integrally simply, be active thereby. Look you too whom XProfan-manager on: [...] 

Andreas Koenig
The Possibility in the Main Menu by the Topics To clicking is for somebody How me, the not any Threads pursue can, very unübersichtlich.

try it first of all nevertheless, at least to that beginning. you'll see the You letztendlich so faster are. (and it on quite none drop harm)


Hello Andreas !

too i want you in the Community begrüßen.
I do the too from folgendem reason:

myself be of course already since 25 years in the EDV-Branche and program very plenty, on XProfan be
however first recently bumped and be straight thereby with there einzulesen.
In gewisser point goes it me there so How you, still The same Notwendigkeiten, what the run through of
Tutorials and Help Files anbelangt, remaining one useful nirgends erspart.
The really large Difference To others Programmiersprachen is these Community.
I can you only say, The people here are utterly pointed !
the could myself already because of of my ask, The I posted have, check.
means to the Motto: "Hier go tappt im dunkeln helped !"
it remaining no question unbeantwortet or watts already former answers (see Search).
after I plenty herumprobiert have can I you say: these The best Community, The I
ever erlebt have ! I say not circa jemandem To flatter, separate because it so is - means from Überzeugung.

now wish I you a erfahrungsreichen stay in the Community and plenty joy with XProfan.

it grüßt from Österreich

as Motto the Community could one whom Song of Robbie Williams "Let me enterntain you" changing -
on "Let me explain you".
Windows XP Pro, SP3
Jetzt: XProfan 11
Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit.

Hello Andreas,

I find it correctly., that You you same The Full Version bought have. with all others versions (older Freeware-, shareware-versions, XProfan FREE, OGL-Basic etc.) stößt You already at the beginning often on border and Problems, The You as Beginner well hardly without adept guide so without further umschiffen can.

"Einfach program for Anwender" is correct on this place unfortunately not!

it comes integrally hereon on, what the Individual under "Einfach Programmieren" understand. understand jmand under, that one as Beginner with XProfan already to one weekend one super-3-D-Game create can, then is correct the naturally so not. too who believes, itself with XProfan in few hours or Meet one tolles windows-Program without big to think and without Own efforts with the mouse zusammenklicken to, the is on the Holzweg.

who however already others Programmiersprachen something knows, and these with XProfan vergleicht, the becomes this Slogan aboveboard conscience consent must. I faith, this to some extent to weigh up to, because to of my "profanen" Time (this is meanwhile already ca. 15 years ago) have I intensiver with Turbo- and Borland-Pascal, C, Assembler, TPW and Delphi engage. Insofern fell it I do not heavy, me into damalige Profan² 3.3. in few Meet to some extent einzuarbeiten and I me already to 3 Meet The Full Version order.

on this place one dickes Praise to Dietmar horn, the, so far I it yesterday evening to judge could, one very nice Tutorial began has. unfortunately have I it yesterday not abgespeichert and today is not available.

??? if You, the Uralt-Tutorial from the XProfan-manager mean (one other is me from of my feather not famous), then understand I not. its as always in the manager include, means there there of my Erachtens still really quite nothing abzuspeichern, if one whom manager first time installs has (you have by me Yes first recent the Installationspasswort angefordert and get).

If everything works, then becomes it tommorrow evening one XProfan-manager-Update give, in the one of me completely new konzipiertes XProfan-Tutorial (or. the beginning of it - yet on ca. 250 pages in the PDF-stature) include his becomes. this is then already my 6. or 7. attempt, during the past 10 years time a manner "XProfan-Lehrbuch" for utterly Programmieranfänger To write. time look, Perhaps stops I the this time something longer through. Particulars moreover later.

I wanted to only once versuchsweise narrate, whom local Profan ... on Beginner hinterlässt.

Diesen local can I fully and integrally confirm. the changes but nothing on the relatively light Erlernbarkeit of XProfan in the comparison To others (real) windows-Programmiersprachen. naturally must one thereby as Beginner "echtes Programmieren" not so confuse, that one itself with irgendeinem "Klick-you-Doof"-Tool solely a coloured surface from irgendwelchen vorgefertigten Modulen zusammenschiebt, and thereafter not weiterkommt, because one therefore weder whom begot Source, yet whom grundlegenden Programmaufbau at all roughly understood has (and so neither understand can).

One richtiges XProfan-Textbook To create is a immense work for a individual, sofern not only a Aneinanderreihung or. enumeration the in the Programming-Language encompassed functions and command go should. we'd this issue here in the Community already often had. there's of course some Tutorials or Help Files To relatively tight eingegrenzten Topics around Profan² and XProfan, The but in the rule mostly already fortgeschrittenere Programmierkenntnisse assume.

on one real XProfan-Textbook for absolute Programmieranfänger (means for people, for XProfan your allererste Bekanntschaft with the program at all is) has of my Wissens yet yet none herangewagt or. one solches proposition longer Time chasing. too one first attempt here in the Community, one solches as Gemeinschaftsprojekt to do is unfortunately kläglich failed. Verwunderlich is the of my opinion to but neither really - moreover reicht not from, pure lowdown somehow aneinanderzureihen, because moreover must one absolutely from eigener experience know, How utterly Beginner "ticken", about which tappt im dunkeln at the beginning on the häufigsten stumbling, etc. One solches team of "Lehrbuch-Schreiberlingen" should idealerweise a well mixture from Pädagogen (with jahrelanger experience in the Durchführung of XProfan-Kursen for Beginner) and professionelle XProfan-Programmer his.

Reine Pädagogen having often not The meiste Idea of Fachlichen, for can tappt im dunkeln the little, what they know, so rüberbringen, that the little usually too eachone geistige Tiefflieger understands (if it it because really kapieren wants). XProfan-Profis against, The any delicacies the Programming-Language from the Ef-Ef rule, break often already terrible one, as they one Beginner for it verständlich the Grundgerüst one XProfan-Program and the sense of variables, inquire, creep etc. explain should - tappt im dunkeln talk crept and simply over The Heads the people away, without this yourself To notice.

the Letztgenannte (means these well "Mischung") is of my opinion to the, what very, very difficult To release is. well Yes - Perhaps catch we the still in the running the Time somehow sensible there. XProfan yourself watts of Roland not in one year erschaffen, separate has meanwhile indeed already far over 15 years on the Buckel ...

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

too of me one Big Hello, Andreas!

If everything works, then becomes it tommorrow evening one XProfan-manager-Update give, in the one of me completely new konzipiertes XProfan-Tutorial (or. the beginning of it - yet on ca. 250 pages in the PDF-stature) include his becomes.

first once find I the a fantastische item of news! Something like missing in each drop, and the PDF-stature is this a good electoral!
Why but want You so a File only manager hide? would be me forward, if You tappt im dunkeln ditto - additional! - for itself on my own to put would.

have yourself Schonmal consider, so one proposition to do. failed but bislang on the Time, because I over ands over again others interesting items find. circa smaller ones chapter beizusteuern would tappt im dunkeln but certainly wealthy...

Perhaps could these Datenbasis then finally a basis his for a possible Wiki, the I then widerum too gladly beibringe as "Buch" To export.

"Wiki and the strong Männer" - hihihihihi
Windows XP Pro, SP3
Jetzt: XProfan 11
Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit.

- Page 2 -

first once "Daumen hoch" for performance

...and then be so did i the opinion of Frank:

first once find I the a fantastische item of news! Something like missing in each drop, and the PDF-stature is this a good electoral!
Why but want You so a File only manager hide? would be me forward, if You tappt im dunkeln ditto - additional! - for itself on my own to put would.

The PDF-File on my own would but already a sensation


The Possibility in the Main Menu by the Topics To clicking is for somebody How me, the not any Threads pursue can, very unübersichtlich. And then alights one supra imm Thread and catches the flaking on...

the "Hallo Andreas k. you are eingeloggt and there's for you in X Topics new Einträge" st one button, the you on the next To lesenden Posting heading. The amount becomes then verringert.

so can on the simplest any new Posts work out. ought to it there time one frühzeitiges Zurücksetzen on zero give, then helps the from you already found "Themen the last Tage" moreover.

cordial Welcome.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


Perhaps could these Datenbasis then finally a basis his for a possible Wiki, the I then widerum too gladly beibringe as "Buch" To export.

I stops for the time being only yet little of it, circa not To say quite nothing more of this whole "Wiki-Mani". the had we still everything already repeatedly right erfolglos attempts. on the beginning were always crazy Euphorie and absolute elation of all pages angesagt been. still if it then circa konkrete Zuarbeiten, ums Own active Mitwirken goes, then verkrümeln itself by degrees any, To only yet the eigentliche Initiator with Perhaps 1 or 2 Mitstreitern on moreover Flur on my own dasteht.

with the Zurverfügungstellen the technical Voraussetzungen through David is it with such, something umfangreicheren Gemeinschaftsprojekten under no circumstance done, sofern not again only a pure Faktensammlung go should. plenty importent is of my opinion to first of all a homogeneous inhaltliche line. and there must it somebody give, the the everything koordiniert and (for the time being) a direction festlegt and these if need be too time something energischer durchzieht, so itself at all something lasting into desired direction can move.

David has the to years yourself without regard on losses successful so "durchgepeitscht" - then yet with his "Softwarebrigade"-URL (o.ä.). without its "IF-Zähigkeit" over The years away, would it today these XProfan-Community guaranteeing not give!

too with the first Entwürfen my XProfan-Managers watts I then of some of my schoolboy only mitleidig belächelt (too such terms, How z.B. "Schrott-Manager" for were I do not uncharted been). still earnestly and active time yourself a something longer period on it mitarbeiten, the wished itself too none do - except Timo blunder (Timotheus), the the ca. 1 1/2 years long engagiert durchgezogen having. and thereby I had then all Interessenten whom right umfangreichen manager-code with everything thatswhy and Dran (means run) offered.

who on my jetzigen Textbook-proposition mitarbeiten would like (even if it only now and than time one item to a enger eingegrenzten Topic is), the is anytime herzlichst Welcome! i'll me but from whom Experience the past years or. Jahrzehnte now not any more only hereon on my own leave.

How and which shape to the "Buch" then later here or elsewhere take in, export, release, etc. could - for such decisions has it Time, To first time a couple More pages to some extent (semi)ready exist. Notes, suggestions, Verbesserungsvorschläge can then in the running the Time still by degrees adopted or. berücksichtigt go.

too in my Programmierkursen led the in the past tense always to that "Fast-Chaos", if I The Zügel time something not-diktatorischer wirkend (or from gesundheitlichen Found zeitweilig) something lockerer let having or. let had to. In eachone group (new-german team) must it even a "Leithammel" give, the

1. The generelle line first of all without If and without but vorgibt and if need be To to insight the Gegenteils without regard on losses durchboxt - the but then
2. too for everything and to everybody for its head put off must - alike ex the whole successful verläuft, or possible against The Wand drove becomes, because
3. having the afterwards always any already "vorher gewußt", that it so nothing go can (particularly Diejenigen, The to that actual Success yourself not a only fingers gekrümmt had) ...

from this and further Found becomes it this time for may part on any Cases except for further first time with my jetzigen concept stay!

guaranteeing I will for first of all the PDF-stature to maintain (first of all with more or less Einschränkungen), To itself the thing in a something integral fortgeschrittenerem Stadium befindet.

even if I for therefore of some people possible first of all again mitleidig belächelt go ought to, I will the first pages here soon time to that "Auseinanderpflücken for Jedermann" reinstellen. I werds survive ...

Sofern me my something angeschlagenere health none Strich by the bill make ought to, could the Some of them already until Jahresende by degrees evtl. not only always fetter, separate too integral "runder" go.

red you surprise - expects into first versions but Please no wonder!


Andreas k. is with seinem on me right sincere wirkenden Eröffnungs-Posting the really blamefully on it, that I here already to that second time in this Thread to a such (particularly of Horst H.) loved "Kilometerposting" have hinreißen let. original wished I namely dbzgl. my tab To at least end 2008 hold. yet knows solely Nico Madysa a first Version of my mapped "XProfan-Lehrbuches" and has spontan offered, for later book-chapter Own about "MCI" beizusteuern. 

92 kB
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Hello together!

hardly To believe, the my small Posting so a Resonanz auslöst and Dietmar even schlaflose Nights beschert. I hope, the is not To very on its substance or gives Ärger with the family.

thanks for cordial take. so slow looks I indeed through here. one gewöhnt itself on everything.... too on the Dativ!

whom course in the Onlinehilfe have I of course angeschaut, it says me but not so To. eachone is a another Lerntyp. For this pleased me the cut offed "Einführung" very well: Grundlagenwissen with Syntax and Examples. is of course the "schwerere" lane, there it plenty to that reading gives, but sure right aufschlussreich. not the on reason of my first Beitrages the local entstünde, I be lesefaul o.ä.

there me the cut offed so well pleased, have I it "kurzerhand" to a Word File transformed. it was it little work, but now have I one nice 362 pages umfassendes Kompendium To XProfan.

because I do not knows, in How remote the Text the Onlinehilfe copyrightgeschützt is and here evtl. not posted go must / should, there these Information whom Käufern of XProfan vorbehalten his should, I will the document (for the time being) not Upload and whom Privatgebrauch use.

too should the no "Konkurrenz" To Dietmars Textbook his / go! One real Kursbuch to profane would really very desirable. unfortunately missing me as Greenhorn (yet) the fachliche background, circa my Mithilfe on the proposition schreibenderweise offer to.

i'm however in the IT Branche, can program (but even not yet Profan) and I already some Documentations and Schulungsunterlagen verfasst, so I me on this area still a little bit zutraue. therefore could I me at Lehrbuchprojekt a task as Korrekturleser and "Tester" very well present, sofern it in my temporal welt fit. so one book ought to Yes always too once without "Betriebsblindheit" viewing go, means: understand it too one kompletter laity? are The Examples praxisnah, einleuchtend etc.? is the material didaktisch well geordnet and aufgebaut? on this Things would I gladly participate.

so, I must first time again go!

To to that next time. same place, same Welle! *wink*
Nummer 982... oder so

Windows XP SP2, XProfan 11

The File keep for you, but write one Program which The File (everybody can pub indicate must) in even such one stature konvertiert. the at least would legally.

the would too same a good and sinnvolle Übung.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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