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| Âus one report over UFO-Sichtungen over Großbritannien ;)
Simple Explanations Militärexperten believe, that itself many allegedly UFO-Sichtungen with secret Testflügen of rockets or unbemannten Aufklärungsflugzeugen, so named Drohnen explain let. and a Polizist in Kent, the in the july 30 minutes long one bright erleuchtetes Objekt in the Nachthimmel watched, watts finally from the colleague in the Einsatzzentrale by Funkspruch with the Worten aufgeklärt: "Alpha Zulu 20. the Objekt is the moon!" abashed answered the official: "Ja, its the moon. Over." |
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| @ Thomas: there's so many Theorieren over the universe, there can itself a select.
in the doing becomes allgemeinhin said, that the universe constantly expandiert. but zugleich is space too only there, where volume is. means goes not forever so. and about UFO: i'm the view, that the experimentelle, but "menschliche" Technologie is, means nothing of because of small green male. its How this nice comparison, How we're in africa in a anthills herumstochern would. Why should itself others, intelligentere Lebensformen with us indicate, where we still so primitiv are and us grade time mutual umnieten can? |
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Gerhard Praher | good tommorrow !
@Hans: there must I you contradict. space isn't only there where matter is, separate too there where energy is. Stell the to everything circa us around would matter. instead of the we breathe could would we constantly against solid Stoffe bang. Interessanterweise - moreover there from the BBC a Documentation - is it so, that, apiece moreover itself the universe ausdehnt, the energy - So the what between whom Himmelskörpern is, increase. it'll not about less or dünner by the Expansion separate More. These energy, The beautiful slow too of More Wissenschaftskreisen acknowledged becomes, becomes free energy called, or Photonenenergie - there's several terms for. How I already mentioned are ca. 95% all UFO-Sichtungen objectively on menschliche Technologie zurückzuführen. moreover supra have I already declared How the then with the restlichen 5% looks. Why intelligente Lebensformen interest on the world having should, we're still primitiv are ? now - Gegenfrage: Why having we interest on the moon or on the mars, if it still there not time primitives separate quite no life To give shining ? in the first faith I, that the explorer- and Entdeckergeist not only whom Humans own is, separate all creature. one mind only How (as example) small kitten just as sometime begin your world To erkunden How babes. and the holds usually one Lebenlang on. its means vielfach curiosity. still there's too yet others Motivationen - Specifically in the Raumfahrt. an of it are minerals, Ressourcen The on the world either To incline weg or not existieren. and this aspect can naturally too for others raumfahrende Lebensformen zutreffen. One dritter reason is, that a such Lebensform Perhaps on one in the die begriffenen planets living and so a others seek around the population To evacuate. one considerate here, that even The NASA already plans for a such drop, would it on the world through weapons or others Katastrophen enter, elaborate has. If too the possible Zielplanet for us Humans not yet found watts. this is though too with one reason Why intense on possible Weltraumstationen gebastelt becomes. The ISS is sozusagen only a Versuchseinrichtung. but one must not believe, that in a such drop any Humans evacuated go. No, No. naturally only The "wirklich Wichtigen" (or The which for hold). China and japan to that example having konkrete plans Stationen on the moon To raise. this but mainly from commercial Found. because on the moon there Helium 3. here one Link To these Topic: [...] means Hans - How You sees, there's many Beweggründe Why irgendwer something does.
does me sorrow people - is a bisschen long become.
love Regards Gerhard |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 10/22/08 ▲ |
| Yes, that with the energy is correct ^^ now look it still time so: an intelligente civilization, How tappt im dunkeln too always looks likes, traveling many Lichtjahre by the All and finds our planets. The fact, that they the create shows already, that they intelligenter are as we. however are you etliche years here and go only through chance seen. as they materielle Reasons How Ressourcen hätten would tappt im dunkeln itself these simply take or us "fragen". nothing of both is the case. as they extinction would, then would tappt im dunkeln the world well first right take. otherwise bräuchten tappt im dunkeln your presence not vertuschen. now to that first. Forscherdrang would the realistischste, still its me unverständlich, Why tappt im dunkeln itself then not show. still would it any experienced and none it can discovery "für sich" claim.
objectively have I ditto of such plans heard, however sooner in direction "Säuberung". |
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Gerhard Praher | Hans beast
however are you etliche years here and go only through chance seen. as they materielle Reasons How Ressourcen hätten would tappt im dunkeln itself these simply take or us "fragen". nothing of both is the case....[...] ... otherwise bräuchten tappt im dunkeln your presence not vertuschen.
seen go tappt im dunkeln only then as they it self want - or. should one well rather say, that they only then recognized go. what the "einfach nehmen" anbelangt, so faith I, there it itself Yes in the angesprochenen drop circa a intelligentere Lebensform deal would as we there are, tappt im dunkeln over the Stadium the "Raubrittertums" out wären and not simply with the what tappt im dunkeln find scoot would. Zugegeben: there's belegte Cases where this objectively so the case was. this heard vaguely 1995 on. and the third, that they your presence vertuschen, is To say, that not SIE The presence vertuschen separate WIR. with WIR my I those informed Kreise How governments, Militärs, etc. If one itself these Vertuschungspolitik, The already over Jahrzehnte, unless yet longer, goes ansieht, then can I the only More as haarsträubend bezeichnen.
Gerhard |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 10/22/08 ▲ |
Gerhard Praher | Nachtrag:
here a very informatiive Website to the whole Themenkomplex: www.exopolitik.org |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 10/22/08 ▲ |
| joa, Verschwörungstheorie ^^ Well, it can naturally too intelligentere Lebensformen give, The not moreover are and z.B. in a manner Insektenstaat life. The Humans go indeed never over the Kapitalismus out come. and our governments / Konzerne cannot everything vertuschen. otherwise would we now not above talk. I faith neither, that they itself infinite well disguise can. Perhaps having tappt im dunkeln tarnfelder, but the leave behind Yes nevertheless Spuren. means Abwärme, Luftströmungen ect. |
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Gerhard Praher | No, the has nothing with Verschwörungstheorie To do. this is crept and ergreifend a fact. into last years, there give I you right, watts these Vertuschung something aufgeweicht. because increasingly, even hochrangige Politiker and Militärs, give To, that here very plenty vertuscht watts and becomes. here over again the Link - can I only recommend: www.exopolitik.org too what The Spuren, The tappt im dunkeln leave behind and have leave behind, anbelangt: such there - and not straight little. |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 10/22/08 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer |
still its me unverständlich, Why tappt im dunkeln itself then not show.
what mean Thou, what The Ameisen see, if someone in her bunch herumstochert. Perhaps walk Außerirdische already since Jahrtausenden here around and we take tappt im dunkeln none as such true. either, because tappt im dunkeln something are, what we none present can (can Ameisen itself creature present, The several Millonen time larger are as tappt im dunkeln yourself?) Perhaps are you but simply phasenverschoben and life here under us, in us, next to us. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/22/08 ▲ |
Gerhard Praher | Yes Jörg, there can I you only consent. I füge time a couple photos one The myself made have in order to show what there's, the we with freiem eye not see. such Images only with of/ one Digitalkamera possible.
P6190025: the Technikerbüro of my firm with 2 Lichtlinien, The spiralenförmig joined are (as Doppelhelix the DNA) P1010026: Fotografiert to my House with sunset - right one roter "Orb" P1190064: some wunderschöne "Orbs" in of my garage. explicit is the inside structure ("Blume the Lebens") To see.
the are now a couple Examples for what it so gives and us usually not visible is. Orbs are incidentally Energiekugeln or Energiescheiben - means pure energy and light.
I have me straight The Description of Orbs on Wikipedia respected - and had to courageous laugh. there is To reading: "die englischsprachige Bezeichnung for a Geisterfleck in Fotografien "
clicking one then on "Geisterfleck" comes following Statement: "Geisterflecke are diffus erscheinende, blazing, more or less kreisrunde Scheiben in fotografischen takes. in the englischsprachigen space go these Flecke often as Orbs marks and oftmals unzutreffend as paranormale Erscheinungen respected. it deals not circa a Abbildungsfehler the abbildenden Systems, separate often for a Unschärfen-Artefakt mostly with takes with Blitzlicht."
Tja, the first photo (P6190025) is with lightning made - the two others not.
greetings Gerhard |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 10/22/08 ▲ |
| @Gerhard crazy Images ! ...How said already Shakespeare: "Es gives More items between sky and world as our Schulweisheit itself dream lässt" |
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Gerhard Praher | The good old Shakespeare - How right it still has...
(Übrigens: If your yet More such photos see want, then can I gladly another couple post.) |
| Windows XP Pro, SP3 Jetzt: XProfan 11 Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit. | 10/22/08 ▲ |
Frank Abbing |
an intelligente civilization, How tappt im dunkeln too always looks likes, traveling many Lichtjahre by the All and finds our planets. The fact, that they the create shows already, that they intelligenter are as we.
No, tappt im dunkeln could z.B. too very langlebig or capable his, in a manner Winterstaare To overdue. under such Vorausetzungen hätten We also already to 50 years into space fly can. some Voyagerkapseln z.B. having inschwischen our Sonnensystem long ago leave and are today somewhere on the way in the weiten space. the was incidentally already Topic the first Startrek-Films. |
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