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ByteAttack | I had there time a suggestion. how'bout with of/ one Icon-groin so How former? I have time an example made. ( this is only one design in order to show How the whole looks ought to - only time to that testing HTML) [...] |
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| hey, very - wished me soeben wish the the shadow of TextBG stand remaining at Hooverbild. ^^ |
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ByteAttack | |
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Rolf Koch | Geile thing ^^ - I find Navi2 circa weiten rather, there it schicker in the Hovereffekt looks and something dezenter rüberkommt. Suppppi! |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Jo - Nr. 2 is very calm. Perhaps the green only slightly illuminate and not integrally white... |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 05/27/10 ▲ |
| sees already Real cool from: [...]
the Downloadsymbol should sooner blue as green his, too because the X-ball on the Mainpage moreover blue is.
the Newssymbol vlt. something small. ^^
One symbol "Programmierung" "fehlt", but you have "Sources" - really should only instead of "Sources" "Programmierung" back selbem symbol. *lalala* (To long?)
"Stammtisch" and "Tools" are this Variante reihenfolgevertauscht. ^^
even if the left Zuklappsymbol very chick is, so becomes these bar not klappbar his must if it to the Seitenstil goes, because no Space won would which itself with Content filling.
I had seither The "Idee" after a infinity bar which one too schubsen can means with discretionary many Icons How at a chain - The Icons should too "fliegen" How in a "Album" itself in Size and position ändernd.
the goes with JS too mitteleinfach produce - necessary wären to well single RGBA-PNG-Symbols without background with 48x48 Pixel.
Perhaps. simply times for "später" memories, these chicken Symbols too separiert To export.
These bar with sweetie-Cyan-farbenden background can itself against naturally explicit plainer umsetzen and becomes vlt. once The Base for then-"Kette". |
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ByteAttack |
I had seither The "Idee" after a infinity bar which one too schubsen can means with discretionary many Icons How at a chain - The Icons should too "fliegen" How in a "Album" itself in Size and position ändernd.
what about me have me already since longer consider, whether one not as an Symbolleiste can make, where itself eachone User quasi self its groin package can, so How it tappt im dunkeln needed, instead of there forever hither and thither To clicking... (only time so one train of thoughts) |
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| clear, but helps not - goes it too then around the Urauswahl. ^^ |
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ByteAttack |
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ByteAttack | |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Schade - now hovern tappt im dunkeln not any more I fänds rather, if all Icons To seehen are. is of course ne nice Spielerei but Space is Yes loosly sufficient present. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 05/30/10 ▲ |
ByteAttack | with the Difference, that these groin discretionary erweiterbar is, if necessary too 100 Icons. too must not absolutely only 5 Icons per Scroll his, it can also as far as I'm concerned 10 or 15 his... as well as itself the Style slight Change can. the Hoverzeugs can certainly yet somehow hinzupacken. |
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