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free energy


One freundliches Hello into round!
i know, I here in my XProfan-Forum be.
unfortunately is my Freundeskreis technical little interested and so I gladly at times you a inquire richten would like.
what about me Please for circa excuse, there it nothing - but too nothing with ours Programming-Language To do has.
has already time someone something of "Freier Energie" heard?
the should Spannungsernergie between sun and world his, which everywhere available is.
here time one Link of YouTube: [...] 
The "alte Tesla" should these story discover and patent announced having.
on the subesquent pages of YouTube are Examples displayed, which there
with simplest Mitteln lamps to that shine bring. so becomes it anyway viewed.
I have now, as handyman keen, etliche Examples nachgebaut.
unfortunately I had never success, no light separate only utterly dusk.
my question on you: has someone of it heard or even so experimen-tiert?
this is no vorgezogener Aprilscherz, separate the Interessengebiet of allegedly intelligenten Humans.
I Please over again circa excuse and would me over a earnest response very forward.
Regards of Heinz
XProfan 10
XProfan-Version 10+11
Betriebssystem Win7

Hello Heinz
have You you Schonmal subesquent Link [...] 
The Theorien to disengaged energy dive over ands over again on, are but
yet nirgends proved been. most "Experimente" are
with a little bit elektronischem know slight as Tricks To wiederlegen.
means nothing, over the it itself rewards, Thoughts make.

Hello, rquindt,
I thanks you very for your Posting. it supported me too in of my recent assumption. its means everything Feak.
but as handyman was is still The try worth. or was is only a remotely hope? alike, you have certainly right.
but Why, and who power so what and To whom object?
it give itself indeed Humans since, The not stupid are, circa Vorträge positiver manner To hold. too fat books come into being from this Anlass. well Yes,
who then on it earn is me now too clear.

OK, end the Träumerei - it would indeed To beautiful been.
means thanks and Regards of Heinz
XProfan 10
XProfan-Version 10+11
Betriebssystem Win7

Hello Heinz,

here in the "Stammtisch" are portions "Freie Energie" always gladly seen, we share here too through 0 (without Assembler!) and Chuck Norris has here only Gastberechtigungen!

I find, the concept ansich lead into Crazy. ^^

Einerseits suggeriert "Energie" capability, but with factor "frei"=0 or "frei"=∞.

without vacuum- and Nullpunktsfluktuation describe the concept "freie Energie" a Paradoxie (only not- wechselwirkende energy should "frei" his) "frei"=0, otherwise would this "Freisein" still capability with unbekanntem Time "frei"=∞.

capability with unbekanntem Time is To unhelpful (almost How "frei"=0) circa with verortbaren Potentialunterschied messbare effect To to achieve.

Perhaps becomes free energy too completely "unterbewertet",
Perhaps stünde without tappt im dunkeln already "alles" solid. ^^

with "frei" means the Heinz still sooner ...free for each...
XProfan X4
Xprofan X4
Rudolf Beske / München

Hardware: NB Intel I9 - 16GByte RAM

Yes, I had only attempts different Paradoxe To describe, The this Gedankenexperiment bring along could.

would be hold a question, whether it only from the Betrachtung (or of Viewer) depending, whether/ when "Energie" "frei" is.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Stephan Sonneborn03/21/22


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