GetAce determined address one Eintrags (ACE) in a Access-Control list (ACL) one SACLs or one DACLs. These function there only NT-based Windowssystemen. One ACE exists from: the ACE Header => - byte 0 = type the ACEs 0 = The ACE allows a grabbed (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE). counts for DACLs 1 = The ACE forbid a grabbed (ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE) counts for DACLs. 2 = The ACE veranlaßt the record erfolgreicher or fehlgeschlafener Zugriffe(SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE). counts for SACLs 3 = Currently not yet using (SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE_TYPE). - byte 1 = ACE ? Happen? for DACLs: $3 = The ACE watts of a Containerobjekt, z.B. one Ordner, übernommen (CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE). $8 = The ACE can of encompassed Objects übernommen go (INHERIT_ONLY_ACE). $4 = (NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE) $1 = The ACE watts of a not Containerobjekt, z.B. of/ one File, übernommen(OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE). for SACLs: $80 = Fehlgeschlagene Zugriffe go transcribed (FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG). $40 = Erfolgreiche Zugriffe go transcribed (SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG). - byte 2-3 = Size the ACEs in Bytes - byte 4-7 = Zugriffsrechte, d.h. allowing or forbidden Zugriffe: $1 = FILE_READ_DATA (allows Data from one File To reading) $2 = FILE_WRITE_DATA (allows data To Scheiben) $4 = FILE_APPEND_DATA (allows data anzuhängen) $8 = FILE_READ_EA (allows erweiterte Attibute To reading) $10 = FILE_WRITE_EA (allows erweiterte attributes To write) $20 = FILE_EXECUTE (allows a File to execute) $80 = FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES (reading the Fileattribute) $100 = FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES (Change the Fileattribute) $40000 = WRITE_DAC (Change the DACL Entries) $20000 = READ_CONTROL (reading the DACL Entries and owner) $100000 = SYNCHRONIZE (allows one FileHandle on one Complitition I/O To Waiting) $40 = File_Delete_CHILD (allows a Unterordner To delete - for Files no weight) $1000000 = ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY (allows whom Access to whom SACL) $80000 = WRITE_OWNER (proprietor Change) $10000 = _DELETE (File delete) - byte 8-.... = SID the Users or the group
DEF @GetAce(3) !ADVAPI32,GetAce
1.Parameter: address of/ one ACL structure or. Memory-Variable with the address of/ one ACL structure one DACLs or one SACLs. 2.Parameter: The index (position) the ACEs, which address one receive would like. 3.Parameter: 4 byte Memory-Variable, The The address the ACEs aufnimmt.
[keywords:a35a61fd79] DACL discretionary access-control list list ACL grabbed groups user User permit prohibit open reading write delete attributes read Access Zugriffe Zugriffsliste SACL system system Bytes spare occupied uses memory ACE to supervise record [/keywords:a35a61fd79]