GetSecurityDescriptorSACL determined a Zeiger on The Aufzeichnungsliste (SACL) one Objektes. These list gives on, of whom Usern and whom groups which Zugriffe transcribed go should. These function there only NT-based Windowssystemen. The Aufzeichnungsliste exists from: the ACL Header => byte 0 = 2 (review Level the ACL) byte 1: = 0 (to Anpassung on 16 bit) byte 2-3 = Size the ACL in Bytes byte 4-5 = Number of Eintrage (ACEs) in the ACL byte 6-7 = 0 (to Anpassung on 32 bit) thereafter follows a geordnete List the ACEs.
DEF @GetSecurityDescriptorSACL(4) !ADVAPI32,GetSecurityDescriptorSacl
1.Parameter: Memory-Variable with the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure, from the one whom SACL receive wants.
2.Parameter: 4 byte Memory-Variable, The a Flag aufnimmt, the angibt whether a SACL set watts. => - $1 = SACL is present and Parameter 3 and 4 include gültige values. - $0 = its no SACL present.
3.Parameter: 4 byte Memory-Variable, The The address the SACLs aufnimmt.
4.Parameter: 4 byte Memory-Variable, The a worth aufnimmt, the angibt whether the SACL by a Default machinery created watts. => - 0 = Yes - <>0 = No
Return Value:
1 with success, 0 with Error.
[keywords:1be3819fda] SACL system system access-control list list ACL grabbed groups user User permit prohibit open reading write delete attributes read Access Zugriffe Zugriffsliste to supervise record [/keywords:1be3819fda] |